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Reference Guide
Eve representation of TGLViewer.
The gl-viewer is owned by this class and is deleted in destructor.
The frame is not deleted, it is expected that the gl-viewer implementation will delete that. TGLSAViewer and TGEmbeddedViewer both do so. This could be an optional argument to SetGLViewer. A frame could be passed as well.
When stand-alone viewer is requested, it will come up with menu-hiding enabled by default. If you dislike this, add the following line to rootrc file (or set corresponding gEnv entry in application initialization):
Definition at line 30 of file TEveViewer.h.
Public Member Functions | |
TEveViewer (const char *n="TEveViewer", const char *t="") | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~TEveViewer () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual void | PreUndock () |
Virtual function called before a window is undocked. More... | |
virtual void | PostDock () |
Virtual function called after a window is docked. More... | |
TGLViewer * | GetGLViewer () const |
void | SetGLViewer (TGLViewer *viewer, TGFrame *frame) |
Set TGLViewer that is represented by this object. More... | |
TGLSAViewer * | SpawnGLViewer (TGedEditor *ged=0, Bool_t stereo=kFALSE, Bool_t quad_buf=kTRUE) |
Spawn new GLViewer and adopt it. More... | |
TGLEmbeddedViewer * | SpawnGLEmbeddedViewer (TGedEditor *ged=0, Int_t border=0) |
Spawn new GLViewer and adopt it. More... | |
void | Redraw (Bool_t resetCameras=kFALSE) |
Redraw viewer immediately. More... | |
void | SwitchStereo () |
Switch stereo mode. More... | |
virtual void | AddScene (TEveScene *scene) |
Add 'scene' to the list of scenes. More... | |
virtual void | RemoveElementLocal (TEveElement *el) |
Remove element 'el' from the list of children and also remove appropriate GLScene from GLViewer's list of scenes. More... | |
virtual void | RemoveElementsLocal () |
Remove all children, forwarded to GLViewer. More... | |
virtual TObject * | GetEditorObject (const TEveException &eh="TEveViewer::GetEditorObject ") const |
Object to be edited when this is selected, returns the TGLViewer. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | HandleElementPaste (TEveElement *el) |
Receive a pasted object. More... | |
virtual const TGPicture * | GetListTreeIcon (Bool_t open=kFALSE) |
Return TEveViewer icon. More... | |
ClassDef (TEveViewer, 0) | |
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TEveWindowFrame (TGFrame *frame, const char *n="TEveWindowFrame", const char *t="") | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~TEveWindowFrame () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual TGFrame * | GetGUIFrame () |
TGCompositeFrame * | GetGUICompositeFrame () |
Returns the registered top-frame of this eve-window dynamic-casted to composite-frame. More... | |
ClassDef (TEveWindowFrame, 0) | |
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TEveWindow (const char *n="TEveWindow", const char *t="") | |
virtual | ~TEveWindow () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual void | NameTitleChanged () |
Name or title of the window changed - propagate to frames. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | CanMakeNewSlots () const |
virtual TEveWindowSlot * | NewSlot () |
void | PopulateEmptyFrame (TEveCompositeFrame *ef) |
Populate given frame-slot - intended for initial population of a new slot or low-level window-swapping. More... | |
void | SwapWindow (TEveWindow *w) |
Swap frames with the given window. More... | |
void | SwapWindowWithCurrent () |
Swap frames with the current window. More... | |
void | UndockWindow () |
Undock the window - put it into a dedicated main-frame. More... | |
void | UndockWindowDestroySlot () |
Undock the window - put it into a dedicated main-frame. More... | |
void | ReplaceWindow (TEveWindow *w) |
Replace this window with the passed one. More... | |
virtual void | DestroyWindow () |
Destroy eve-window - replace it with an empty frame-slot. More... | |
virtual void | DestroyWindowAndSlot () |
Destroy eve-window and its frame-slot. More... | |
TEveCompositeFrame * | GetEveFrame () |
void | ClearEveFrame () |
Clears eve-frame associated with this window. More... | |
void | FlipShowTitleBar () |
Bool_t | GetShowTitleBar () const |
void | SetShowTitleBar (Bool_t x) |
Set display state of the title-bar. More... | |
Bool_t | IsCurrent () const |
Returns true if this window is the current one. More... | |
void | MakeCurrent () |
Make this window current. More... | |
Bool_t | IsAncestorOf (TEveWindow *win) |
Returns true if this is an ancestor of win. More... | |
void | TitleBarClicked () |
Slot for clicking on the title-bar. More... | |
ClassDef (TEveWindow, 0) | |
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TEveElementList (const char *n="TEveElementList", const char *t="", Bool_t doColor=kFALSE, Bool_t doTransparency=kFALSE) | |
Constructor. More... | |
TEveElementList (const TEveElementList &e) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~TEveElementList () |
virtual TObject * | GetObject (const TEveException &="TEveElementList::GetObject ") const |
Get a TObject associated with this render-element. More... | |
virtual TEveElementList * | CloneElement () const |
