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Reference Guide
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RooFit command arguments

These arguments can be passed to functions of RooFit objects.


 Arguments for plotOn functions
 Arguments for various constructors
 Arguments for fitting
 Arguments for generating data


RooCmdArg RooFit::AutoBinning (Int_t nbins=100, double marginFactor=0.1)
RooCmdArg RooFit::AutoPrecision (Int_t ndigit=2)
RooCmdArg RooFit::AutoRange (const RooAbsData &data, double marginFactor=0.1)
RooCmdArg RooFit::AutoSymBinning (Int_t nbins=100, double marginFactor=0.1)
RooCmdArg RooFit::AutoSymRange (const RooAbsData &data, double marginFactor=0.1)
RooCmdArg RooFit::AxisLabel (const char *name)
RooCmdArg RooFit::BaseClassName (const char *name)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Binned (bool flag=true)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Bins (Int_t nbin)
RooCmdArg RooFit::ClassName (const char *name)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Color (Color_t color)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Columns (Int_t ncol)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Conditional (const RooArgSet &pdfSet, const RooArgSet &depSet, bool depsAreCond=false)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Embedded (bool flag=true)
RooCmdArg RooFit::EventRange (Int_t nStart, Int_t nStop)
RooCmdArg RooFit::FitGauss (bool flag=true)
RooCmdArg RooFit::FitModel (RooAbsPdf &pdf)
RooCmdArg RooFit::FitOptions (const RooCmdArg &arg1, const RooCmdArg &arg2={}, const RooCmdArg &arg3={}, const RooCmdArg &arg4={}, const RooCmdArg &arg5={}, const RooCmdArg &arg6={})
RooCmdArg RooFit::FixedPrecision (Int_t ndigit=2)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Format (const char *what, const RooCmdArg &arg1={}, const RooCmdArg &arg2={}, const RooCmdArg &arg3={}, const RooCmdArg &arg4={}, const RooCmdArg &arg5={}, const RooCmdArg &arg6={}, const RooCmdArg &arg7={}, const RooCmdArg &arg8={})
RooCmdArg RooFit::Frame (const RooCmdArg &arg1, const RooCmdArg &arg2={}, const RooCmdArg &arg3={}, const RooCmdArg &arg4={}, const RooCmdArg &arg5={}, const RooCmdArg &arg6={})
RooCmdArg RooFit::FrameBins (Int_t nbins)
RooCmdArg RooFit::FrameRange (double xlo, double xhi)
RooCmdArg RooFit::IntegratedObservables (const RooArgSet &intObs)
RooCmdArg RooFit::IntrinsicBinning (bool flag=true)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Label (const char *str)
RooCmdArg RooFit::LatexStyle (bool flag=true)
RooCmdArg RooFit::LatexTableStyle (bool flag=true)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Layout (double xmin, double xmax=0.99, double ymin=0.95)
RooCmdArg RooFit::MultiArg (const RooCmdArg &arg1, const RooCmdArg &arg2, const RooCmdArg &arg3={}, const RooCmdArg &arg4={}, const RooCmdArg &arg5={}, const RooCmdArg &arg6={}, const RooCmdArg &arg7={}, const RooCmdArg &arg8={})
RooCmdArg RooFit::NoRecursion (bool flag=true)
template<class... Args_t>
RooCmdArg RooFit::NormSet (Args_t &&... argsOrArgSet)
RooCmdArg RooFit::NumIntConfig (const RooNumIntConfig &cfg)
RooCmdArg RooFit::ObjectName (const char *name)
RooCmdArg RooFit::OutputFile (const char *fileName)
RooCmdArg RooFit::OutputStream (std::ostream &os)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Parameters (const RooArgSet &params)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Prefix (bool flag)
RooCmdArg RooFit::RecycleConflictNodes (bool flag=true)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Rename (const char *suffix)
RooCmdArg RooFit::RenameAllNodes (const char *suffix)
RooCmdArg RooFit::RenameAllVariables (const char *suffix)
RooCmdArg RooFit::RenameAllVariablesExcept (const char *suffix, const char *exceptionList)
RooCmdArg RooFit::RenameConflictNodes (const char *suffix, bool renameOrigNodes=false)
RooCmdArg RooFit::RenameVariable (const char *inputName, const char *outputName)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Restrict (const char *catName, const char *stateNameList)
RooConstVarRooFit::RooConst (double val)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Scaling (bool flag)
RooCmdArg RooFit::ScanAllCdf ()
RooCmdArg RooFit::ScanNoCdf ()
RooCmdArg RooFit::ScanNumCdf ()
RooCmdArg RooFit::ScanParameters (Int_t nbins, Int_t intOrder)
RooCmdArg RooFit::SelectVars (const RooArgSet &vars)
RooCmdArg RooFit::ShowConstants (bool flag=true)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Sibling (const RooAbsCollection &sibling)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Silence (bool flag=true)
RooCmdArg RooFit::SplitParam (const char *varname, const char *catname)
RooCmdArg RooFit::SplitParam (const RooRealVar &var, const RooAbsCategory &cat)
RooCmdArg RooFit::SplitParamConstrained (const char *varname, const char *catname, const char *rsname)
RooCmdArg RooFit::SplitParamConstrained (const RooRealVar &var, const RooAbsCategory &cat, const char *rsname)
RooCmdArg RooFit::SupNormSet (const RooArgSet &nset)
RooCmdArg RooFit::TagName (const char *name)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Title (const char *name)
RooCmdArg RooFit::TLatexStyle (bool flag=true)
RooCmdArg RooFit::Topic (Int_t topic)
RooCmdArg RooFit::VerbatimName (bool flag=true)
RooCmdArg RooFit::What (const char *str)
RooCmdArg RooFit::YVar (const RooAbsRealLValue &var, const RooCmdArg &arg={})
RooCmdArg RooFit::ZVar (const RooAbsRealLValue &var, const RooCmdArg &arg={})

