This class starts a PROOF session on the local machine: no daemons, client and master merged, communications via UNIX-like sockets.
By default the number of workers started is NumberOfCores+1; a different number can be forced on construction.
Definition at line 40 of file TProofLite.h.
Public Member Functions | |
TProofLite (const char *masterurl, const char *conffile=kPROOF_ConfFile, const char *confdir=kPROOF_ConfDir, Int_t loglevel=0, const char *alias=0, TProofMgr *mgr=0) | |
Create a PROOF environment. | |
virtual | ~TProofLite () |
Destructor. | |
Bool_t | CancelStagingDataSet (const char *dataset) |
Cancels a dataset staging request. | |
void | ClearCache (const char *file=0) |
Remove files from all file caches. | |
void | ClearDataSetCache (const char *dataset=0) |
Clear the content of the dataset cache, if any (matching 'dataset', if defined). | |
Long64_t | DrawSelect (TDSet *dset, const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0) |
Execute the specified drawing action on a data set (TDSet). | |
Bool_t | ExistsDataSet (const char *uri) |
Returns kTRUE if 'dataset' described by 'uri' exists, kFALSE otherwise. | |
TFileCollection * | GetDataSet (const char *uri, const char *=0) |
Get a list of TFileInfo objects describing the files of the specified dataset. | |
TMap * | GetDataSets (const char *uri="", const char *=0) |
lists all datasets that match given uri | |
TList * | GetListOfQueries (Option_t *opt="") |
Get the list of queries. | |
TFileCollection * | GetStagingStatusDataSet (const char *dataset) |
Obtains a TFileCollection showing the staging status of the specified dataset. | |
TTree * | GetTreeHeader (TDSet *tdset) |
Creates a tree header (a tree with nonexisting files) object for the DataSet. | |
Int_t | Load (const char *macro, Bool_t notOnClient=kFALSE, Bool_t uniqueOnly=kTRUE, TList *wrks=0) |
Copy the specified macro in the cache directory. | |
void | Print (Option_t *option="") const |
Print status of PROOF-Lite cluster. | |
Long64_t | Process (const char *dsname, const char *sel, Option_t *o="", Long64_t nent=-1, Long64_t fst=0, TObject *enl=0) |
Process a dataset which is stored on the master with name 'dsetname'. | |
Long64_t | Process (const char *dsname, TSelector *sel, Option_t *o="", Long64_t nent=-1, Long64_t fst=0, TObject *enl=0) |
Process with name of dataset and TSelector object. | |
Long64_t | Process (const char *sel, Long64_t nent, Option_t *o="") |
Generic (non-data based) selector processing: the Process() method of the specified selector (.C) or TSelector object is called 'n' times. | |
Long64_t | Process (TDSet *dset, const char *sel, Option_t *o="", Long64_t nent=-1, Long64_t fst=0) |
Process a data set (TDSet) using the specified selector (.C) file. | |
Long64_t | Process (TDSet *dset, TSelector *sel, Option_t *o="", Long64_t nent=-1, Long64_t fst=0) |
Process a data set (TDSet) using the specified selector object. | |
Long64_t | Process (TFileCollection *fc, const char *sel, Option_t *o="", Long64_t nent=-1, Long64_t fst=0) |
Process a data set (TFileCollection) using the specified selector (.C) file or TSelector object. | |
Long64_t | Process (TFileCollection *fc, TSelector *sel, Option_t *o="", Long64_t nent=-1, Long64_t fst=0) |
Process a data set (TFileCollection) using the specified selector object The default tree is analyzed (i.e. | |
Long64_t | Process (TSelector *sel, Long64_t nent, Option_t *o="") |
Generic (non-data based) selector processing: the Process() method of the specified selector is called 'n' times. | |
Bool_t | RegisterDataSet (const char *dsName, TFileCollection *ds, const char *opt="") |
Register the 'dataSet' on the cluster under the current user, group and the given 'dataSetName'. | |
Int_t | Remove (const char *ref, Bool_t all) |
Handle remove request. | |
Int_t | RemoveDataSet (const char *uri, const char *=0) |
Remove the specified dataset from the PROOF cluster. | |
Bool_t | RequestStagingDataSet (const char *dataset) |
Allows users to request staging of a particular dataset. | |
Int_t | SetDataSetTreeName (const char *dataset, const char *treename) |
Set/Change the name of the default tree. | |
void | ShowCache (Bool_t all=kFALSE) |
List contents of file cache. | |
void | ShowData () |
List contents of the data directory in the sandbox. | |
void | ShowDataSetCache (const char *dataset=0) |
Display the content of the dataset cache, if any (matching 'dataset', if defined). | |
void | ShowDataSets (const char *uri="", const char *=0) |
Shows datasets in locations that match the uri By default shows the user's datasets and global ones. | |
Int_t | VerifyDataSet (const char *uri, const char *=0) |
Verify if all files in the specified dataset are available. | |
![]() | |
TProof (const char *masterurl, const char *conffile=kPROOF_ConfFile, const char *confdir=kPROOF_ConfDir, Int_t loglevel=0, const char *alias=0, TProofMgr *mgr=0) | |
Create a PROOF environment. | |
virtual | ~TProof () |
Clean up PROOF environment. | |
Int_t | ActivateWorker (const char *ord, Bool_t save=kTRUE) |
