ROOT  6.07/01
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ROOT::Math::WrappedMemFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr > Class Template Reference

template<typename FuncObj, typename MemFuncPtr>
class ROOT::Math::WrappedMemFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr >

Template class to wrap any member function of a class taking a double and returning a double in a 1D function interface For example, if you have a class like: struct X { double Eval(double x); }; you can wrapped in the following way: WrappedMemFunction<X, double ( X::* ) (double) > f;.

Definition at line 108 of file WrappedFunction.h.

Public Member Functions

 WrappedMemFunction (FuncObj &obj, MemFuncPtr memFn)
 construct from the pointer to the object and the member function More...
WrappedMemFunctionClone () const
 clone (required by the interface) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim
 IBaseFunctionOneDim ()
virtual ~IBaseFunctionOneDim ()
 virtual destructor More...
double operator() (double x) const
 Evaluate the function at a point x Use the a pure virtual private method DoEval which must be implemented by sub-classes. More...
double operator() (const double *x) const
 Evaluate the function at a point x[]. More...

Private Member Functions

virtual double DoEval (double x) const
 implementation of the evaluation function. Must be implemented by derived classes More...

Private Attributes

FuncObj * fObj
MemFuncPtr fMemFunc

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim
typedef IBaseFunctionOneDim BaseFunc

#include <Math/WrappedFunction.h>

Inheritance diagram for ROOT::Math::WrappedMemFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr >:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename FuncObj, typename MemFuncPtr>
ROOT::Math::WrappedMemFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr >::WrappedMemFunction ( FuncObj &  obj,
MemFuncPtr  memFn 

construct from the pointer to the object and the member function

Definition at line 116 of file WrappedFunction.h.

Referenced by ROOT::Math::WrappedMemFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr >::Clone().

Member Function Documentation

template<typename FuncObj, typename MemFuncPtr>
WrappedMemFunction* ROOT::Math::WrappedMemFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr >::Clone ( ) const

clone (required by the interface)

Implements ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim.

Definition at line 124 of file WrappedFunction.h.

template<typename FuncObj, typename MemFuncPtr>
virtual double ROOT::Math::WrappedMemFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr >::DoEval ( double  x) const

implementation of the evaluation function. Must be implemented by derived classes

Implements ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim.

Definition at line 131 of file WrappedFunction.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename FuncObj, typename MemFuncPtr>
MemFuncPtr ROOT::Math::WrappedMemFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr >::fMemFunc
template<typename FuncObj, typename MemFuncPtr>
FuncObj* ROOT::Math::WrappedMemFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr >::fObj
Collaboration diagram for ROOT::Math::WrappedMemFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr >:

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