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1 // @(#)root/fft:$Id$
2 // Author: Anna Kreshuk 07/4/2006
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2006, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13 //
14 // TFFTRealComplex
15 //
16 // One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly
17 // or via the TVirtualFFT class. Only the basic interface of FFTW is implemented.
18 //
19 // Computes a real input/complex output discrete Fourier transform in 1 or more
20 // dimensions. However, only out-of-place transforms are now supported for transforms
21 // in more than 1 dimension. For detailed information about the computed transforms,
22 // please refer to the FFTW manual
23 //
24 // How to use it:
25 // 1) Create an instance of TFFTRealComplex - this will allocate input and output
26 // arrays (unless an in-place transform is specified)
27 // 2) Run the Init() function with the desired flags and settings (see function
28 // comments for possible kind parameters)
29 // 3) Set the data (via SetPoints()or SetPoint() functions)
30 // 4) Run the Transform() function
31 // 5) Get the output (via GetPoints() or GetPoint() functions)
32 // 6) Repeat steps 3)-5) as needed
33 // For a transform of the same size, but with different flags,
34 // rerun the Init() function and continue with steps 3)-5)
35 //
36 // NOTE: 1) running Init() function will overwrite the input array! Don't set any data
37 // before running the Init() function
38 // 2) FFTW computes unnormalized transform, so doing a transform followed by
39 // its inverse will lead to the original array scaled by the transform size
40 //
41 //
42 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
44 #include "TFFTRealComplex.h"
45 #include "fftw3.h"
46 #include "TComplex.h"
51 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
52 ///default
55 {
56  fIn = 0;
57  fOut = 0;
58  fPlan = 0;
59  fN = 0;
60  fFlags = 0;
61  fNdim = 0;
62  fTotalSize = 0;
63 }
65 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
66 ///For 1d transforms
67 ///Allocates memory for the input array, and, if inPlace = kFALSE, for the output array
70 {
72  if (!inPlace){
73  fIn = fftw_malloc(sizeof(Double_t)*n);
74  fOut = fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex)*(n/2+1));
75  } else {
76  fIn = fftw_malloc(sizeof(Double_t)*(2*(n/2+1)));
77  fOut = 0;
78  }
79  fN = new Int_t[1];
80  fN[0] = n;
81  fTotalSize = n;
82  fNdim = 1;
83  fPlan = 0;
84  fFlags = 0;
85 }
87 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
88 ///For ndim-dimensional transforms
89 ///Second argurment contains sizes of the transform in each dimension
92 {
93  if (ndim>1 && inPlace==kTRUE){
94  Error("TFFTRealComplex", "multidimensional in-place r2c transforms are not implemented yet");
95  return;
96  }
97  fNdim = ndim;
98  fTotalSize = 1;
99  fN = new Int_t[fNdim];
100  for (Int_t i=0; i<fNdim; i++){
101  fN[i] = n[i];
102  fTotalSize*=n[i];
103  }
104  Int_t sizeout = Int_t(Double_t(fTotalSize)*(n[ndim-1]/2+1)/n[ndim-1]);
105  if (!inPlace){
106  fIn = fftw_malloc(sizeof(Double_t)*fTotalSize);
107  fOut = fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex)*sizeout);
108  } else {
109  fIn = fftw_malloc(sizeof(Double_t)*(2*sizeout));
110  fOut = 0;
111  }
112  fPlan = 0;
113  fFlags = 0;
114 }
116 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117 ///Destroys the data arrays and the plan. However, some plan information stays around
118 ///until the root session is over, and is reused if other plans of the same size are
119 ///created
122 {
123  fftw_destroy_plan((fftw_plan)fPlan);
124  fPlan = 0;
125  fftw_free(fIn);
126  fIn = 0;
127  if (fOut)
128  fftw_free((fftw_complex*)fOut);
129  fOut = 0;
130  if (fN)
131  delete [] fN;
132  fN = 0;
133 }
135 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
136 ///Creates the fftw-plan
137 ///
138 ///NOTE: input and output arrays are overwritten during initialisation,
139 /// so don't set any points, before running this function!!!!!
140 ///
141 ///Arguments sign and kind are dummy and not need to be specified
142 ///Possible flag_options:
143 ///"ES" (from "estimate") - no time in preparing the transform, but probably sub-optimal
144 /// performanc
145 ///"M" (from "measure") - some time spend in finding the optimal way to do the transform
146 ///"P" (from "patient") - more time spend in finding the optimal way to do the transform
147 ///"EX" (from "exhaustive") - the most optimal way is found
148 ///This option should be chosen depending on how many transforms of the same size and
149 ///type are going to be done. Planning is only done once, for the first transform of this
150 ///size and type.