Clone the element via copy constructor. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetElementName () const |
Virtual function for retrieving name of the element. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetElementTitle () const |
Virtual function for retrieving title of the render-element. More... | |
virtual void | SetElementName (const char *name) |
Virtual function for setting of name of an element. More... | |
virtual void | SetElementTitle (const char *title) |
Virtual function for setting of title of an element. More... | |
virtual void | SetElementNameTitle (const char *name, const char *title) |
Virtual function for setting of name and title of render element. More... | |
TClass * | GetChildClass () const |
void | SetChildClass (TClass *c) |
virtual Bool_t | AcceptElement (TEveElement *el) |
Check if TEveElement el is inherited from fChildClass. More... | |
virtual TClass * | ProjectedClass (const TEveProjection *p) const |
Virtual from TEveProjectable, returns TEveCompoundProjected class. More... | |
ClassDef (TEveElementList, 0) | |
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TEveElement () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
TEveElement (Color_t &main_color) | |
Constructor. More... | |
TEveElement (const TEveElement &e) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~TEveElement () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual TEveElement * | CloneElementRecurse (Int_t level=0) const |
Clone elements and recurse 'level' deep over children. More... | |
virtual void | CloneChildrenRecurse (TEveElement *dest, Int_t level=0) const |
Clone children and attach them to the dest element. More... | |
virtual TString | GetHighlightTooltip () |
const TString & | GetVizTag () const |
void | SetVizTag (const TString &tag) |
TEveElement * | GetVizModel () const |
void | SetVizModel (TEveElement *model) |
Set visualization-parameter model element. More... | |
Bool_t | FindVizModel () |
Find model element in VizDB that corresponds to previously assigned fVizTag and set fVizModel accordingly. More... | |
Bool_t | ApplyVizTag (const TString &tag, const TString &fallback_tag="") |
Set the VizTag, find model-element from the VizDB and copy visualization-parameters from it. More... | |
virtual void | PropagateVizParamsToProjecteds () |
Propagate visualization parameters to dependent elements. More... | |
virtual void | PropagateVizParamsToElements (TEveElement *el=0) |
Propagate visualization parameters from element el (defaulting to this) to all elements (children). More... | |
virtual void | CopyVizParams (const TEveElement *el) |
Copy visualization parameters from element el. More... | |
virtual void | CopyVizParamsFromDB () |
Copy visualization parameters from the model-element fVizModel. More... | |
void | SaveVizParams (std::ostream &out, const TString &tag, const TString &var) |
Save visualization parameters for this element with given tag. More... | |
virtual void | WriteVizParams (std::ostream &out, const TString &var) |
Write-out visual parameters for this object. More... | |
TEveElement * | GetMaster () |
Returns the master element - that is: More... | |
TEveCompound * | GetCompound () |
void | SetCompound (TEveCompound *c) |
virtual void | AddParent (TEveElement *re) |
Add re into the list parents. More... | |
virtual void | RemoveParent (TEveElement *re) |
Remove re from the list of parents. More... | |
virtual void | CheckReferenceCount (const TEveException &eh="TEveElement::CheckReferenceCount ") |
Check external references to this and eventually auto-destruct the render-element. More... | |
virtual void | CollectSceneParents (List_t &scenes) |
Collect all parents of class TEveScene. More... | |
virtual void | CollectSceneParentsFromChildren (List_t &scenes, TEveElement *parent) |
Collect scene-parents from all children. More... | |
List_i | BeginParents () |
List_i | EndParents () |
List_ci | BeginParents () const |
List_ci | EndParents () const |
Int_t | NumParents () const |
Bool_t | HasParents () const |
const List_t & | RefChildren () const |
List_i | BeginChildren () |
List_i | EndChildren () |
List_ci | BeginChildren () const |
List_ci | EndChildren () const |
Int_t | NumChildren () const |
Bool_t | HasChildren () const |
Bool_t | HasChild (TEveElement *el) |
Check if element el is a child of this element. More... | |
TEveElement * | FindChild (const TString &name, const TClass *cls=0) |
Find the first child with given name. More... | |
TEveElement * | FindChild (TPRegexp ®exp, const TClass *cls=0) |
Find the first child whose name matches regexp. More... | |
Int_t | FindChildren (List_t &matches, const TString &name, const TClass *cls=0) |
Find all children with given name and append them to matches list. More... | |
Int_t | FindChildren (List_t &matches, TPRegexp ®exp, const TClass *cls=0) |
Find all children whose name matches regexp and append them to matches list. More... | |
TEveElement * | FirstChild () const |
Returns the first child element or 0 if the list is empty. More... | |
TEveElement * | LastChild () const |
Returns the last child element or 0 if the list is empty. More... | |
void | EnableListElements (Bool_t rnr_self=kTRUE, Bool_t rnr_children=kTRUE) |
Enable rendering of children and their list contents. More... | |
void | DisableListElements (Bool_t rnr_self=kFALSE, Bool_t rnr_children=kFALSE) |