Make sure that the worker identified by the ordinal number 'ord' is in the active list. | |
void | AddChain (TChain *chain) |
Add chain to data set. | |
Int_t | AddDynamicPath (const char *libpath, Bool_t onClient=kFALSE, TList *wrks=0, Bool_t doCollect=kTRUE) |
Add 'libpath' to the lib path search. | |
void | AddFeedback (const char *name) |
Add object to feedback list. | |
Int_t | AddIncludePath (const char *incpath, Bool_t onClient=kFALSE, TList *wrks=0, Bool_t doCollect=kTRUE) |
Add 'incpath' to the inc path search. | |
void | AddInput (TObject *obj) |
Add objects that might be needed during the processing of the selector (see Process()). | |
void | AddInputData (TObject *obj, Bool_t push=kFALSE) |
Add data objects that might be needed during the processing of the selector (see Process()). | |
Int_t | Archive (const char *queryref, const char *url=0) |
Send archive request for the query specified by ref. | |
Int_t | Archive (Int_t query, const char *url) |
Send archive request for the qry-th query in fQueries. | |
void | Browse (TBrowser *b) |
Build the PROOF's structure in the browser. | |
void | cd (Int_t id=-1) |
Set session with 'id' the default one. | |
Int_t | CleanupSession (const char *sessiontag) |
Send cleanup request for the session specified by tag. | |
void | ClearData (UInt_t what=kUnregistered, const char *dsname=0) |
Remove files for the data directory. | |
void | ClearFeedback () |
Clear feedback list. | |
void | ClearInput () |
Clear input object list. | |
void | ClearInputData (const char *name) |
Remove obj 'name' form the input data list;. | |
void | ClearInputData (TObject *obj=0) |
Remove obj form the input data list; if obj is null (default), clear the input data info. | |
Int_t | ClearPackage (const char *package) |
Remove a specific package. | |
Int_t | ClearPackages () |
Remove all packages. | |
void | Close (Option_t *option="") |
Close all open slave servers. | |
void | CloseProgressDialog () |
Close progress dialog. | |
TDrawFeedback * | CreateDrawFeedback () |
Draw feedback creation proxy. | |
void | DataSetStatus (const char *msg, Bool_t status, Int_t done, Int_t total) |
Send dataset preparation status. | |
Int_t | DeactivateWorker (const char *ord, Bool_t save=kTRUE) |
Remove the worker identified by the ordinal number 'ord' from the the active list. | |
void | DeleteDrawFeedback (TDrawFeedback *f) |
Delete draw feedback object. | |
void | DeleteParameters (const char *wildcard) |
Delete the input list parameters specified by a wildcard (e.g. | |
void | Detach (Option_t *opt="") |
Detach this instance to its proofserv. | |
void | DisableGoAsyn () |
Signal to disable related switches. | |
Int_t | DownloadPackage (const char *par, const char *dstdir=0) |
Download a PROOF archive (PAR file) from the master package repository. | |
Long64_t | DrawSelect (const char *dsetname, const char *varexp, const char *selection="", Option_t *option="", Long64_t nentries=-1, Long64_t firstentry=0, TObject *enl=0) |
Execute the specified drawing action on a data set which is stored on the master with name 'dsetname'. | |
virtual Int_t | Echo (const char *str) |
Sends a string to master and workers and expect them to echo it back to the client via a message. | |
virtual Int_t | Echo (const TObject *obj) |
Sends an object to master and workers and expect them to send back a message with the output of its TObject::Print(). | |
Int_t | EnablePackage (const char *package, Bool_t notOnClient=kFALSE, TList *workers=0) |
Enable specified package. | |
Int_t | EnablePackage (const char *package, const char *loadopts, Bool_t notOnClient=kFALSE, TList *workers=0) |
Enable specified package. | |
Int_t | EnablePackage (const char *package, TList *loadopts, Bool_t notOnClient=kFALSE, TList *workers=0) |
Enable specified package. | |
Int_t | Exec (const char *cmd, Bool_t plusMaster=kFALSE) |
Send command to be executed on the PROOF master and/or slaves. | |
Int_t | Exec (const char *cmd, const char *ord, Bool_t logtomacro=kFALSE) |
Send command to be executed on node of ordinal 'ord' (use "0" for master). | |
void | Feedback (TList *objs) |
Get list of feedback objects. | |
Long64_t | Finalize (const char *queryref, Bool_t force=kFALSE) |
Finalize query with reference ref. | |
Long64_t | Finalize (Int_t query=-1, Bool_t force=kFALSE) |
Finalize the qry-th query in fQueries. | |
TList * | FindDataSets (const char *searchString, const char *optStr="") |
Find datasets, returns in a TList all found datasets. | |
Long64_t | GetBytesRead () const |
Int_t | GetClientProtocol () const |
const char * | GetConfDir () const |
const char * | GetConfFile () const |
Float_t | GetCpuTime () const |
const char * | GetDataPoolUrl () const |
TMap * | GetDataSetQuota (const char *optStr="") |
returns a map of the quotas of all groups | |
TString | Getenv (const char *env, const char *ord="0") |
Get value of environment variable 'env' on node 'ord'. | |
TList * | GetFeedbackList () const |
Return feedback list. | |
const char * | GetGroup () const |
const char * | GetImage () const |
TList * | GetInputList () |
Get input list. | |
