10 #ifndef ROOT_Minuit2_MnMinos
11 #define ROOT_Minuit2_MnMinos
23 class FunctionMinimum;
49 std::pair<double,double>
unsigned int,
unsigned int maxcalls = 0,
double toler = 0.1)
53 double Lower(
unsigned int,
unsigned int maxcalls = 0,
double toler = 0.1)
54 double Upper(
unsigned int,
unsigned int maxcalls = 0,
double toler = 0.1)
56 MnCross Loval(
unsigned int,
unsigned int maxcalls = 0,
double toler = 0.1)
57 MnCross Upval(
unsigned int,
unsigned int maxcalls = 0,
double toler = 0.1)
61 MinosError Minos(
unsigned int,
unsigned int maxcalls = 0,
double toler = 0.1)
79 #endif // ROOT_Minuit2_MnMinos
MnMinos(const FCNBase &fcn, const FunctionMinimum &min, unsigned int stra=1)
construct from FCN + Minimum + strategy
static Vc_ALWAYS_INLINE int_v min(const int_v &x, const int_v &y)
void fcn(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t iflag)
MnCross Loval(unsigned int, unsigned int maxcalls=0, double toler=0.1) const
const FunctionMinimum & fMinimum
class holding the full result of the minimization; both internal and external (MnUserParameterState) ...
API class for Minos Error analysis (asymmetric errors); minimization has to be done before and Minimu...
MnCross FindCrossValue(int dir, unsigned int, unsigned int maxcalls, double toler) const
internal method to get crossing value via MnFunctionCross
Interface (abstract class) defining the function to be minimized, which has to be implemented by the ...
double Lower(unsigned int, unsigned int maxcalls=0, double toler=0.1) const
calculate one side (negative or positive Error) of the Parameter give as input (optionally) maxcalls ...
Class holding the result of Minos (lower and upper values) for a specific parameter.
double Upper(unsigned int, unsigned int maxcalls=0, double toler=0.1) const
MinosError Minos(unsigned int, unsigned int maxcalls=0, double toler=0.1) const
ask for MinosError (Lower + Upper) can be printed via std::cout
MnCross Upval(unsigned int, unsigned int maxcalls=0, double toler=0.1) const
std::pair< double, double > operator()(unsigned int, unsigned int maxcalls=0, double toler=0.1) const
returns the negative (pair.first) and the positive (pair.second) Minos Error of the Parameter ...
API class for defining three levels of strategies: low (0), medium (1), high (>=2); acts on: Migrad (...