Disable rendering of children and their list contents. More... | |
Bool_t | GetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt () const |
Returns state of flag determining if the element will be destroyed when reference count reaches zero. More... | |
void | SetDestroyOnZeroRefCnt (Bool_t d) |
Sets the state of flag determining if the element will be destroyed when reference count reaches zero. More... | |
Int_t | GetDenyDestroy () const |
Returns the number of times deny-destroy has been requested on the element. More... | |
void | IncDenyDestroy () |
Increases the deny-destroy count of the element. More... | |
void | DecDenyDestroy () |
Decreases the deny-destroy count of the element. More... | |
Int_t | GetParentIgnoreCnt () const |
Get number of parents that should be ignored in doing reference-counting. More... | |
void | IncParentIgnoreCnt () |
Increase number of parents ignored in reference-counting. More... | |
void | DecParentIgnoreCnt () |
Decrease number of parents ignored in reference-counting. More... | |
virtual void | PadPaint (Option_t *option) |
Paint self and/or children into currently active pad. More... | |
virtual void | PaintStandard (TObject *id) |
Paint object – a generic implementation for EVE elements. More... | |
virtual TObject * | GetRenderObject (const TEveException &eh) const |
virtual void | ExpandIntoListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent) |
Populates parent with elements. More... | |
virtual void | DestroyListSubTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent) |
Destroy sub-tree under item 'parent' in list-tree 'ltree'. More... | |
virtual TGListTreeItem * | AddIntoListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti) |
Add this element into ltree to an already existing item parent_lti. More... | |
virtual TGListTreeItem * | AddIntoListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TEveElement *parent) |
Add this render element into ltree to all items belonging to parent. More... | |
virtual TGListTreeItem * | AddIntoListTrees (TEveElement *parent) |
Add this render element into all list-trees and all items belonging to parent. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | RemoveFromListTree (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti) |
Remove element from list-tree 'ltree' where its parent item is 'parent_lti'. More... | |
virtual Int_t | RemoveFromListTrees (TEveElement *parent) |
Remove element from all list-trees where 'parent' is the user-data of the parent list-tree-item. More... | |
virtual sLTI_i | FindItem (TGListTree *ltree) |
Find any list-tree-item of this element in list-tree 'ltree'. More... | |
virtual sLTI_i | FindItem (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti) |
Find list-tree-item of this element with given parent list-tree-item. More... | |
virtual TGListTreeItem * | FindListTreeItem (TGListTree *ltree) |
Find any list-tree-item of this element in list-tree 'ltree'. More... | |
virtual TGListTreeItem * | FindListTreeItem (TGListTree *ltree, TGListTreeItem *parent_lti) |
Find list-tree-item of this element with given parent list-tree-item. More... | |
virtual Int_t | GetNItems () const |
void | SpawnEditor () |
Show GUI editor for this object. More... | |
virtual void | ExportToCINT (char *var_name) |
Export render-element to CINT with variable name var_name. More... | |
void | DumpSourceObject () const |
Call Dump() on source object. More... | |
void | PrintSourceObject () const |
Call Print() on source object. More... | |
void | ExportSourceObjectToCINT (char *var_name) const |
Export source object to CINT with given name for the variable. More... | |
virtual void | AddElement (TEveElement *el) |
Add el to the list of children. More... | |
virtual void | RemoveElement (TEveElement *el) |
Remove el from the list of children. More... | |
virtual void | RemoveElements () |
Remove all elements. More... | |
virtual void | AnnihilateElements () |
Annihilate elements. More... | |
virtual void | Annihilate () |
Optimized destruction without check of reference-count. More... | |
virtual void | ProjectChild (TEveElement *el, Bool_t same_depth=kTRUE) |
If this is a projectable, loop over all projected replicas and add the projected image of child 'el' there. More... | |
virtual void | ProjectAllChildren (Bool_t same_depth=kTRUE) |
If this is a projectable, loop over all projected replicas and add the projected image of all children there. More... | |
virtual void | Destroy () |
Destroy this element. More... | |
virtual void | DestroyOrWarn () |
Destroy this element. Prints a warning if deny-destroy is in force. More... | |
virtual void | DestroyElements () |
Destroy all children of this element. More... | |
virtual void | ElementChanged (Bool_t update_scenes=kTRUE, Bool_t redraw=kFALSE) |
Call this after an element has been changed so that the state can be propagated around the framework. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | CanEditElement () const |
virtual Bool_t | SingleRnrState () const |
virtual Bool_t | GetRnrSelf () const |
virtual Bool_t | GetRnrChildren () const |
virtual Bool_t | GetRnrState () const |
virtual Bool_t | GetRnrAnything () const |
virtual Bool_t | SetRnrSelf (Bool_t rnr) |