TMacro * | GetLastLog () |
Fill a TMacro with the log lines since the last reading (fLogFileR) Return (TMacro *)0 if no line was logged. | |
TList * | GetListOfEnabledPackages () |
Get from the master the list of names of the packages enabled. | |
TList * | GetListOfPackages () |
Get from the master the list of names of the packages available. | |
TList * | GetListOfSlaveInfos () |
Returns list of TSlaveInfo's. In case of error return 0. | |
TList * | GetLoadedMacros () const |
void | GetLog (Int_t start=-1, Int_t end=-1) |
Ask for remote logs in the range [start, end]. | |
Int_t | GetLogLevel () const |
TMacro * | GetMacroLog () |
TProofMgr * | GetManager () |
const char * | GetMaster () const |
void | GetMaxQueries () |
Get max number of queries whose full results are kept in the remote sandbox. | |
TFileCollection * | GetMissingFiles (TQueryResult *qr=0) |
Get a TFileCollection with the files missing in the query described by 'qr' or the last query if qr is null (default). | |
Int_t | GetNumberOfDrawQueries () |
Int_t | GetNumberOfQueries () |
Number of queries processed by this session. | |
TObject * | GetOutput (const char *name) |
Get specified object that has been produced during the processing (see Process()). | |
TList * | GetOutputList () |
Get list with all object created during processing (see Process()). | |
TList * | GetOutputNames () |
FIXME: to be written. | |
Int_t | GetParallel () const |
Returns number of slaves active in parallel mode. | |
TObject * | GetParameter (const char *par) const |
Get specified parameter. | |
Int_t | GetPort () const |
EQueryMode | GetQueryMode (Option_t *mode=0) const |
Find out the query mode based on the current setting and 'mode'. | |
TQueryResult * | GetQueryResult (const char *ref=0) |
Return pointer to the full TQueryResult instance owned by the player and referenced by 'ref'. | |
TList * | GetQueryResults () |
Return pointer to the list of query results in the player. | |
Int_t | GetRC (const char *RCenv, Double_t &env, const char *ord="0") |
Get into 'env' the value of double RC env variable 'rcenv' on node 'ord'. | |
Int_t | GetRC (const char *RCenv, Int_t &env, const char *ord="0") |
Get into 'env' the value of integer RC env variable 'rcenv' on node 'ord'. | |
Int_t | GetRC (const char *RCenv, TString &env, const char *ord="0") |
Get into 'env' the value of string RC env variable 'rcenv' on node 'ord'. | |
Float_t | GetRealTime () const |
Int_t | GetRemoteProtocol () const |
ERunStatus | GetRunStatus () const |
Int_t | GetSeqNum () const |
Int_t | GetSessionID () const |
const char * | GetSessionTag () const |
void | GetStatistics (Bool_t verbose=kFALSE) |
Get statistics about CPU time, real time and bytes read. | |
Int_t | GetStatus () const |
const char * | GetUrl () |
const char * | GetUser () const |
const char * | GetWorkDir () const |
void | GoAsynchronous () |
Send GOASYNC message to the master. | |
Bool_t | IsDataReady (Long64_t &totalbytes, Long64_t &bytesready) |
See if the data is ready to be analyzed. | |
Bool_t | IsFolder () const |
Returns kTRUE in case object contains browsable objects (like containers or lists of other objects). | |
Bool_t | IsIdle () const |
Bool_t | IsLite () const |
Bool_t | IsMaster () const |
Bool_t | IsParallel () const |
Bool_t | IsProofd () const |
Bool_t | IsTty () const |
Bool_t | IsValid () const |
Bool_t | IsWaiting () const |
void | LogMessage (const char *msg, Bool_t all) |
Log a message into the appropriate window by emitting a signal. | |
Int_t | Ping () |
Ping PROOF. Returns 1 if master server responded. | |
void | Progress (Long64_t total, Long64_t processed) |
Get query progress information. | |
void | Progress (Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread, Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime, Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti) |
Get query progress information. | |
void | Progress (Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread, Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime, Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti, Int_t actw, Int_t tses, Float_t eses) |
Get query progress information. | |
void | PutLog (TQueryResult *qr) |
Display log of query pq into the log window frame. | |
void | QueryResultReady (const char *ref) |
Notify availability of a query result. | |
Int_t | Remove (const char *queryref, Bool_t all=kFALSE) |
Send remove request for the query specified by ref. | |
Int_t | Remove (Int_t query, Bool_t all=kFALSE) |
Send remove request for the qry-th query in fQueries. | |
void | RemoveChain (TChain *chain) |
Remove chain from data set. | |
Int_t | RemoveDynamicPath (const char *libpath, Bool_t onClient=kFALSE) |
Remove 'libpath' from the lib path search. | |
void | RemoveFeedback (const char *name) |
Remove object from feedback list. | |
Int_t | RemoveIncludePath (const char *incpath, Bool_t onClient=kFALSE) |
Remove 'incpath' from the inc path search. | |
void | ResetProgressDialog (const char *sel, Int_t sz, Long64_t fst, Long64_t ent) |
Reset progress dialog. | |
void | ResetProgressDialogStatus () |
