class ROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D<Double32_t>
Function Members (Methods)
Class Charts
Function documentation
Scalar pi()
{ return M_PI; }
Scalar R() const
{ return std::sqrt( Mag2()); }
Scalar Eta() const
pseudorapidity - use same implementation as in Cartesian3D
void SetRho(Double32_t rho)
setters (only for data members)
set the rho coordinate value keeping z and phi constant
void SetZ(Double32_t zz)
set the z coordinate value keeping rho and phi constant
void Scale(Double32_t a)
scale by a scalar quantity a --
for cylindrical coords only rho and z change
T x() const
============= Compatibility section ==================
The following make this coordinate system look enough like a CLHEP
vector that an assignment member template can work with either