virtual ~TLDAPEntry()
Deletes all the attributes of the entry.
TLDAPEntry & operator=(const TLDAPEntry &)
Equal operator.
void DeleteAttribute(const char *name)
Delete attribute by name.
void AddAttribute(const TLDAPAttribute &attr)
Add an attribute to the entry.
Bool_t IsReferral() const
Check if entry is referal.
TList * GetReferrals() const
Get the TList of referrals.
TLDAPEntry(const char *dn)
const char * GetDn() const
LDAPMod ** GetMods(Int_t op)
Get array of "LDAPMod" structures for entry.
TLDAPAttribute * GetAttribute() const
Get next attribute of the entry.
void SetDn(const char *dn)
void Print(Option_t *="") const
Print entry in LDIF format.