Int_t | Retrieve (const char *queryref, const char *path=0) |
Send retrieve request for the query specified by ref. | |
Int_t | Retrieve (Int_t query, const char *path=0) |
Send retrieve request for the qry-th query in fQueries. | |
Int_t | SavePerfTree (const char *pf=0, const char *qref=0) |
Save performance information from TPerfStats to file 'pf'. | |
void | SendDataSetStatus (const char *msg, UInt_t n, UInt_t tot, Bool_t st) |
Send or notify data set status. | |
Bool_t | SendingLogToWindow () const |
void | SendLogToWindow (Bool_t mode) |
void | SetActive (Bool_t=kTRUE) |
virtual void | SetAlias (const char *alias="") |
Set an alias for this session. | |
void | SetDataPoolUrl (const char *url) |
void | SetDrawFeedbackOption (TDrawFeedback *f, Option_t *opt) |
Set draw feedback option. | |
void | SetInputDataFile (const char *datafile) |
Set the file to be used to optimally distribute the input data objects. | |
void | SetLogLevel (Int_t level, UInt_t mask=TProofDebug::kAll) |
Set server logging level. | |
void | SetManager (TProofMgr *mgr) |
Set manager and schedule its destruction after this for clean operations. | |
void | SetMaxDrawQueries (Int_t max) |
Set max number of draw queries whose results are saved. | |
Int_t | SetParallel (Int_t nodes=-1, Bool_t random=kFALSE) |
Tell PROOF how many slaves to use in parallel. | |
void | SetParameter (const char *par, const char *value) |
Set input list parameter. | |
void | SetParameter (const char *par, Double_t value) |
Set an input list parameter. | |
void | SetParameter (const char *par, Int_t value) |
Set an input list parameter. | |
void | SetParameter (const char *par, Long64_t value) |
Set an input list parameter. | |
void | SetParameter (const char *par, Long_t value) |
Set an input list parameter. | |
void | SetPerfTree (const char *pf="perftree.root", Bool_t withWrks=kFALSE) |
Enable/Disable saving of the performance tree. | |
void | SetPrintProgress (PrintProgress_t pp) |
void | SetProgressDialog (Bool_t on=kTRUE) |
Enable/Disable the graphic progress dialog. | |
void | SetQueryMode (EQueryMode mode) |
Change query running mode to the one specified by 'mode'. | |
void | SetRealTimeLog (Bool_t on=kTRUE) |
Switch ON/OFF the real-time logging facility. | |
void | ShowDataSet (const char *dataset="", const char *opt="filter:SsCc") |
display meta-info for given dataset usi | |
void | ShowDataSetQuota (Option_t *opt=0) |
shows the quota and usage of all groups if opt contains "U" shows also distribution of usage on user-level | |
void | ShowEnabledPackages (Bool_t all=kFALSE) |
List which packages are enabled. | |
void | ShowFeedback () const |
Show items in feedback list. | |
void | ShowLog (const char *queryref) |
Display on screen the content of the temporary log file for query in reference. | |
void | ShowLog (Int_t qry=-1) |
Display on screen the content of the temporary log file. | |
void | ShowMissingFiles (TQueryResult *qr=0) |
Show information about missing files during query described by 'qr' or the last query if qr is null (default). | |
void | ShowPackages (Bool_t all=kFALSE, Bool_t redirlog=kFALSE) |
List contents of package directory. | |
void | ShowParameters (const char *wildcard="PROOF_*") const |
Show the input list parameters specified by the wildcard. | |
void | ShowQueries (Option_t *opt="") |
Ask the master for the list of queries. | |
virtual void | ShowStagingStatusDataSet (const char *dataset, const char *optStr="filter:SsCc") |
Like GetStagingStatusDataSet, but displays results immediately. | |
void | StartupMessage (const char *msg, Bool_t status, Int_t done, Int_t total) |
Send startup message. | |
void | StopProcess (Bool_t abort, Int_t timeout=-1) |
Send STOPPROCESS message to master and workers. | |
void | Touch () |
Ping PROOF slaves. Returns the number of slaves that responded. | |
Int_t | UploadDataSet (const char *, const char *, const char *=0, Int_t=0, TList *=0) |
*** This function is deprecated and will disappear in future versions *** *** It is just a wrapper around TFile::Cp. | |
Int_t | UploadDataSet (const char *, TList *, const char *=0, Int_t=0, TList *=0) |
*** This function is deprecated and will disappear in future versions *** *** It is just a wrapper around TFile::Cp. | |
Int_t | UploadDataSetFromFile (const char *, const char *, const char *=0, Int_t=0, TList *=0) |
*** This function is deprecated and will disappear in future versions *** *** It is just a wrapper around TFile::Cp. | |
Int_t | UploadPackage (const char *par, EUploadPackageOpt opt=kUntar, TList *workers=0) |
Upload a PROOF archive (PAR file). | |
Bool_t | UseDynamicStartup () const |
![]() | |
TNamed () | |
TNamed (const char *name, const char *title) | |
TNamed (const TNamed &named) | |
TNamed copy ctor. | |
TNamed (const TString &name, const TString &title) | |
virtual | ~TNamed () |
TNamed destructor. | |
virtual void | Clear (Option_t *option="") |
Set name and title to empty strings (""). | |
virtual TObject * | Clone (const char *newname="") const |
Make a clone of an object using the Streamer facility. | |