152 void TFFTRealComplex::Init(Option_t *flags,Int_t /*sign*/, const Int_t* /*kind*/)
153 {
154  fFlags = flags;
156  if (fPlan)
157  fftw_destroy_plan((fftw_plan)fPlan);
158  fPlan = 0;
160  if (fOut)
161  fPlan = (void*)fftw_plan_dft_r2c(fNdim, fN, (Double_t*)fIn, (fftw_complex*)fOut,MapFlag(flags));
162  else
163  fPlan = (void*)fftw_plan_dft_r2c(fNdim, fN, (Double_t*)fIn, (fftw_complex*)fIn, MapFlag(flags));
164 }
166 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
167 ///Computes the transform, specified in Init() function
170 {
172  if (fPlan){
173  fftw_execute((fftw_plan)fPlan);
174  }
175  else {
176  Error("Transform", "transform hasn't been initialised");
177  return;
178  }
179 }
181 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
182 ///Fills the array data with the computed transform.
183 ///Only (roughly) a half of the transform is copied (exactly the output of FFTW),
184 ///the rest being Hermitian symmetric with the first half
186 void TFFTRealComplex::GetPoints(Double_t *data, Bool_t fromInput) const
187 {
188  if (fromInput){
189  for (Int_t i=0; i<fTotalSize; i++)
190  data[i] = ((Double_t*)fIn)[i];
191  } else {
192  Int_t realN = 2*Int_t(Double_t(fTotalSize)*(fN[fNdim-1]/2+1)/fN[fNdim-1]);
193  if (fOut){
194  for (Int_t i=0; i<realN; i+=2){
195  data[i] = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[i/2][0];
196  data[i+1] = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[i/2][1];
197  }
198  }
199  else {
200  for (Int_t i=0; i<realN; i++)
201  data[i] = ((Double_t*)fIn)[i];
202  }
203  }
204 }
206 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
207 ///Returns the real part of the point #ipoint from the output or the point #ipoint
208 ///from the input
211 {
212  if (fOut && !fromInput){
213  Warning("GetPointReal", "Output is complex. Only real part returned");
214  return ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ipoint][0];
215  }
216  else
217  return ((Double_t*)fIn)[ipoint];
218 }
220 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
221 ///Returns the real part of the point #ipoint from the output or the point #ipoint
222 ///from the input
224 Double_t TFFTRealComplex::GetPointReal(const Int_t *ipoint, Bool_t fromInput) const
225 {
226  Int_t ireal = ipoint[0];
227  for (Int_t i=0; i<fNdim-1; i++)
228  ireal=fN[i+1]*ireal + ipoint[i+1];
230  if (fOut && !fromInput){
231  Warning("GetPointReal", "Output is complex. Only real part returned");
232  return ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ireal][0];
233  }
234  else
235  return ((Double_t*)fIn)[ireal];
236 }
239 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
240 ///Returns the point #ipoint.
241 ///For 1d, if ipoint > fN/2+1 (the point is in the Hermitian symmetric part), it is still
242 ///returned. For >1d, only the first (roughly)half of points can be returned
243 ///For 2d, see function GetPointComplex(Int_t *ipoint,...)
245 void TFFTRealComplex::GetPointComplex(Int_t ipoint, Double_t &re, Double_t &im, Bool_t fromInput) const
246 {
247  if (fromInput){
248  re = ((Double_t*)fIn)[ipoint];
249  } else {
250  if (fNdim==1){
251  if (fOut){
252  if (ipoint<fN[0]/2+1){
253  re = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ipoint][0];
254  im = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ipoint][1];
255  } else {
256  re = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[fN[0]-ipoint][0];
257  im = -((fftw_complex*)fOut)[fN[0]-ipoint][1];
258  }
259  } else {
260  if (ipoint<fN[0]/2+1){
261  re = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*ipoint];
262  im = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*ipoint+1];
263  } else {
264  re = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*(fN[0]-ipoint)];
265  im = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*(fN[0]-ipoint)+1];
266  }
267  }
268  }
269  else {
270  Int_t realN = 2*Int_t(Double_t(fTotalSize)*(fN[fNdim-1]/2+1)/fN[fNdim-1]);
271  if (ipoint>realN/2){
272  Error("GetPointComplex", "Illegal index value");
273  return;
274  }
275  if (fOut){
276  re = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ipoint][0];
277  im = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ipoint][1];
278  } else {
279  re = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*ipoint];
280  im = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*ipoint+1];
281  }
282  }
283  }
284 }
285 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
286 ///For multidimensional transforms. Returns the point #ipoint.
