12#ifndef ROOT_TGResourcePool
13#define ROOT_TGResourcePool
Handle_t Pixmap_t
Pixmap handle.
Handle_t Cursor_t
Cursor handle.
ULong_t Pixel_t
Pixel value.
Handle_t Colormap_t
Colormap handle.
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Provides a pool of fonts.
Encapsulate fonts used in the GUI system.
Encapsulate a graphics context used in the low level graphics.
This class handles mime types, used by browsers to map file types to applications and icons.
This class is the baseclass for all ROOT GUI widgets.
The TGPicture class implements pictures and icons used in the different GUI elements and widgets.
This class implements a pool for the default GUI resource set, like GC's, colors, fonts,...
Cursor_t GetDefaultCursor() const
TGFont * fDocFixedFont
document fixed font
const TGGC * GetFrameHiliteGC() const
TGFont * fDefaultFont
default font
Pixel_t fDocForeColor
default document foreground color
const TGFont * GetMenuFont() const
Pixel_t fForeColor
default foreground color
const TGGC * GetDocumentBckgndGC() const
Colormap_t GetDefaultColormap() const
Pixel_t GetHighLightColor() const
const TGFont * GetDocumentPropFont() const
const TGGC * GetSelectedGC() const
const TGGC * GetTipGC() const
Pixel_t fTipBackColor
default tip background color
Pixel_t fTipForeColor
default tip foreground color
Cursor_t fWaitCursor
wait cursor
Pixmap_t GetCheckeredBitmap() const
Pixel_t GetSelectedBgndColor() const
Pixel_t GetFrameFgndColor() const
Pixel_t fWhite
white color index
const TGGC * GetDocumentGC() const
const TGGC * GetFrameShadowGC() const
TGFont * fStatusFont
status bar font
TGGC * fHiliteGC
frame hilite gc
TGGC * fShadowGC
frame shadow gc
Pixel_t fHighLightColor
highlight color
const TGPicture * fDefaultBackPicture
default background picture
Pixmap_t GetCheckeredPixmap() const
const TGGC * GetSelectedBckgndGC() const
TGPicturePool * fPicturePool
picture pool manager
Pixel_t fBackColor
default background color
Cursor_t fTextCursor
text cursor
Cursor_t GetTextCursor() const
TGGC * fSelbgndGC
selection background gc
TGFont * fDocPropFont
document proportional font
const TGGC * GetWhiteGC() const
TGGC * fFocusGC
frame focus gc
TGFont * fIconFont
icon font
Pixel_t GetDocumentFgndColor() const
TGFontPool * fFontPool
font pool manager
const TGGC * GetFrameGC() const
TGMimeTypes * fMimeTypeList
list of mime types
Cursor_t fGrabCursor
grab cursor
const TGFont * GetDefaultFont() const
TGGC * fDocbgndGC
document background gc
Pixel_t fDocBackColor
default document background color
Atom_t GetClipboard() const
TGPicturePool * GetPicturePool() const
TGFont * fMenuFont
menu font
Pixel_t GetFrameHiliteColor() const
const TGFont * GetMenuHiliteFont() const
Pixel_t GetTipBgndColor() const
Pixmap_t fCheckered
checkered pixmap
Pixel_t GetBlackColor() const
TGFont * fMenuHiFont
menu highlight font
Pixel_t GetWhiteColor() const
const TGFont * GetDocumentFixedFont() const
TGResourcePool(TGClient *client)
Create the global GUI resource pool manager.
~TGResourcePool() override
Cleanup the resource pool...
const TGPicture * GetFrameBckgndPicture() const
TGGCPool * fGCPool
graphics drawing context pool manager
Cursor_t GetWaitCursor() const
Cursor_t GetGrabCursor() const
const TGGC * GetBlackGC() const
Pixel_t fBlack
black color index
Atom_t fClipboardAtom
handle to clipboard
Pixel_t fSelForeColor
default selection foreground color
Pixel_t fShadow
default shadow color
Pixmap_t fCheckeredBitmap
checkered bitmap
const TGGC * GetFrameBckgndGC() const
const TGFont * GetIconFont() const
Pixel_t GetDocumentBgndColor() const
Cursor_t fDefaultCursor
default cursor
Colormap_t fDefaultColormap
default colormap
const TGPicture * fDefaultDocBackPicture
default document background picture
TGFontPool * GetFontPool() const
selection gc
TGGCPool * GetGCPool() const
TGMimeTypes * GetMimeTypes() const
const TGPicture * GetDocumentBckgndPicture() const
Pixel_t GetSelectedFgndColor() const
const TGFont * GetStatusFont() const
Pixel_t fHilite
default highlight color
Pixel_t fSelBackColor
default selection background color
Pixel_t GetTipFgndColor() const
const TGGC * GetFocusHiliteGC() const
TGGC * fBckgndGC
frame background gc
Pixel_t GetFrameShadowColor() const
Pixel_t GetFrameBgndColor() const