virtual Int_t | Compare (const TObject *obj) const |
Compare two TNamed objects. | |
virtual void | Copy (TObject &named) const |
Copy this to obj. | |
virtual void | FillBuffer (char *&buffer) |
Encode TNamed into output buffer. | |
virtual const char * | GetName () const |
Returns name of object. | |
virtual const char * | GetTitle () const |
Returns title of object. | |
virtual ULong_t | Hash () const |
Return hash value for this object. | |
virtual Bool_t | IsSortable () const |
virtual void | ls (Option_t *option="") const |
List TNamed name and title. | |
TNamed & | operator= (const TNamed &rhs) |
TNamed assignment operator. | |
virtual void | SetName (const char *name) |
Set the name of the TNamed. | |
virtual void | SetNameTitle (const char *name, const char *title) |
Set all the TNamed parameters (name and title). | |
virtual void | SetTitle (const char *title="") |
Set the title of the TNamed. | |
virtual Int_t | Sizeof () const |
Return size of the TNamed part of the TObject. | |
![]() | |
TObject () | |
TObject constructor. | |
TObject (const TObject &object) | |
TObject copy ctor. | |
virtual | ~TObject () |
TObject destructor. | |
void | AbstractMethod (const char *method) const |
Use this method to implement an "abstract" method that you don't want to leave purely abstract. | |
virtual void | AppendPad (Option_t *option="") |
Append graphics object to current pad. | |
ULong_t | CheckedHash () |
Check and record whether this class has a consistent Hash/RecursiveRemove setup (*) and then return the regular Hash value for this object. | |
virtual const char * | ClassName () const |
Returns name of class to which the object belongs. | |
virtual void | Delete (Option_t *option="") |
Delete this object. | |
virtual Int_t | DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py) |
Computes distance from point (px,py) to the object. | |
virtual void | Draw (Option_t *option="") |
Default Draw method for all objects. | |
virtual void | DrawClass () const |
Draw class inheritance tree of the class to which this object belongs. | |
virtual TObject * | DrawClone (Option_t *option="") const |
Draw a clone of this object in the current selected pad for instance with: gROOT->SetSelectedPad(gPad) . | |
virtual void | Dump () const |
Dump contents of object on stdout. | |
virtual void | Error (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
Issue error message. | |
virtual void | Execute (const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=0) |
Execute method on this object with the given parameter string, e.g. | |
virtual void | Execute (TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=0) |
Execute method on this object with parameters stored in the TObjArray. | |
virtual void | ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) |
Execute action corresponding to an event at (px,py). | |
virtual void | Fatal (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
Issue fatal error message. | |
virtual TObject * | FindObject (const char *name) const |
Must be redefined in derived classes. | |
virtual TObject * | FindObject (const TObject *obj) const |
Must be redefined in derived classes. | |
virtual Option_t * | GetDrawOption () const |
Get option used by the graphics system to draw this object. | |
virtual const char * | GetIconName () const |
Returns mime type name of object. | |
virtual char * | GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const |
Returns string containing info about the object at position (px,py). | |
virtual Option_t * | GetOption () const |
virtual UInt_t | GetUniqueID () const |
Return the unique object id. | |
virtual Bool_t | HandleTimer (TTimer *timer) |
Execute action in response of a timer timing out. | |
Bool_t | HasInconsistentHash () const |
Return true is the type of this object is known to have an inconsistent setup for Hash and RecursiveRemove (i.e. | |
virtual void | Info (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
Issue info message. | |
virtual Bool_t | InheritsFrom (const char *classname) const |
Returns kTRUE if object inherits from class "classname". | |
virtual Bool_t | InheritsFrom (const TClass *cl) const |
Returns kTRUE if object inherits from TClass cl. | |
virtual void | Inspect () const |
Dump contents of this object in a graphics canvas. | |
void | InvertBit (UInt_t f) |
Bool_t | IsDestructed () const |
IsDestructed. | |
virtual Bool_t | IsEqual (const TObject *obj) const |
Default equal comparison (objects are equal if they have the same address in memory). | |
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t | IsOnHeap () const |
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t | IsZombie () const |
void | MayNotUse (const char *method) const |
Use this method to signal that a method (defined in a base class) may not be called in a derived class (in principle against good design since a child class should not provide less functionality than its parent, however, sometimes it is necessary). | |
virtual Bool_t | Notify () |
This method must be overridden to handle object notification. | |