287 ///In case of transforms of more than 2 dimensions,
288 ///only points from the first (roughly)half are returned, the rest being Hermitian symmetric
290 void TFFTRealComplex::GetPointComplex(const Int_t *ipoint, Double_t &re, Double_t &im, Bool_t fromInput) const
291 {
293  Int_t ireal = ipoint[0];
294  for (Int_t i=0; i<fNdim-2; i++)
295  ireal=fN[i+1]*ireal + ipoint[i+1];
296  //special treatment of the last dimension
297  ireal = (fN[fNdim-1]/2+1)*ireal + ipoint[fNdim-1];
299  if (fromInput){
300  re = ((Double_t*)fIn)[ireal];
301  return;
302  }
303  if (fNdim==1){
304  if (fOut){
305  if (ipoint[0] <fN[0]/2+1){
306  re = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ipoint[0]][0];
307  im = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ipoint[0]][1];
308  } else {
309  re = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[fN[0]-ipoint[0]][0];
310  im = -((fftw_complex*)fOut)[fN[0]-ipoint[0]][1];
311  }
312  } else {
313  if (ireal <fN[0]/2+1){
314  re = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*ipoint[0]];
315  im = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*ipoint[0]+1];
316  } else {
317  re = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*(fN[0]-ipoint[0])];
318  im = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*(fN[0]-ipoint[0])+1];
319  }
320  }
321  }
322  else if (fNdim==2){
323  if (fOut){
324  if (ipoint[1]<fN[1]/2+1){
325  re = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ipoint[1]+(fN[1]/2+1)*ipoint[0]][0];
326  im = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ipoint[1]+(fN[1]/2+1)*ipoint[0]][1];
327  } else {
328  if (ipoint[0]==0){
329  re = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[fN[1]-ipoint[1]][0];
330  im = -((fftw_complex*)fOut)[fN[1]-ipoint[1]][1];
331  } else {
332  re = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[(fN[1]-ipoint[1])+(fN[1]/2+1)*(fN[0]-ipoint[0])][0];
333  im = -((fftw_complex*)fOut)[(fN[1]-ipoint[1])+(fN[1]/2+1)*(fN[0]-ipoint[0])][1];
334  }
335  }
336  } else {
337  if (ipoint[1]<fN[1]/2+1){
338  re = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*(ipoint[1]+(fN[1]/2+1)*ipoint[0])];
339  im = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*(ipoint[1]+(fN[1]/2+1)*ipoint[0])+1];
340  } else {
341  if (ipoint[0]==0){
342  re = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*(fN[1]-ipoint[1])];
343  im = -((Double_t*)fIn)[2*(fN[1]-ipoint[1])+1];
344  } else {
345  re = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*((fN[1]-ipoint[1])+(fN[1]/2+1)*(fN[0]-ipoint[0]))];
346  im = -((Double_t*)fIn)[2*((fN[1]-ipoint[1])+(fN[1]/2+1)*(fN[0]-ipoint[0]))+1];
347  }
348  }
349  }
350  }
351  else {
353  if (fOut){
354  re = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ireal][0];
355  im = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[ireal][1];
356  } else {
357  re = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*ireal];
358  im = ((Double_t*)fIn)[2*ireal+1];
359  }
360  }
361 }
364 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
365 ///Returns the input array// One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly
366 /// or via the TVirtualFFT class. Only the basic interface of FFTW is implemented.
369 {
370  if (!fromInput){
371  Error("GetPointsReal", "Output array is complex");
372  return 0;
373  }
374  return (Double_t*)fIn;
375 }
377 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
378 ///Fills the argument arrays with the real and imaginary parts of the computed transform.
379 ///Only (roughly) a half of the transform is copied, the rest being Hermitian
380 ///symmetric with the first half
383 {
384  Int_t nreal;
385  if (fOut && !fromInput){
386  nreal = Int_t(Double_t(fTotalSize)*(fN[fNdim-1]/2+1)/fN[fNdim-1]);
387  for (Int_t i=0; i<nreal; i++){
388  re[i] = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[i][0];
389  im[i] = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[i][1];
390  }
391  } else if (fromInput) {
392  for (Int_t i=0; i<fTotalSize; i++){
393  re[i] = ((Double_t *)fIn)[i];
394  im[i] = 0;
395  }
396  }
397  else {
398  nreal = 2*Int_t(Double_t(fTotalSize)*(fN[fNdim-1]/2+1)/fN[fNdim-1]);
399  for (Int_t i=0; i<nreal; i+=2){
400  re[i/2] = ((Double_t*)fIn)[i];
401  im[i/2] = ((Double_t*)fIn)[i+1];
402  }
403  }
404 }
406 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
407 ///Fills the argument arrays with the real and imaginary parts of the computed transform.