Set render state of this element, i.e. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | SetRnrChildren (Bool_t rnr) |
Set render state of this element's children, i.e. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | SetRnrSelfChildren (Bool_t rnr_self, Bool_t rnr_children) |
Set state for rendering of this element and its children. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | SetRnrState (Bool_t rnr) |
Set render state of this element and of its children to the same value. More... | |
virtual void | PropagateRnrStateToProjecteds () |
Propagate render state to the projected replicas of this element. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | CanEditMainColor () const |
void | SetEditMainColor (Bool_t x) |
Color_t * | GetMainColorPtr () const |
void | SetMainColorPtr (Color_t *color) |
virtual Bool_t | HasMainColor () const |
virtual Color_t | GetMainColor () const |
virtual void | SetMainColor (Color_t color) |
Set main color of the element. More... | |
void | SetMainColorPixel (Pixel_t pixel) |
Convert pixel to Color_t and call SetMainColor(). More... | |
void | SetMainColorRGB (UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b) |
Convert RGB values to Color_t and call SetMainColor. More... | |
void | SetMainColorRGB (Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b) |
Convert RGB values to Color_t and call SetMainColor. More... | |
virtual void | PropagateMainColorToProjecteds (Color_t color, Color_t old_color) |
Propagate color to projected elements. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | CanEditMainTransparency () const |
void | SetEditMainTransparency (Bool_t x) |
virtual Char_t | GetMainTransparency () const |
virtual void | SetMainTransparency (Char_t t) |
Set main-transparency. More... | |
void | SetMainAlpha (Float_t alpha) |
Set main-transparency via float alpha variable. More... | |
virtual void | PropagateMainTransparencyToProjecteds (Char_t t, Char_t old_t) |
Propagate transparency to projected elements. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | CanEditMainTrans () const |
virtual Bool_t | HasMainTrans () const |
virtual TEveTrans * | PtrMainTrans (Bool_t create=kTRUE) |
Return pointer to main transformation. More... | |
virtual TEveTrans & | RefMainTrans () |
Return reference to main transformation. More... | |
virtual void | InitMainTrans (Bool_t can_edit=kTRUE) |
Initialize the main transformation to identity matrix. More... | |
virtual void | DestroyMainTrans () |
Destroy the main transformation matrix, it will always be taken as identity. More... | |
virtual void | SetTransMatrix (Double_t *carr) |
Set transformation matrix from column-major array. More... | |
virtual void | SetTransMatrix (const TGeoMatrix &mat) |
Set transformation matrix from TGeo's matrix. More... | |
TRef & | GetSource () |
TObject * | GetSourceObject () const |
void | SetSourceObject (TObject *o) |
void * | GetUserData () const |
void | SetUserData (void *ud) |
Bool_t | IsPickable () const |
void | SetPickable (Bool_t p) |
void | SetPickableRecursively (Bool_t p) |
Set pickable state on the element and all its children. More... | |
virtual TEveElement * | ForwardSelection () |
Returns element to be selected on click. More... | |
virtual TEveElement * | ForwardEdit () |
Returns element to be displayed in GUI editor on click. More... | |
virtual void | SelectElement (Bool_t state) |
Set element's selection state. Stamp appropriately. More... | |
virtual void | IncImpliedSelected () |
Increase element's implied-selection count. Stamp appropriately. More... | |
virtual void | DecImpliedSelected () |
Decrease element's implied-selection count. Stamp appropriately. More... | |
virtual void | UnSelected () |
Virtual function called when both fSelected is false and fImpliedSelected is 0. More... | |
virtual void | HighlightElement (Bool_t state) |
Set element's highlight state. Stamp appropriately. More... | |
virtual void | IncImpliedHighlighted () |
Increase element's implied-highlight count. Stamp appropriately. More... | |
virtual void | DecImpliedHighlighted () |
Decrease element's implied-highlight count. Stamp appropriately. More... | |
virtual void | UnHighlighted () |
Virtual function called when both fHighlighted is false and fImpliedHighlighted is 0. More... | |
virtual void | FillImpliedSelectedSet (Set_t &impSelSet) |
Populate set impSelSet with derived / dependant elements. More... | |
virtual UChar_t | GetSelectedLevel () const |
Get selection level, needed for rendering selection and highlight feedback. More... | |
void | RecheckImpliedSelections () |
Call this if it is possible that implied-selection or highlight has changed for this element or for implied-selection this element is member of and you want to maintain consistent selection state. More... | |
void | SetCSCBits (UChar_t f) |
void | ResetCSCBits (UChar_t f) |
Bool_t | TestCSCBits (UChar_t f) const |
void | ResetAllCSCBits () |
void | CSCImplySelectAllChildren () |
void | CSCTakeAnyParentAsMaster () |
void | CSCApplyMainColorToAllChildren () |
void | CSCApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren () |
void | CSCApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren () |
void | CSCApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren () |
void | StampColorSelection () |
void | StampTransBBox () |