void | Obsolete (const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const |
Use this method to declare a method obsolete. | |
void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
Operator delete. | |
void | operator delete[] (void *ptr) |
Operator delete []. | |
void * | operator new (size_t sz) |
void * | operator new (size_t sz, void *vp) |
void * | operator new[] (size_t sz) |
void * | operator new[] (size_t sz, void *vp) |
TObject & | operator= (const TObject &rhs) |
TObject assignment operator. | |
virtual void | Paint (Option_t *option="") |
This method must be overridden if a class wants to paint itself. | |
virtual void | Pop () |
Pop on object drawn in a pad to the top of the display list. | |
virtual Int_t | Read (const char *name) |
Read contents of object with specified name from the current directory. | |
virtual void | RecursiveRemove (TObject *obj) |
Recursively remove this object from a list. | |
void | ResetBit (UInt_t f) |
virtual void | SaveAs (const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const |
Save this object in the file specified by filename. | |
virtual void | SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="") |
Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out". | |
void | SetBit (UInt_t f) |
void | SetBit (UInt_t f, Bool_t set) |
Set or unset the user status bits as specified in f. | |
virtual void | SetDrawOption (Option_t *option="") |
Set drawing option for object. | |
virtual void | SetUniqueID (UInt_t uid) |
Set the unique object id. | |
virtual void | SysError (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
Issue system error message. | |
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t | TestBit (UInt_t f) const |
Int_t | TestBits (UInt_t f) const |
virtual void | UseCurrentStyle () |
Set current style settings in this object This function is called when either TCanvas::UseCurrentStyle or TROOT::ForceStyle have been invoked. | |
virtual void | Warning (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
Issue warning message. | |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) |
Write this object to the current directory. | |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const |
Write this object to the current directory. | |
![]() | |
TQObject () | |
TQObject Constructor. | |
virtual | ~TQObject () |
TQObject Destructor. | |
Bool_t | AreSignalsBlocked () const |
Bool_t | BlockSignals (Bool_t b) |
virtual void | ChangedBy (const char *method) |
void | CollectClassSignalLists (TList &list, TClass *cls) |
Collect class signal lists from class cls and all its base-classes. | |
Bool_t | Connect (const char *signal, const char *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot) |
Non-static method is used to connect from the signal of this object to the receiver slot. | |
virtual void | Connected (const char *) |
virtual void | Destroyed () |
Bool_t | Disconnect (const char *signal=0, void *receiver=0, const char *slot=0) |
Disconnects signal of this object from slot of receiver. | |
virtual void | Disconnected (const char *) |
void | Emit (const char *signal) |
Activate signal without args. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | Emit (const char *signal, const T &arg) |
Activate signal with single parameter. | |
template<typename... T> | |
void | EmitVA (const char *signal_name, Int_t, const T &... params) |
Emit a signal with a varying number of arguments. | |
TList * | GetListOfClassSignals () const |
Returns pointer to list of signals of this class. | |
TList * | GetListOfConnections () const |
TList * | GetListOfSignals () const |
virtual Bool_t | HasConnection (const char *signal_name) const |
Return true if there is any object connected to this signal. | |
virtual void | HighPriority (const char *signal_name, const char *slot_name=0) |
virtual void | LowPriority (const char *signal_name, const char *slot_name=0) |
virtual void | Message (const char *msg) |
virtual Int_t | NumberOfConnections () const |
Return number of connections for this object. | |
virtual Int_t | NumberOfSignals () const |
Return number of signals for this object. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static Int_t | GetNumberOfWorkers (const char *url=0) |
Static method to determine the number of workers giving priority to users request. | |
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static void | AddEnvVar (const char *name, const char *value) |
Add an variable to the list of environment variables passed to proofserv on the master and slaves. | |
static void | DelEnvVar (const char *name) |
Remove an variable from the list of environment variables passed to proofserv on the master and slaves. | |
static const TList * | GetEnvVars () |
Get environemnt variables. | |
static TObject * | GetOutput (const char *name, TList *out) |
Find object 'name' in list 'out' or in the files specified in there. | |
static Int_t | GetParameter (TCollection *c, const char *par, Double_t &value) |
Get the value from the specified parameter from the specified collection. | |
