Extension of the FCNBase for the Fumili method. Fumili applies only to minimization problems used for fitting. The method is based on a linearization of the model function negleting second derivatives. User needs to provide the model function. The figure-of-merit describing the difference between the model function and the actual measurements has to be implemented by the user in a subclass of FumiliFCNBase. For an example see the FumiliChi2FCN and FumiliStandardChi2FCN classes. @author Andras Zsenei and Lorenzo Moneta, Creation date: 23 Aug 2004 @see <A HREF="http://www.cern.ch/winkler/minuit/tutorial/mntutorial.pdf">MINUIT Tutorial</A> on function minimization, section 5 @see FumiliChi2FCN @see FumiliStandardChi2FCN @ingroup Minuit
vector<double>& | Gradient() |
vector<double>& | Hessian() |
virtual void | InitAndReset(unsigned int npar) |
void | SetFCNValue(double value) |
Default Constructor. Need in this case to create when implementing EvaluateAll the Gradient and Hessian vectors with the right size
Constructor which initializes the class with the function provided by the user for modeling the data. @param npar the number of parameters
FumiliFCNBase(const ParametricFunction& modelFCN) { fModelFunction = &modelFCN; }
Evaluate function Value, Gradient and Hessian using Fumili approximation, for values of parameters p The resul is cached inside and is return from the FumiliFCNBase::Value , FumiliFCNBase::Gradient and FumiliFCNBase::Hessian methods @param par vector of parameters
Return cached Value of objective function estimated previously using the FumiliFCNBase::EvaluateAll method
{ return fValue; }
Return cached Value of function Gradient estimated previously using the FumiliFCNBase::EvaluateAll method
{ return fGradient; }
Return Value of the i-th j-th element of the Hessian matrix estimated previously using the FumiliFCNBase::EvaluateAll method @param row row Index of the matrix @param col col Index of the matrix
return number of function variable (parameters) , i.e. function dimension
{ return fNumberOfParameters; }
methods to be used by the derived classes to set the values
{ fValue = value; }