206 typedef std::vector<TEveCaloData::vCellId_t*>::iterator
229 TEveCalo2D(
const char*
const char*
TEveRGBAPalette * AssertPalette()
Make sure the TEveRGBAPalette pointer is not null.
Abstract base class for classes that hold results of a non-linear projection transformation.
void SetNormalizeRebin(Bool_t s)
bool GetHasFixedHeightIn2DMode() const
TEveProjection::EPType_e fOldProjectionType
Bool_t GetNormalizeRebin() const
A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range t...
A central manager for calorimeter event data.
virtual Float_t GetValToHeight() const
Get transformation factor from E/Et to height.
void SetHasFixedHeightIn2DMode(bool x)
void SetEta(Float_t l, Float_t u)
Set eta range.
Bool_t GetScaleAbs() const
void SetForwardEndCapPos(Float_t z)
void SetPalette(TEveRGBAPalette *p)
Set TEveRGBAPalette object pointer.
TEveCalo3D(const TEveCalo3D &)
void GetRnrFrame(Bool_t &e, Bool_t &b) const
void SetPlotEt(Bool_t x)
Set E/Et plot.
virtual void SetDepthLocal(Float_t x)
Base-class implementation – just sets fDepth.
void SetMaxTowerH(Float_t x)
virtual void SetScaleAbs(Bool_t)
Set absolute scale in projected calorimeter.
OpenGL renderer class for TEveCaloLego.
void SetDataSliceColor(Int_t slice, Color_t col)
Set slice color in data.
void SetDrawNumberCellPixels(Int_t x)
virtual TEveElement * ForwardSelection()
Management of selection state and ownership of selected cell list is done in TEveCaloData.
void SetPhiWithRng(Float_t x, Float_t r)
Set phi range.
TEveCaloViz & operator=(const TEveCaloViz &)
Float_t GetForwardEndCapPos() const
Bool_t CellInEtaPhiRng(TEveCaloData::CellData_t &) const
Returns true if given cell is in the ceta phi range.
Use this attribute class when an object should have 3D capabilities.
Float_t GetTransitionEta() const
Get transition eta between barrel and end-cap cells, assuming fEndCapPosF = -fEndCapPosB.
Bool_t GetRnrBarrelFrame() const
TEveCaloLego(const TEveCaloLego &)
void SetFixedHeightValIn2DMode(float x)
Float_t GetPhiRng() const
TEveCaloViz(const TEveCaloViz &)
Float_t GetMaxVal() const
Float_t fFixedHeightValIn2DMode
ClassDef(TEveCaloLego, 0)
TEveCaloData::vCellId_t fCellList
Char_t GetPlaneTransparency() const
void SetPixelsPerBin(Int_t bw)
void Set2DMode(E2DMode_e p)
Char_t fPlaneTransparency
Int_t GetDrawNumberCellPixels()
Float_t GetTransitionTheta() const
Get transition angle between barrel and end-cap cells, assuming fEndCapPosF = -fEndCapPosB.
Float_t GetEtaRng() const
virtual void BuildCellIdCache()=0
virtual void UpdateProjection()
This is virtual method from base-class TEveProjected.
void SetFrameTransparency(Char_t x)
Color_t GetDataSliceColor(Int_t slice) const
Get slice color from data.
Float_t GetTransitionThetaForward() const
Get transition angle between barrel and forward end-cap cells.
void SetProjection(EProjection_e p)
virtual void ComputeBBox()
Fill bounding-box information of the base-class TAttBBox (virtual method).
void SetFontColor(Color_t ci)
void SetBarrelRadius(Float_t r)
void SetCellPixelFontSize(Int_t x)
std::vector< TEveCaloData::vCellId_t * > fCellListsSelected
void SetAutoRange(Bool_t x)
void SetRnrEndCapFrame(Bool_t r)
Color_t GetPlaneColor() const
Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 2D.
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
Bool_t GetAutoRange() const
Bool_t fHasFixedHeightIn2DMode
Float_t GetMaxValAbs() const
virtual void SetScaleAbs(Bool_t x)
virtual TClass * ProjectedClass(const TEveProjection *p) const
Virtual from TEveProjectable, returns TEveCalo2D class.
Float_t GetTransitionThetaBackward() const
Get transition angle between barrel and backward end-cap cells.
Base-class for non-linear projections.
std::vector< CellId_t > vCellId_t
virtual ~TEveCaloViz()
Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects.
Float_t GetDataSliceThreshold(Int_t slice) const
Get threshold for given slice.