void | StampObjProps () |
void | StampVisibility () |
virtual void | AddStamp (UChar_t bits) |
Add (bitwise or) given stamps to fChangeBits. More... | |
virtual void | ClearStamps () |
UChar_t | GetChangeBits () const |
virtual const TGPicture * | GetListTreeCheckBoxIcon () |
Returns list-tree-item check-box picture appropriate for given rendering state. More... | |
void | VizDB_Apply (const char *tag) |
Set visual parameters for this object for given tag. More... | |
void | VizDB_Reapply () |
Reset visual parameters for this object from VizDB. More... | |
void | VizDB_UpdateModel (Bool_t update=kTRUE) |
Copy visual parameters from this element to viz-db model. More... | |
void | VizDB_Insert (const char *tag, Bool_t replace=kTRUE, Bool_t update=kTRUE) |
Create a replica of element and insert it into VizDB with given tag. More... | |
ClassDef (TEveElement, 0) | |
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TNamed () | |
TNamed (const char *name, const char *title) | |
TNamed (const TString &name, const TString &title) | |
TNamed (const TNamed &named) | |
TNamed & | operator= (const TNamed &rhs) |
TNamed assignment operator. More... | |
virtual | ~TNamed () |
virtual void | Clear (Option_t *option="") |
Set name and title to empty strings (""). More... | |
virtual TObject * | Clone (const char *newname="") const |
Make a clone of an object using the Streamer facility. More... | |
virtual Int_t | Compare (const TObject *obj) const |
Compare two TNamed objects. More... | |
virtual void | Copy (TObject &named) const |
Copy this to obj. More... | |
virtual void | FillBuffer (char *&buffer) |
Encode TNamed into output buffer. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetName () const |
Returns name of object. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetTitle () const |
Returns title of object. More... | |
virtual ULong_t | Hash () const |
Return hash value for this object. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | IsSortable () const |
virtual void | SetName (const char *name) |
Change (i.e. More... | |
virtual void | SetNameTitle (const char *name, const char *title) |
Change (i.e. set) all the TNamed parameters (name and title). More... | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const char *title="") |
Change (i.e. set) the title of the TNamed. More... | |
virtual void | ls (Option_t *option="") const |
List TNamed name and title. More... | |
virtual void | Print (Option_t *option="") const |
Print TNamed name and title. More... | |
virtual Int_t | Sizeof () const |
Return size of the TNamed part of the TObject. More... | |
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TObject () | |
TObject (const TObject &object) | |
TObject copy ctor. More... | |
TObject & | operator= (const TObject &rhs) |
TObject assignment operator. More... | |
virtual | ~TObject () |
TObject destructor. More... | |
virtual void | AppendPad (Option_t *option="") |
Append graphics object to current pad. More... | |
virtual void | Browse (TBrowser *b) |
Browse object. May be overridden for another default action. More... | |
virtual const char * | ClassName () const |
Returns name of class to which the object belongs. More... | |
virtual void | Delete (Option_t *option="") |
Delete this object. More... | |
virtual Int_t | DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py) |
Computes distance from point (px,py) to the object. More... | |
virtual void | Draw (Option_t *option="") |
Default Draw method for all objects. More... | |
virtual void | DrawClass () const |
Draw class inheritance tree of the class to which this object belongs. More... | |
virtual TObject * | DrawClone (Option_t *option="") const |
Draw a clone of this object in the current pad. More... | |
virtual void | Dump () const |
Dump contents of object on stdout. More... | |
virtual void | Execute (const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=0) |
Execute method on this object with the given parameter string, e.g. More... | |
virtual void | Execute (TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=0) |
Execute method on this object with parameters stored in the TObjArray. More... | |
virtual void | ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) |
Execute action corresponding to an event at (px,py). More... | |
virtual TObject * | FindObject (const char *name) const |
Must be redefined in derived classes. More... | |
virtual TObject * | FindObject (const TObject *obj) const |
Must be redefined in derived classes. More... | |
virtual Option_t * | GetDrawOption () const |
Get option used by the graphics system to draw this object. More... | |
virtual UInt_t | GetUniqueID () const |
Return the unique object id. More... | |
virtual const char * | GetIconName () const |
Returns mime type name of object. More... | |
virtual Option_t * | GetOption () const |
virtual char * | GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const |
Returns string containing info about the object at position (px,py). More... | |
virtual Bool_t | HandleTimer (TTimer *timer) |
Execute action in response of a timer timing out. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | InheritsFrom (const char *classname) const |
Returns kTRUE if object inherits from class "classname". More... | |
