12 #ifndef ROOT_TStructViewer
13 #define ROOT_TStructViewer
TStructViewer(void *ptr=NULL, const char *clname=NULL)
Default constructor. An argument "ptr" is a main pointer of type "clname", which should be shown in t...
void Prepare()
Create top node and find all member nodes.
TExMap GetLevelMembersCount() const
Returns TExMap with pairs <level number, number of objects>
ClassDef(TStructViewer, 0)
void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw object if there is valid pointer.
TGMainFrame * GetFrame()
Returns pointer to main window.
void SetLinksVisibility(Bool_t val)
ISets links visibility.
void AddNode(TStructNode *node, ULong_t size)
Find list with nodes on specified level and add node to this list and increment list of sizes and lis...
void SetColor(TString name, Int_t color)
Sets color for the class "name" to color "color".
void Reset()
Deleting nodes, maps and array.
Destructor. Clean all object after closing the viewer.
TExMap fLevelMembersCount
Bool_t GetLinksVisibility() const
Get visibility of links between objects.
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
TExMap GetLevelSize() const
Returns TExMap with pairs <level number, size of level in bytes>
The color creation and management class.
Mother of all ROOT objects.
void CountMembers(TClass *cl, TStructNode *parent, void *pointer)
Count allocated memory, increase member counters, find child nodes.
void SetPointer(void *ptr, const char *clname=NULL)
Set main pointer of class "clname".
TCanvas * GetCanvas()
Returns canvas used to keep TGeoVolumes.
void * GetPointer() const
Return main pointer.
TColor GetColor(const char *typeName)
Returns color associated with type "typeName".
This class stores a (key,value) pair using an external hash.