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FitHistoInFile.C File Reference

Detailed Description

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Example for fitting a signal + background model to a histogram found in a file.

This example can be executed as: root > .x FitHistoInFile.C

/// Based on FittingDemo.C by Rene Brun
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TLegend.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
// Function parameters are passed as an array to TF1. Here, we
// define the position of each parameter in this array.
// Note: N_PAR will give us the total number of parameters. Make
// sure it is always the last entry!
enum ParIndex_t {
Bkg0=0, Bkg1=1, Bkg2,
SigScale, SigSigma, SigMean,
// Use this map to (re-)name parameters for the plot
const std::map<ParIndex_t,std::string> parNames{
{Bkg0, "Bkg0"}, {Bkg1, "Bkg1"}, {Bkg2, "Bkg2"},
{SigScale, "Gauss scale"}, {SigSigma, "Gauss #sigma"}, {SigMean, "Gauss #mu"}
// Quadratic background function
double background(double *x, double *par) {
return par[Bkg0] + par[Bkg1]*x[0] + par[Bkg2]*x[0]*x[0];
// Gauss Peak function
double signal(double *x, double *par) {
return par[SigScale]*TMath::Gaus(x[0], par[SigMean], par[SigSigma], true);
// Sum of background and peak function. We pass x and the fit parameters
// down to the signal and background functions.
double fitFunction(double *x, double *par) {
return background(x, par) + signal(x, par);
// Fit "fitFunction" to the histogram, and draw results on the canvas `c1`.
void FitRoutine(TCanvas* c1, TH1* histo, float fitxmin, float fitxmax, TString filename){
// create a TF1 with the range from 0 to 3 and N_PAR parameters (six by default)
TF1 fitFcn("fitFcn",fitFunction,fitxmin,fitxmax,N_PAR);
// Assign the names from the map "parNames". Optional, but makes a nicer plot.
for (auto& idx_name : parNames) {
fitFcn.SetParName(idx_name.first, idx_name.second.c_str());
// Fit. First set ok-ish starting values for the parameters
// improve the picture:
// Draw signal and background functions separately
TF1 backFcn("backFcn",background,fitxmin,fitxmax,N_PAR);
TF1 signalFcn("signalFcn",signal,fitxmin,fitxmax,N_PAR);
// Retrieve fit parameters, and copy them to the signal and background functions
double par[N_PAR];
const double binwidth = histo->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
const double integral = signalFcn.Integral(0.,3.);
std::cout << "number of signal events = " << integral/binwidth << " " << binwidth<< std::endl;
// draw the legend
TLegend legend(0.15,0.7,0.28,0.85);
// Create a file with example data
void CreateRootFile(){
// The data in array form
const int nBins = 60;
double data[nBins] = { 6, 1,10,12, 6,13,23,22,15,21,
TFile* f = new TFile("exampleRootFile.root","RECREATE");
TH1D *histo = new TH1D("histo", "Gauss Peak on Quadratic Background;x;Events/0.05",60,0,3);
for(int i=0; i < nBins; i++) histo->SetBinContent(i+1,data[i]);
// Show how to fit a histogram that's in a file.
void FitHistoInFile() {
// fit range from fitxmin to fitxmax
float fitxmin=0.2;
float fitxmax=2.7;
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Fitting Demo of Histogram in File",10,10,700,500);
TFile* f = new TFile("exampleRootFile.root");
TH1D* histo= nullptr;
if (!histo){
std::cout << "histo not found" << std::endl;
// now call the fit routine
FitRoutine(c1,histo, fitxmin, fitxmax,"FitHistoInFile.pdf");
#define f(i)
Definition RSha256.hxx:104
@ kRed
Definition Rtypes.h:66
@ kGreen
Definition Rtypes.h:66
@ kBlue
Definition Rtypes.h:66
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void data