Float_t GetEtaMin() const
virtual void CellSelectionChanged()
Sort selected cells in eta or phi bins for selection and highlight.
void SetDataSliceThreshold(Int_t slice, Float_t val)
Set threshold for given slice.
void SetRnrFrame(Bool_t e, Bool_t b)
TEveCalo2D(const TEveCalo2D &)
Float_t GetHPlaneVal() const
Abstract base-class for non-linear projectable objects.
virtual ~TEveCalo2D()
std::vector< TEveCaloData::vCellId_t * > fCellLists
Char_t GetFrameTransparency() const
virtual void BuildCellIdCache()
Build list of drawn cell IDs. See TEveCalo3DGL::DirectDraw().
void SetRnrBarrelFrame(Bool_t r)
TEveCaloData * GetData() const
void InvalidateCellIdCache()
void SetBackwardEndCapPos(Float_t z)
Int_t GetCellPixelFontSize()
OpenGL renderer class for TEveCalo2D.
Float_t GetPhiMin() const
Bool_t GetRnrEndCapFrame() const
virtual void BuildCellIdCache()
Build lists of drawn cell IDs. See TEveCalo2DGL::DirecDraw().
OpenGL renderer class for TEveCalo3D.
Float_t GetTransitionEtaBackward() const
Get transition eta between barrel and backward end-cap cells.
Color_t GetFontColor() const
TEveCaloData::vCellId_t fCellList
GUI editor for TEveCaloEditor.
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
virtual void CellSelectionChanged()
Int_t fDrawNumberCellPixels
EProjection_e fProjection
void SetHPlaneVal(Float_t s)
Char_t fFrameTransparency
void SetGridColor(Color_t ci)
void SetPlaneTransparency(Char_t t)
Visualization of calorimeter data as eta/phi histogram.
TEveCalo3D & operator=(const TEveCalo3D &)
Float_t GetTransitionEtaForward() const
Get transition eta between barrel and forward end-cap cells.
std::vector< TEveCaloData::vCellId_t * >::iterator vBinCells_i
Bool_t GetAutoRebin() const
std::vector< TEveCaloData::vCellId_t * > fCellListsHighlighted
Float_t GetEndCapPos() const
virtual void ComputeBBox()
Fill bounding-box information of the base-class TAttBBox (virtual method).
Float_t GetPhiMax() const
TEveCalo2D & operator=(const TEveCalo2D &)
virtual void BuildCellIdCache()
Build list of drawn cell IDs. For more information see TEveCaloLegoGL:DirectDraw().
std::vector< TEveCaloData::vCellId_t * > vBinCells_t
Base class for calorimeter data visualization.
void DataChanged()
Update setting and cache on data changed.
virtual Float_t GetValToHeight() const
Virtual function of TEveCaloViz.
void SetFrameWidth(Float_t w)
void SetValueIsColor(Bool_t x)
virtual void SetData(TEveCaloData *d)
void SetBoxMode(EBoxMode_e p)
TEveRGBAPalette * GetPalette() const
Float_t GetEtaMax() const
Bool_t AssertCellIdCache() const
Assert cell id cache is ok.
float GetFixedHeightValIn2DMode() const
Float_t GetBarrelRadius() const
Float_t GetFrameWidth() const
Helper for management of bounding-box information.
void SetPhiRng(Float_t rng)
void SetEndCapPos(Float_t z)
void SetPlaneColor(Color_t ci)
Color_t GetGridColor() const
void CellSelectionChangedInternal(TEveCaloData::vCellId_t &cells, std::vector< TEveCaloData::vCellId_t * > &cellLists)
Sort selected cells in eta or phi bins.
Bool_t GetDrawHPlane() const
Cell data inner structure.
void SetDrawHPlane(Bool_t s)
void AssignCaloVizParameters(TEveCaloViz *cv)
Assign parameters from given model.
void SetAutoRebin(Bool_t s)
Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 3D.
void SetData(TEveCaloData *d)
Set calorimeter event data.
TEveRGBAPalette * fPalette
virtual void SetProjection(TEveProjectionManager *proj, TEveProjectable *model)
Set projection manager and model object.
Float_t GetBackwardEndCapPos() const
void SetMaxValAbs(Float_t x)
TEveCaloLego & operator=(const TEveCaloLego &)
Float_t GetMaxTowerH() const
GL-overlay control GUI for TEveCaloLego.
Bool_t GetValueIsColor() const
Base class for TEveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and...
const TEveCalo2D::vBinCells_t & GetBinLists() const
void SetupColorHeight(Float_t value, Int_t slice, Float_t &height) const
Set color and height for a given value and slice using slice color or TEveRGBAPalette.
Int_t GetPixelsPerBin() const
virtual void ComputeBBox()
Fill bounding-box information of the base-class TAttBBox (virtual method).
EProjection_e GetProjection() const
virtual TEveElement * ForwardEdit()
Management of selection state and ownership of selected cell list is done in TEveCaloData.
virtual void Paint(Option_t *option="")
Paint this object. Only direct rendering is supported.