virtual Bool_t | InheritsFrom (const TClass *cl) const |
Returns kTRUE if object inherits from TClass cl. More... | |
virtual void | Inspect () const |
Dump contents of this object in a graphics canvas. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | IsFolder () const |
Returns kTRUE in case object contains browsable objects (like containers or lists of other objects). More... | |
virtual Bool_t | IsEqual (const TObject *obj) const |
Default equal comparison (objects are equal if they have the same address in memory). More... | |
Bool_t | IsOnHeap () const |
Bool_t | IsZombie () const |
virtual Bool_t | Notify () |
This method must be overridden to handle object notification. More... | |
virtual void | Paint (Option_t *option="") |
This method must be overridden if a class wants to paint itself. More... | |
virtual void | Pop () |
Pop on object drawn in a pad to the top of the display list. More... | |
virtual Int_t | Read (const char *name) |
Read contents of object with specified name from the current directory. More... | |
virtual void | RecursiveRemove (TObject *obj) |
Recursively remove this object from a list. More... | |
virtual void | SaveAs (const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const |
Save this object in the file specified by filename. More... | |
virtual void | SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="") |
Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out". More... | |
virtual void | SetDrawOption (Option_t *option="") |
Set drawing option for object. More... | |
virtual void | SetUniqueID (UInt_t uid) |
Set the unique object id. More... | |
virtual void | UseCurrentStyle () |
Set current style settings in this object This function is called when either TCanvas::UseCurrentStyle or TROOT::ForceStyle have been invoked. More... | |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) |
Write this object to the current directory. More... | |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const |
Write this object to the current directory. More... | |
void * | operator new (size_t sz) |
void * | operator new[] (size_t sz) |
void * | operator new (size_t sz, void *vp) |
void * | operator new[] (size_t sz, void *vp) |
void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
Operator delete. More... | |
void | operator delete[] (void *ptr) |
Operator delete []. More... | |
void | SetBit (UInt_t f, Bool_t set) |
Set or unset the user status bits as specified in f. More... | |
void | SetBit (UInt_t f) |
void | ResetBit (UInt_t f) |
Bool_t | TestBit (UInt_t f) const |
Int_t | TestBits (UInt_t f) const |
void | InvertBit (UInt_t f) |
virtual void | Info (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
Issue info message. More... | |
virtual void | Warning (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
Issue warning message. More... | |
virtual void | Error (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
Issue error message. More... | |
virtual void | SysError (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
Issue system error message. More... | |
virtual void | Fatal (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
Issue fatal error message. More... | |
void | AbstractMethod (const char *method) const |
Use this method to implement an "abstract" method that you don't want to leave purely abstract. More... | |
void | MayNotUse (const char *method) const |
Use this method to signal that a method (defined in a base class) may not be called in a derived class (in principle against good design since a child class should not provide less functionality than its parent, however, sometimes it is necessary). More... | |
void | Obsolete (const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const |
Use this method to declare a method obsolete. More... | |
![]() | |
TEveProjectable () | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~TEveProjectable () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual Bool_t | HasProjecteds () const |
ProjList_i | BeginProjecteds () |
ProjList_i | EndProjecteds () |
virtual void | AddProjected (TEveProjected *p) |
virtual void | RemoveProjected (TEveProjected *p) |
virtual void | AnnihilateProjecteds () |
Optimized destroy of projected elements with condition there is only one parent for projected element. More... | |
virtual void | ClearProjectedList () |
virtual void | AddProjectedsToSet (std::set< TEveElement * > &set) |
Add the projected elements to the set, dyn-casting them to TEveElement. More... | |
virtual void | PropagateVizParams (TEveElement *el=0) |
Set visualization parameters of projecteds. More... | |
virtual void | PropagateRenderState (Bool_t rnr_self, Bool_t rnr_children) |
Set render state of projecteds. More... | |
virtual void | PropagateMainColor (Color_t color, Color_t old_color) |
Set main color of projecteds if their color is the same as old_color. More... | |
virtual void | PropagateMainTransparency (Char_t t, Char_t old_t) |
Set main transparency of projecteds if their transparency is the same as the old one. More... | |
ClassDef (TEveProjectable, 0) | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static void | InitInternal () |
Initialize static data-members according to running conditions. More... | |
![]() | |
static const char * | ToString (Bool_t b) |