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char filename
R__EXTERN TStyle * gStyle
Definition TStyle.h:433
virtual void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle=1)
Set the marker style.
Definition TAttMarker.h:40
virtual void SetMarkerSize(Size_t msize=1)
Set the marker size.
Definition TAttMarker.h:45
virtual void SetRange(Int_t first=0, Int_t last=0)
Set the viewing range for the axis using bin numbers.
Definition TAxis.cxx:1052
virtual Double_t GetBinWidth(Int_t bin) const
Return bin width.
Definition TAxis.cxx:540
The Canvas class.
Definition TCanvas.h:23
1-Dim function class
Definition TF1.h:214
A ROOT file is composed of a header, followed by consecutive data records (TKey instances) with a wel...
Definition TFile.h:53
1-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
Definition TH1.h:620
TH1 is the base class of all histogram classes in ROOT.
Definition TH1.h:58
TAxis * GetXaxis()
Definition TH1.h:322
virtual TFitResultPtr Fit(const char *formula, Option_t *option="", Option_t *goption="", Double_t xmin=0, Double_t xmax=0)
Fit histogram with function fname.
Definition TH1.cxx:3901
void Draw(Option_t *option="") override
Draw this histogram with options.
Definition TH1.cxx:3067
virtual void SetBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t content)
Set bin content see convention for numbering bins in TH1::GetBin In case the bin number is greater th...
Definition TH1.cxx:9139
This class displays a legend box (TPaveText) containing several legend entries.
Definition TLegend.h:23
Basic string class.
Definition TString.h:139
void SetOptStat(Int_t stat=1)
The type of information printed in the histogram statistics box can be selected via the parameter mod...
Definition TStyle.cxx:1636
void SetOptFit(Int_t fit=1)
The type of information about fit parameters printed in the histogram statistics box can be selected ...
Definition TStyle.cxx:1589
return c1
Definition legend1.C:41
Double_t x[n]
Definition legend1.C:17
Double_t Gaus(Double_t x, Double_t mean=0, Double_t sigma=1, Bool_t norm=kFALSE)
Calculates a gaussian function with mean and sigma.
Definition TMath.cxx:471
Minuit2Minimizer: Minimize with max-calls 1780 convergence for edm < 0.01 strategy 1
Number of iterations 17
----------> Iteration 0
FVAL = 1529.09554298 Edm = 1995.56841581 Nfcn = 25
Error matrix change = 1
Parameters : p0 = 30 p1 = 0 p2 = 0 p3 = 50 p4 = 0.1 p5 = 1
----------> Iteration 1
FVAL = 417.624308317 Edm = 480.13293748 Nfcn = 41
Error matrix change = 0.640972
Parameters : p0 = 21.0028 p1 = -4.96702 p2 = -1.39455 p3 = 27.1085 p4 = 0.12243 p5 = 0.995333
----------> Iteration 2
FVAL = 88.8885076595 Edm = 16.2936179231 Nfcn = 59
Error matrix change = 0.367602
Parameters : p0 = 22.2062 p1 = 1.01384 p2 = 3.74492 p3 = 15.4684 p4 = 0.133674 p5 = 0.994635
----------> Iteration 3
FVAL = 63.8241467861 Edm = 3.17758579488 Nfcn = 73
Error matrix change = 0.34157
Parameters : p0 = 17.9274 p1 = 1.52758 p2 = 4.93171 p3 = 12.2791 p4 = 0.132646 p5 = 0.994209
----------> Iteration 4
FVAL = 55.1442862092 Edm = 0.22822646638 Nfcn = 89
Error matrix change = 0.423967
Parameters : p0 = 14.5751 p1 = 2.94924 p2 = 5.87871 p3 = 14.8197 p4 = 0.131275 p5 = 0.991903
----------> Iteration 5
FVAL = 53.4289073945 Edm = 1.11050817173 Nfcn = 104
Error matrix change = 0.499462
Parameters : p0 = 13.8128 p1 = 4.31214 p2 = 4.77436 p3 = 15.2637 p4 = 0.129147 p5 = 0.984581
----------> Iteration 6
FVAL = 48.4756174099 Edm = 0.26351167941 Nfcn = 118
Error matrix change = 0.560446
Parameters : p0 = 12.0901 p1 = 10.4687 p2 = 2.42177 p3 = 13.7425 p4 = 0.124228 p5 = 0.962145
