
This page lists all the ways you can install a bleeding-edge version of ROOT, i.e. one that was built last night from the head of the development branch.


The usual nightly restrictions apply: a build might have failed, a build might be unavailable for a particular configuration, features might be missing or not yet in release quality.

Pre-compiled binariesPermalink

Pre-compiled binary nightlies for various platforms are not available at the moment. The usual instructions for the usage of our binary distributions apply.

LCG nightliesPermalink

If you have access to LCG, as it is the case on LXPLUS, for example, ROOT nightlies can be obtained by sourcing the relevant scripts:

source /cvmfs/<Platform+compiler>/
  • To get a ROOT version a few days old, replace latest with the desired day.

Conda packagePermalink

ROOT nightly builds are available as conda packages hosted on our website. To create a new conda environment with the latest ROOT build, you can use:

conda create -n root-nightly -c -c conda-forge root-nightly

You can then activate this environment with

conda activate root-nightly

More instructions about using the ROOT conda package are available in this blog post.

Please report any issues with the conda package here.