4 #ifndef ROOT_TFoamMaxwt
5 #define ROOT_TFoamMaxwt
TFoamMaxwt & operator=(const TFoamMaxwt &)
substitution =
void GetMCeff(Double_t, Double_t &, Double_t &)
Calculates Efficiency= aveWt/wtLim for a given tolerance level epsilon<<1 using information stored in...
void Reset()
Reseting weight analysis.
void Make(Double_t, Double_t &)
Calculates Efficiency= aveWt/wtLim for a given tolerance level epsilon<<1 To be called at the end of ...
1-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
Constructor for streamer.
virtual ~TFoamMaxwt()
Mother of all ROOT objects.
void Fill(Double_t)
Filling analyzed weight.