----------> Iteration 7
FVAL = 46.6349583124 Edm = 1.56781379254 Nfcn = 133
Error matrix change = 0.587229
Parameters : p0 = 11.2362 p1 = 14.7787 p2 = 0.198283 p3 = 11.597 p4 = 0.120788 p5 = 0.958233
----------> Iteration 8
FVAL = 32.3981722197 Edm = 6.55363294533 Nfcn = 151
Error matrix change = 0.634164
Parameters : p0 = 1.02818 p1 = 46.3715 p2 = -15.2613 p3 = 9.25378 p4 = 0.0928931 p5 = 0.946441
----------> Iteration 9
FVAL = 21.4555626905 Edm = 0.277914347616 Nfcn = 166
Error matrix change = 0.325569
Parameters : p0 = -2.66809 p1 = 58.5453 p2 = -20.8916 p3 = 8.43353 p4 = 0.0835661 p5 = 0.983301
----------> Iteration 10
FVAL = 21.2576224712 Edm = 0.0985943659181 Nfcn = 180
Error matrix change = 0.235324
Parameters : p0 = -2.531 p1 = 57.2304 p2 = -20.1351 p3 = 8.91543 p4 = 0.0842051 p5 = 0.98436
----------> Iteration 11
FVAL = 21.0418662198 Edm = 0.163200465587 Nfcn = 194
Error matrix change = 0.121684
Parameters : p0 = -2.93549 p1 = 57.7085 p2 = -20.1524 p3 = 8.78327 p4 = 0.0819441 p5 = 0.980776
----------> Iteration 12
FVAL = 20.1793241317 Edm = 0.148586112923 Nfcn = 211
Error matrix change = 0.0902235
Parameters : p0 = -2.66094 p1 = 58.3868 p2 = -20.6874 p3 = 8.45469 p4 = 0.0722423 p5 = 0.985085
----------> Iteration 13
FVAL = 20.0356153356 Edm = 0.0027813824137 Nfcn = 224
Error matrix change = 0.0782338
Parameters : p0 = -1.6371 p1 = 55.5779 p2 = -19.3667 p3 = 8.43758 p4 = 0.0727503 p5 = 0.984327
----------> Iteration 14
FVAL = 20.033124412 Edm = 3.26053080905e-05 Nfcn = 237
Error matrix change = 0.0415848
Parameters : p0 = -1.72039 p1 = 55.7224 p2 = -19.4085 p3 = 8.41476 p4 = 0.0723863 p5 = 0.984483
----------> Iteration 15
FVAL = 20.0330977486 Edm = 1.41976040596e-07 Nfcn = 251
Error matrix change = 0.0223374
Parameters : p0 = -1.72294 p1 = 55.7228 p2 = -19.4083 p3 = 8.41522 p4 = 0.0724347 p5 = 0.984485
----------> Iteration 16
FVAL = 20.0330977486 Edm = 1.41976040596e-07 Nfcn = 251
Error matrix change = 0.0223374
Parameters : p0 = -1.72294 p1 = 55.7228 p2 = -19.4083 p3 = 8.41522 p4 = 0.0724347 p5 = 0.984485
Minuit2Minimizer : Valid minimum - status = 0
FVAL = 20.0330977485550434
Edm = 1.41976040595893912e-07
Nfcn = 251
Bkg0 = -1.72294 +/- 3.20827
Bkg1 = 55.7228 +/- 8.6473
Bkg2 = -19.4083 +/- 4.14403
Gauss scale = 8.41522 +/- 1.33872
Gauss #sigma = 0.0724347 +/- 0.0116855
Gauss #mu = 0.984485 +/- 0.0109757
Covariance Matrix:
Bkg0 Bkg1 Bkg2 Gauss scaleGauss #sigma Gauss #mu
Bkg0 10.293 -25.273 11.233 1.4782 0.0095082 0.0011726
Bkg1 -25.273 74.776 -35.237 -5.827 -0.037636 0.00042072
Bkg2 11.233 -35.237 17.173 2.8018 0.018113 -0.00087613
Gauss scale 1.4782 -5.827 2.8018 1.7922 0.008954 -0.00050823
Gauss #sigma 0.0095082 -0.037636 0.018113 0.008954 0.00013655 -1.1754e-05
Gauss #mu 0.0011726 0.00042072 -0.00087613 -0.00050823 -1.1754e-05 0.00012047
Correlation Matrix:
Bkg0 Bkg1 Bkg2 Gauss scaleGauss #sigma Gauss #mu
Bkg0 1 -0.91099 0.84489 0.34417 0.25362 0.033301
Bkg1 -0.91099 1 -0.98333 -0.50335 -0.37246 0.0044329
Bkg2 0.84489 -0.98333 1 0.50504 0.37404 -0.019263
Gauss scale 0.34417 -0.50335 0.50504 1 0.57237 -0.034589
Gauss #sigma 0.25362 -0.37246 0.37404 0.57237 1 -0.091642
Gauss #mu 0.033301 0.0044329 -0.019263 -0.034589 -0.091642 1
Minimizer is Minuit2 / Migrad
Chi2 = 20.0331
NDf = 30
Edm = 1.41976e-07
NCalls = 251
Bkg0 = -1.72294 +/- 3.20827
Bkg1 = 55.7228 +/- 8.6473
Bkg2 = -19.4083 +/- 4.14403
Gauss scale = 8.41522 +/- 1.33872
Gauss #sigma = 0.0724347 +/- 0.0116855
Gauss #mu = 0.984485 +/- 0.0109757
number of signal events = 168.304 0.05
Author E. von Toerne

Definition in file FitHistoInFile.C.