408 ///Only (roughly) a half of the transform is copied, the rest being Hermitian
409 ///symmetric with the first half
412 {
413  Int_t nreal;
415  if (fOut && !fromInput){
416  nreal = Int_t(Double_t(fTotalSize)*(fN[fNdim-1]/2+1)/fN[fNdim-1]);
418  for (Int_t i=0; i<nreal; i+=2){
419  data[i] = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[i/2][0];
420  data[i+1] = ((fftw_complex*)fOut)[i/2][1];
421  }
422  } else if (fromInput){
423  for (Int_t i=0; i<fTotalSize; i+=2){
424  data[i] = ((Double_t*)fIn)[i/2];
425  data[i+1] = 0;
426  }
427  }
428  else {
430  nreal = 2*Int_t(Double_t(fTotalSize)*(fN[fNdim-1]/2+1)/fN[fNdim-1]);
431  for (Int_t i=0; i<nreal; i++)
432  data[i] = ((Double_t*)fIn)[i];
433  }
434 }
436 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
437 ///Set the point #ipoint
440 {
441  ((Double_t *)fIn)[ipoint] = re;
442 }
444 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
445 ///For multidimensional transforms. Set the point #ipoint
447 void TFFTRealComplex::SetPoint(const Int_t *ipoint, Double_t re, Double_t /*im*/)
448 {
449  Int_t ireal = ipoint[0];
450  for (Int_t i=0; i<fNdim-1; i++)
451  ireal=fN[i+1]*ireal + ipoint[i+1];
452  ((Double_t*)fIn)[ireal]=re;
453 }
455 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
456 ///Set all input points
459 {
460  for (Int_t i=0; i<fTotalSize; i++){
461  ((Double_t*)fIn)[i]=data[i];
462  }
463 }
465 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
466 ///Sets the point #ipoint (only the real part of the argument is taken)
469 {
470  ((Double_t *)fIn)[ipoint]=c.Re();
471 }
473 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
474 ///Set all points. Only the real array is used
477 {
478  for (Int_t i=0; i<fTotalSize; i++)
479  ((Double_t *)fIn)[i] = re[i];
480 }
482 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
483 ///allowed options:
484 ///"ES"
485 ///"M"
486 ///"P"
487 ///"EX"
490 {
492  TString opt = flag;
493  opt.ToUpper();
494  if (opt.Contains("ES"))
495  return FFTW_ESTIMATE;
496  if (opt.Contains("M"))
497  return FFTW_MEASURE;
498  if (opt.Contains("P"))
499  return FFTW_PATIENT;
500  if (opt.Contains("EX"))
501  return FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE;
502  return FFTW_ESTIMATE;
503 }
return c
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
virtual Double_t GetPointReal(Int_t ipoint, Bool_t fromInput=kFALSE) const
Returns the real part of the point #ipoint from the output or the point #ipoint from the input...
void ToUpper()
Change string to upper case.
Definition: TString.cxx:1088
Double_t Re() const
Definition: TComplex.h:46
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:137
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
virtual ~TFFTRealComplex()
Destroys the data arrays and the plan.
virtual void GetPointsComplex(Double_t *re, Double_t *im, Bool_t fromInput=kFALSE) const
Fills the argument arrays with the real and imaginary parts of the computed transform.
virtual Double_t * GetPointsReal(Bool_t fromInput=kFALSE) const
Returns the input array// One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly or v...
virtual void GetPoints(Double_t *data, Bool_t fromInput=kFALSE) const
Fills the array data with the computed transform.
virtual void Transform()
Computes the transform, specified in Init() function.
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue error message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:918
virtual void SetPoint(Int_t ipoint, Double_t re, Double_t im=0)
Set the point #ipoint.
Option_t * fFlags
virtual void Init(Option_t *flags, Int_t, const Int_t *)
Creates the fftw-plan.
ClassImp(TFFTRealComplex) TFFTRealComplex
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
virtual void SetPoints(const Double_t *data)
Set all input points.
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
UInt_t MapFlag(Option_t *flag)
allowed options: "ES" "M" "P" "EX"
Bool_t Contains(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Definition: TString.h:567
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: Rtypes.h:91
virtual void GetPointComplex(Int_t ipoint, Double_t &re, Double_t &im, Bool_t fromInput=kFALSE) const
Returns the point #ipoint.
const Int_t n
Definition: legend1.C:16
virtual void SetPointsComplex(const Double_t *re, const Double_t *im)
Set all points. Only the real array is used.
virtual void SetPointComplex(Int_t ipoint, TComplex &c)
Sets the point #ipoint (only the real part of the argument is taken)
virtual void Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue warning message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:904