static Int_t | GetParameter (TCollection *c, const char *par, Int_t &value) |
Get the value from the specified parameter from the specified collection. | |
static Int_t | GetParameter (TCollection *c, const char *par, Long64_t &value) |
Get the value from the specified parameter from the specified collection. | |
static Int_t | GetParameter (TCollection *c, const char *par, Long_t &value) |
Get the value from the specified parameter from the specified collection. | |
static Int_t | GetParameter (TCollection *c, const char *par, TString &value) |
Get the value from the specified parameter from the specified collection. | |
static void | LogViewer (const char *url=0, Int_t sessionidx=0) |
Start the log viewer window usign the plugin manager. | |
static TProofMgr * | Mgr (const char *url) |
Get instance of the effective manager for 'url' Return 0 on failure. | |
static TProof * | Open (const char *url=0, const char *conffile=0, const char *confdir=0, Int_t loglevel=0) |
Start a PROOF session on a specific cluster. | |
static void | Reset (const char *url, Bool_t hard=kFALSE) |
Wrapper around TProofMgr::Reset(...). | |
static void | ResetEnvVars () |
Clear the list of environment variables passed to proofserv on the master and slaves. | |
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static Longptr_t | GetDtorOnly () |
Return destructor only flag. | |
static Bool_t | GetObjectStat () |
Get status of object stat flag. | |
static void | SetDtorOnly (void *obj) |
Set destructor only flag. | |
static void | SetObjectStat (Bool_t stat) |
Turn on/off tracking of objects in the TObjectTable. | |
![]() | |
static Bool_t | AreAllSignalsBlocked () |
Returns true if all signals are blocked. | |
static Bool_t | BlockAllSignals (Bool_t b) |
Block or unblock all signals. Returns the previous block status. | |
static Bool_t | Connect (const char *sender_class, const char *signal, const char *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot) |
This method allows to make a connection from any object of the same class to a single slot. | |
static Bool_t | Connect (TQObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot) |
Create connection between sender and receiver. | |
static Bool_t | Disconnect (const char *class_name, const char *signal, void *receiver=0, const char *slot=0) |
Disconnects "class signal". | |
static Bool_t | Disconnect (TQObject *sender, const char *signal=0, void *receiver=0, const char *slot=0) |
Disconnects signal in object sender from slot_method in object receiver. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
TProofLite () | |
Int_t | CopyMacroToCache (const char *macro, Int_t headerRequired=0, TSelector **selector=0, Int_t opt=0, TList *wrks=0) |
Copy a macro, and its possible associated .h[h] file, to the cache directory, from where the workers can get the file. | |
Int_t | Init (const char *masterurl, const char *conffile, const char *confdir, Int_t loglevel, const char *alias=0) |
Start the PROOF environment. | |
TProofQueryResult * | MakeQueryResult (Long64_t nent, const char *opt, Long64_t fst, TDSet *dset, const char *selec) |
Create a TProofQueryResult instance for this query. | |
Int_t | PollForNewWorkers () |
Simulate dynamic addition, for test purposes. | |
void | SetQueryRunning (TProofQueryResult *pq) |
Set query in running state. | |
Int_t | SetupWorkers (Int_t opt=0, TList *wrks=0) |
Start up PROOF workers. | |
![]() | |
TProof () | |
Protected constructor to be used by classes deriving from TProof (they have to call Init themselves and override StartSlaves appropriately). | |
Int_t | AddWorkers (TList *wrks) |
Works on the master node only. | |
Int_t | AssertPath (const char *path, Bool_t writable) |
Make sure that 'path' exists; if 'writable' is kTRUE, make also sure that the path is writable. | |
Int_t | Collect (ESlaves list=kActive, Long_t timeout=-1, Int_t endtype=-1, Bool_t deactonfail=kFALSE) |
Collect responses from the slave servers. | |
Int_t | Collect (TList *slaves, Long_t timeout=-1, Int_t endtype=-1, Bool_t deactonfail=kFALSE) |
Collect responses from the slave servers. | |
TSlave * | CreateSlave (const char *url, const char *ord, Int_t perf, const char *image, const char *workdir) |
Create a new TSlave of type TSlave::kSlave. | |
TSlave * | CreateSubmaster (const char *url, const char *ord, const char *image, const char *msd, Int_t nwk=1) |
Create a new TSlave of type TSlave::kMaster. | |
TList * | GetEnabledPackages () const |
TList * | GetListOfActiveSlaves () const |
TVirtualProofPlayer * | GetPlayer () const |
TPluginHandler * | GetProgressDialog () const |
Int_t | GetSandbox (TString &sb, Bool_t assert=kFALSE, const char *rc=0) |
Set the sandbox path from ' Proof.Sandbox' or the alternative var 'rc'. | |
void | HandleLibIncPath (const char *what, Bool_t add, const char *dirs) |
Handle lib, inc search paths modification request. | |
Int_t | HandleOutputOptions (TString &opt, TString &target, Int_t action) |
Extract from opt information about output handling settings. | |
Int_t | Init (const char *masterurl, const char *conffile, const char *confdir, Int_t loglevel, const char *alias=0) |