Function Documentation

◆ AutoBinning()

RooCmdArg RooFit::AutoBinning ( Int_t  nbins = 100,
double  marginFactor = 0.1 

Definition at line 788 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ AutoPrecision()

RooCmdArg RooFit::AutoPrecision ( Int_t  ndigit = 2)

Definition at line 884 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ AutoRange()

RooCmdArg RooFit::AutoRange ( const RooAbsData data,
double  marginFactor = 0.1 

Definition at line 470 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ AutoSymBinning()

RooCmdArg RooFit::AutoSymBinning ( Int_t  nbins = 100,
double  marginFactor = 0.1 

Definition at line 784 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ AutoSymRange()

RooCmdArg RooFit::AutoSymRange ( const RooAbsData data,
double  marginFactor = 0.1 

Definition at line 466 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ AxisLabel()

RooCmdArg RooFit::AxisLabel ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 768 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ BaseClassName()

RooCmdArg RooFit::BaseClassName ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 922 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Binned()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Binned ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 827 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Bins()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Bins ( Int_t  nbin)

Definition at line 462 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ ClassName()

RooCmdArg RooFit::ClassName ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 918 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Color()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Color ( Color_t  color)

Definition at line 939 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Columns()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Columns ( Int_t  ncol)

Definition at line 428 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Conditional()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Conditional ( const RooArgSet pdfSet,
const RooArgSet depSet,
bool  depsAreCond = false 

Definition at line 719 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Embedded()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Embedded ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 973 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ EventRange()

RooCmdArg RooFit::EventRange ( Int_t  nStart,
Int_t  nStop 

Definition at line 482 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ FitGauss()

RooCmdArg RooFit::FitGauss ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 858 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ FitModel()

RooCmdArg RooFit::FitModel ( RooAbsPdf pdf)

Definition at line 810 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ FitOptions()

RooFit::FitOptions ( const RooCmdArg arg1,
const RooCmdArg arg2 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg3 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg4 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg5 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg6 = {} 


The FitOptions() function is pythonized with the command argument pythonization. The keywords must correspond to the CmdArg of the function.

Definition at line 814 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ FixedPrecision()

RooCmdArg RooFit::FixedPrecision ( Int_t  ndigit = 2)

Definition at line 888 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Format()

RooFit::Format ( const char *  what,
const RooCmdArg arg1 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg2 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg3 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg4 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg5 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg6 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg7 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg8 = {} 


The Format() function is pythonized with the command argument pythonization. The keywords must correspond to the CmdArg of the function.

Definition at line 440 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Frame()

RooFit::Frame ( const RooCmdArg arg1,
const RooCmdArg arg2 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg3 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg4 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg5 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg6 = {} 


The Frame() function is pythonized with the command argument pythonization. The keywords must correspond to the CmdArg of the function.

Definition at line 837 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ FrameBins()

RooCmdArg RooFit::FrameBins ( Int_t  nbins)

Definition at line 850 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ FrameRange()

RooCmdArg RooFit::FrameRange ( double  xlo,
double  xhi 

Definition at line 854 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ IntegratedObservables()

RooCmdArg RooFit::IntegratedObservables ( const RooArgSet intObs)

Definition at line 794 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ IntrinsicBinning()

RooCmdArg RooFit::IntrinsicBinning ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 778 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Label()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Label ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 693 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ LatexStyle()

RooCmdArg RooFit::LatexStyle ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 896 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ LatexTableStyle()

RooCmdArg RooFit::LatexTableStyle ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 900 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Layout()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Layout ( double  xmin,
double  xmax = 0.99,
double  ymin = 0.95 

Definition at line 697 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ MultiArg()

RooFit::MultiArg ( const RooCmdArg arg1,
const RooCmdArg arg2,
const RooCmdArg arg3 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg4 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg5 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg6 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg7 = {},
const RooCmdArg arg8 = {} 


The MultiArg() function is pythonized with the command argument pythonization. The keywords must correspond to the CmdArg of the function.

