12#ifndef ROOT_TGResourcePool
13#define ROOT_TGResourcePool
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Cursor_t GetDefaultCursor() const
const TGGC * GetFrameHiliteGC() const
const TGFont * GetMenuFont() const
const TGGC * GetDocumentBckgndGC() const
Colormap_t GetDefaultColormap() const
Pixel_t GetHighLightColor() const
const TGFont * GetDocumentPropFont() const
const TGGC * GetSelectedGC() const
const TGGC * GetTipGC() const
Pixmap_t GetCheckeredBitmap() const
Pixel_t GetSelectedBgndColor() const
virtual ~TGResourcePool()
Cleanup the resource pool...
Pixel_t GetFrameFgndColor() const
const TGGC * GetDocumentGC() const
const TGGC * GetFrameShadowGC() const
const TGPicture * fDefaultBackPicture
Pixmap_t GetCheckeredPixmap() const
const TGGC * GetSelectedBckgndGC() const
TGPicturePool * fPicturePool
Cursor_t GetTextCursor() const
const TGGC * GetWhiteGC() const
Pixel_t GetDocumentFgndColor() const
const TGGC * GetFrameGC() const
TGMimeTypes * fMimeTypeList
const TGFont * GetDefaultFont() const
Atom_t GetClipboard() const
TGPicturePool * GetPicturePool() const
Pixel_t GetFrameHiliteColor() const
const TGFont * GetMenuHiliteFont() const
Pixel_t GetTipBgndColor() const
Pixel_t GetBlackColor() const
Pixel_t GetWhiteColor() const
const TGFont * GetDocumentFixedFont() const
TGResourcePool(TGClient *client)
Create the global GUI resource pool manager.
const TGPicture * GetFrameBckgndPicture() const
Cursor_t GetWaitCursor() const
Cursor_t GetGrabCursor() const
const TGGC * GetBlackGC() const
Pixmap_t fCheckeredBitmap
const TGGC * GetFrameBckgndGC() const
const TGFont * GetIconFont() const
Pixel_t GetDocumentBgndColor() const
Colormap_t fDefaultColormap
const TGPicture * fDefaultDocBackPicture
TGFontPool * GetFontPool() const
TGGCPool * GetGCPool() const
TGMimeTypes * GetMimeTypes() const
const TGPicture * GetDocumentBckgndPicture() const
Pixel_t GetSelectedFgndColor() const
const TGFont * GetStatusFont() const
Pixel_t GetTipFgndColor() const
const TGGC * GetFocusHiliteGC() const
Pixel_t GetFrameShadowColor() const
Pixel_t GetFrameBgndColor() const