Convert Bool_t to string - kTRUE or kFALSE. More... | |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static Bool_t | fgInitInternal = kFALSE |
static Bool_t | fgRecreateGlOnDockOps = kFALSE |
![]() | |
static UInt_t | fgMainFrameDefWidth = 640 |
static UInt_t | fgMainFrameDefHeight = 480 |
static Pixel_t | fgCurrentBackgroundColor = 0x80A0C0 |
static Pixel_t | fgMiniBarBackgroundColor = 0x80C0A0 |
Private Member Functions | |
TEveViewer (const TEveViewer &) | |
TEveViewer & | operator= (const TEveViewer &) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
enum | EChangeBits { kCBColorSelection = BIT(0), kCBTransBBox = BIT(1), kCBObjProps = BIT(2), kCBVisibility = BIT(3) } |
typedef std::set< TEveListTreeInfo > | sLTI_t |
typedef sLTI_t::iterator | sLTI_i |
typedef sLTI_t::reverse_iterator | sLTI_ri |
typedef std::list< TEveElement * > | List_t |
typedef List_t::iterator | List_i |
typedef List_t::const_iterator | List_ci |
typedef std::set< TEveElement * > | Set_t |
typedef Set_t::iterator | Set_i |
typedef Set_t::const_iterator | Set_ci |
typedef void(TEveElement::* | Select_foo) (Bool_t) |
typedef void(TEveElement::* | ImplySelect_foo) () |
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enum | EStatusBits { kCanDelete = BIT(0), kMustCleanup = BIT(3), kObjInCanvas = BIT(3), kIsReferenced = BIT(4), kHasUUID = BIT(5), kCannotPick = BIT(6), kNoContextMenu = BIT(8), kInvalidObject = BIT(13) } |
enum | { kIsOnHeap = 0x01000000, kNotDeleted = 0x02000000, kZombie = 0x04000000, kBitMask = 0x00ffffff } |
enum | { kSingleKey = BIT(0), kOverwrite = BIT(1), kWriteDelete = BIT(2) } |
![]() | |
typedef std::list< TEveProjected * > | ProjList_t |
typedef std::list< TEveProjected * >::iterator | ProjList_i |
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static TEveWindowSlot * | CreateDefaultWindowSlot () |
Create a default window slot. More... | |
static TEveWindowSlot * | CreateWindowMainFrame (TEveWindow *eve_parent=0) |
Create a new main-frame and populate it with a default window-slot. More... | |
static TEveWindowSlot * | CreateWindowInTab (TGTab *tab, TEveWindow *eve_parent=0) |
Create a new tab in a given tab-widget and populate it with a default window-slot. More... | |
static void | SwapWindows (TEveWindow *w1, TEveWindow *w2) |
Swap windows w1 and w2. More... | |
static UInt_t | GetMainFrameDefWidth () |
Get default width for new main-frame windows. Static. More... | |
static UInt_t | GetMainFrameDefHeight () |
Get default height for new main-frame windows. Static. More... | |
static void | SetMainFrameDefWidth (UInt_t x) |
Set default width for new main-frame windows. Static. More... | |
static void | SetMainFrameDefHeight (UInt_t x) |
Set default height for new main-frame windows. Static. More... | |
static Pixel_t | GetCurrentBackgroundColor () |
Get background-color for marking the title-bar of current window. Static. More... | |
static Pixel_t | GetMiniBarBackgroundColor () |
Get background-color for mini-bar (collapsed title-bar). Static. More... | |
static void | SetCurrentBackgroundColor (Pixel_t p) |
Set background-color for marking the title-bar of current window. Static. More... | |
static void | SetMiniBarBackgroundColor (Pixel_t p) |
Set background-color for mini-bar (collapsed title-bar). Static. More... | |
![]() | |
static Long_t | GetDtorOnly () |
Return destructor only flag. More... | |
static void | SetDtorOnly (void *obj) |
Set destructor only flag. More... | |
static Bool_t | GetObjectStat () |
Get status of object stat flag. More... | |
static void | SetObjectStat (Bool_t stat) |
Turn on/off tracking of objects in the TObjectTable. More... | |
![]() | |
static const TGPicture * | fgRnrIcons [4] = { 0 } |
static const TGPicture * | fgListTreeIcons [9] = { 0 } |
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enum | ECompoundSelectionColorBits { kCSCBImplySelectAllChildren = BIT(0), kCSCBTakeAnyParentAsMaster = BIT(1), kCSCBApplyMainColorToAllChildren = BIT(2), kCSCBApplyMainColorToMatchingChildren = BIT(3), kCSCBApplyMainTransparencyToAllChildren = BIT(4), kCSCBApplyMainTransparencyToMatchingChildren = BIT(5) } |
enum | EDestruct { kNone, kStandard, kAnnihilate } |
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virtual void | SetCurrent (Bool_t curr) |
Set current state of this eve-window. More... | |
virtual void | PreDeleteElement () |
Called before the element is deleted, thus offering the last chance to detach from acquired resources and from the framework itself. More... | |
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virtual void | RemoveElementsInternal () |
Remove all elements. More... | |
virtual void | AnnihilateRecursively () |
Protected member function called from TEveElement::Annihilate(). More... | |
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void | MakeZombie () |
virtual void | DoError (int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const |
Interface to ErrorHandler (protected). More... | |
#include <TEveViewer.h>
private |
TEveViewer::TEveViewer | ( | const char * | n = "TEveViewer" , |
const char * | t = "" |
) |
The base-class TEveWindowFrame is constructed without a frame so a default composite-frame is instantiated and stored in fGUIFrame. Cleanup is set to no-cleanup as viewers need to be zapped with some more care.