Definition at line 1029 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ NoRecursion()

RooCmdArg RooFit::NoRecursion ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 977 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ NormSet()

template<class... Args_t>
RooCmdArg RooFit::NormSet ( Args_t &&...  argsOrArgSet)

Definition at line 365 of file RooGlobalFunc.h.

◆ NumIntConfig()

RooCmdArg RooFit::NumIntConfig ( const RooNumIntConfig cfg)

Definition at line 800 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ ObjectName()

RooCmdArg RooFit::ObjectName ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 914 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ OutputFile()

RooCmdArg RooFit::OutputFile ( const char *  fileName)

Definition at line 432 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ OutputStream()

RooCmdArg RooFit::OutputStream ( std::ostream &  os)

Definition at line 930 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Parameters()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Parameters ( const RooArgSet params)

Definition at line 701 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Prefix()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Prefix ( bool  flag)

Definition at line 935 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ RecycleConflictNodes()

RooCmdArg RooFit::RecycleConflictNodes ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 949 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Rename()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Rename ( const char *  suffix)

Definition at line 969 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ RenameAllNodes()

RooCmdArg RooFit::RenameAllNodes ( const char *  suffix)

Definition at line 953 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ RenameAllVariables()

RooCmdArg RooFit::RenameAllVariables ( const char *  suffix)

Definition at line 957 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ RenameAllVariablesExcept()

RooCmdArg RooFit::RenameAllVariablesExcept ( const char *  suffix,
const char *  exceptionList 

Definition at line 961 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ RenameConflictNodes()

RooCmdArg RooFit::RenameConflictNodes ( const char *  suffix,
bool  renameOrigNodes = false 

Definition at line 945 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ RenameVariable()

RooCmdArg RooFit::RenameVariable ( const char *  inputName,
const char *  outputName 

Definition at line 965 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Restrict()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Restrict ( const char *  catName,
const char *  stateNameList 

Definition at line 1000 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ RooConst()

RooConstVar & RooFit::RooConst ( double  val)

Definition at line 1045 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Scaling()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Scaling ( bool  flag)

Definition at line 772 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ ScanAllCdf()

RooCmdArg RooFit::ScanAllCdf ( )

Definition at line 1020 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ ScanNoCdf()

RooCmdArg RooFit::ScanNoCdf ( )

Definition at line 1024 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ ScanNumCdf()

RooCmdArg RooFit::ScanNumCdf ( )

Definition at line 1016 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ ScanParameters()

RooCmdArg RooFit::ScanParameters ( Int_t  nbins,
Int_t  intOrder 

Definition at line 1012 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ SelectVars()

RooCmdArg RooFit::SelectVars ( const RooArgSet vars)

Definition at line 476 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ ShowConstants()

RooCmdArg RooFit::ShowConstants ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 707 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Sibling()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Sibling ( const RooAbsCollection sibling)

Definition at line 436 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Silence()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Silence ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 806 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ SplitParam() [1/2]

RooCmdArg RooFit::SplitParam ( const char *  varname,
const char *  catname 

Definition at line 983 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ SplitParam() [2/2]

RooCmdArg RooFit::SplitParam ( const RooRealVar var,
const RooAbsCategory cat 

Definition at line 987 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ SplitParamConstrained() [1/2]

RooCmdArg RooFit::SplitParamConstrained ( const char *  varname,
const char *  catname,
const char *  rsname 

Definition at line 991 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ SplitParamConstrained() [2/2]

RooCmdArg RooFit::SplitParamConstrained ( const RooRealVar var,
const RooAbsCategory cat,
const char *  rsname 

Definition at line 995 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ SupNormSet()

RooCmdArg RooFit::SupNormSet ( const RooArgSet nset)

Definition at line 1006 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ TagName()

RooCmdArg RooFit::TagName ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 926 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Title()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Title ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 458 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ TLatexStyle()

RooCmdArg RooFit::TLatexStyle ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 892 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ Topic()

RooCmdArg RooFit::Topic ( Int_t  topic)

Definition at line 910 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ VerbatimName()

RooCmdArg RooFit::VerbatimName ( bool  flag = true)

Definition at line 904 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ What()

RooCmdArg RooFit::What ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 713 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ YVar()

RooFit::YVar ( const RooAbsRealLValue var,
const RooCmdArg arg = {} 


The YVar() function is pythonized with the command argument pythonization. The keywords must correspond to the CmdArg of the function.

Definition at line 760 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.

◆ ZVar()

RooFit::ZVar ( const RooAbsRealLValue var,
const RooCmdArg arg = {} 


The ZVar() function is pythonized with the command argument pythonization. The keywords must correspond to the CmdArg of the function.

Definition at line 764 of file RooGlobalFunc.cxx.