Double_t | fAbsTol | absolute tolerance deviation |
Int_t | fCutOrientation | +1 if larger mva value means more signal like, -1 otherwise |
TMVA::MsgLogger* | fLogger | ! message logger |
Int_t | fMaxIter | maximum number of iterations |
UInt_t | fNbins | |
Double_t | fNevtS | number of signal events (used in error calculation) |
TH1* | fPurity | |
Double_t | fSignalCut | MVA cut value for last demanded background rejection or signal efficiency |
TH1* | fSignificance | |
TSpline* | fSplB | |
TSpline* | fSplS | |
TSpline* | fSpleffBvsS | |
TSpline* | fSplmvaCumB | spline of cumulated mva distributions |
TSpline* | fSplmvaCumS | spline of cumulated mva distributions |
Bool_t | fUseSplines | |
Float_t | fXmax | min and max of the mva distribution |
Float_t | fXmin | min and max of the mva distribution |
TH1* | fmvaB | the input mva distributions |
TH1* | fmvaBcumul | |
TH1* | fmvaBpdf | the normalized (and rebinned) input mva distributions |
TH1* | fmvaS | the input mva distributions |
TH1* | fmvaScumul | |
TH1* | fmvaSpdf | the normalized (and rebinned) input mva distributions |
Int_t | fnBtot | |
Int_t | fnStot | |