Definition at line 62 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
virtual |
Definition at line 79 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
Add 'scene' to the list of scenes.
Definition at line 261 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
Referenced by HandleElementPaste(), and TEveManager::TEveManager().
TEveViewer::ClassDef | ( | TEveViewer | , |
0 | |||
) |
virtual |
Object to be edited when this is selected, returns the TGLViewer.
Virtual from TEveElement.
Reimplemented from TEveElement.
Definition at line 297 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 51 of file TEveViewer.h.
Referenced by TEveManager::GetDefaultGLViewer().
Return TEveViewer icon.
Reimplemented from TEveElement.
Definition at line 134 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
virtual |
Receive a pasted object.
TEveViewer only accepts objects of class TEveScene. Virtual from TEveElement.
Reimplemented from TEveElement.
Definition at line 309 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
staticprotected |
Initialize static data-members according to running conditions.
Definition at line 92 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
Referenced by TEveViewer().
private |
virtual |
Virtual function called after a window is docked.
On mac we have to force recreation of gl-context.
Reimplemented from TEveWindow.
Definition at line 123 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
virtual |
Virtual function called before a window is undocked.
On mac we have to force recreation of gl-context.
Reimplemented from TEveWindow.
Definition at line 105 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
Referenced by SpawnGLEmbeddedViewer(), and SpawnGLViewer().
Redraw viewer immediately.
Definition at line 222 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
virtual |
Remove element 'el' from the list of children and also remove appropriate GLScene from GLViewer's list of scenes.
Virtual from TEveElement.
Reimplemented from TEveElement.
Definition at line 279 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
virtual |
Remove all children, forwarded to GLViewer.
Virtual from TEveElement.
Reimplemented from TEveElement.
Definition at line 288 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
Set TGLViewer that is represented by this object.
The old gl-viewer is deleted.
Definition at line 143 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
Referenced by SpawnGLEmbeddedViewer(), and SpawnGLViewer().
TGLEmbeddedViewer * TEveViewer::SpawnGLEmbeddedViewer | ( | TGedEditor * | ged = 0 , |
Int_t | border = 0 |
) |
Spawn new GLViewer and adopt it.
Definition at line 200 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
TGLSAViewer * TEveViewer::SpawnGLViewer | ( | TGedEditor * | ged = 0 , |
Bool_t | stereo = kFALSE , |
Bool_t | quad_buf = kTRUE |
) |
Spawn new GLViewer and adopt it.
Definition at line 155 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
Referenced by TEveManager::SpawnNewViewer().
void TEveViewer::SwitchStereo | ( | ) |
Switch stereo mode.
This only works TGLSAViewers and, of course, with stereo support provided by the OpenGL driver.
Definition at line 233 of file TEveViewer.cxx.
Definition at line 40 of file TEveViewer.h.
Referenced by InitInternal(), and TEveViewer().
protected |
Definition at line 37 of file TEveViewer.h.
Referenced by AddScene(), GetEditorObject(), GetGLViewer(), PostDock(), PreUndock(), Redraw(), RemoveElementLocal(), RemoveElementsLocal(), SetGLViewer(), SwitchStereo(), and ~TEveViewer().
protected |
Definition at line 38 of file TEveViewer.h.
Referenced by SetGLViewer(), SpawnGLEmbeddedViewer(), and ~TEveViewer().
Definition at line 41 of file TEveViewer.h.
Referenced by InitInternal(), PostDock(), and PreUndock().