Start the PROOF environment. | |
void | InitMembers () |
Default initializations. | |
virtual TVirtualProofPlayer * | MakePlayer (const char *player=0, TSocket *s=0) |
Construct a TProofPlayer object. | |
void | PrepareInputDataFile (TString &dataFile) |
Prepare the file with the input data objects to be sent the master; the objects are taken from the dedicated list and / or the specified file. | |
Int_t | RemoveWorkers (TList *wrks) |
Used for shuting down the workres after a query is finished. | |
virtual void | SaveWorkerInfo () |
Save information about the worker set in the file .workers in the working dir. | |
Int_t | SendFile (const char *file, Int_t opt=(kBinary|kForward|kCp|kCpBin), const char *rfile=0, TSlave *sl=0) |
Send a file to master or slave servers. | |
void | SetDSet (TDSet *dset) |
void | SetFeedback (TString &opt, TString &optfb, Int_t action) |
Extract from opt in optfb information about wanted feedback settings. | |
void | SetPlayer (TVirtualProofPlayer *player) |
Set a new PROOF player. | |
void | SetupWorkersEnv (TList *wrks, Bool_t increasingpool=kFALSE) |
Set up packages, loaded macros, include and lib paths ... | |
virtual Bool_t | StartSlaves (Bool_t attach=kFALSE) |
Start up PROOF slaves. | |
void | UpdateDialog () |
Final update of the progress dialog. | |
virtual void | ValidateDSet (TDSet *dset) |
Validate a TDSet. | |
Int_t | VerifyDataSetParallel (const char *uri, const char *optStr) |
Internal function for parallel dataset verification used TProof::VerifyDataSet and TProofLite::VerifyDataSet. | |
![]() | |
virtual void | DoError (int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const |
Interface to ErrorHandler (protected). | |
void | MakeZombie () |
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virtual void * | GetSender () |
virtual const char * | GetSenderClassName () const |
Private Member Functions | |
TProofLite (const TProofLite &) | |
Int_t | CleanupSandbox () |
Remove old sessions dirs keep at most 'Proof.MaxOldSessions' (default 10) | |
Int_t | CreateSandbox () |
Create the sandbox for this session. | |
void | FindUniqueSlaves () |
Add to the fUniqueSlave list the active slaves that have a unique (user) file system image. | |
Int_t | InitDataSetManager () |
Initialize the dataset manager from directives or from defaults Return 0 on success, -1 on failure. | |
void | NotifyStartUp (const char *action, Int_t done, Int_t tot) |
Notify setting-up operation message. | |
void | operator= (const TProofLite &) |
void | ResolveKeywords (TString &s, const char *ord, const char *logfile) |
Resolve some keywords in 's' <logfilewrk>, <user>, <rootsys>, <cpupin> | |
void | SendInputDataFile () |
Make sure that the input data objects are available to the workers in a dedicated file in the cache; the objects are taken from the dedicated list and / or the specified file. | |
Int_t | SetProofServEnv (const char *ord) |
Create environment files for worker 'ord'. | |
void | ShowDataDir (const char *dirname) |
List contents of the data directory 'dirname'. | |
Static Private Attributes | |
static Int_t | fgWrksMax = -2 |
Friends | |
class | TProofPlayerLite |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | EProofClearData { kPurge = 0x1 , kUnregistered = 0x2 , kDataset = 0x4 , kForceClear = 0x8 } |
enum | EQueryMode { kSync = 0 , kAsync = 1 } |
enum | ERegisterOpt { kFailIfExists = 0 , kOverwriteIfExists = 1 , kMergeIfExists = 2 } |
enum | ERunStatus { kRunning = 0 , kStopped = 1 , kAborted = 2 } |
enum | EStatusBits { kUsingSessionGui = BIT(14) , kNewInputData = BIT(15) , kIsClient = BIT(16) , kIsMaster = BIT(17) , kIsTopMaster = BIT(18) , kUseProgressDialog = BIT(19) } |
enum | ESubMerger { kOutputSize = 1 , kSendOutput = 2 , kBeMerger = 3 , kMergerDown = 4 , kStopMerging = 5 , kOutputSent = 6 } |
enum | EUploadOpt { kAppend = 0x1 , kOverwriteDataSet = 0x2 , kNoOverwriteDataSet = 0x4 , kOverwriteAllFiles = 0x8 , kOverwriteNoFiles = 0x10 , kAskUser = 0x0 } |
enum | EUploadPackageOpt { kUntar = 0x0 , kRemoveOld = 0x1 } |
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enum | { kIsOnHeap = 0x01000000 , kNotDeleted = 0x02000000 , kZombie = 0x04000000 , kInconsistent = 0x08000000 , kBitMask = 0x00ffffff } |
enum | { kSingleKey = BIT(0) , kOverwrite = BIT(1) , kWriteDelete = BIT(2) } |
enum | EDeprecatedStatusBits { kObjInCanvas = BIT(3) } |
enum | EStatusBits { kCanDelete = BIT(0) , kMustCleanup = BIT(3) , kIsReferenced = BIT(4) , kHasUUID = BIT(5) , kCannotPick = BIT(6) , kNoContextMenu = BIT(8) , kInvalidObject = BIT(13) } |
![]() | |
enum | ESlaves { kAll , kActive , kUnique , kAllUnique } |
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enum | { kOnlyPrepStep = BIT(3) } |
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static Int_t | AssertDataSet (TDSet *dset, TList *input, TDataSetManager *mgr, TString &emsg) |
Make sure that dataset is in the form to be processed. | |
static void | AssertMacroPath (const char *macro) |
Make sure that the directory path contained by macro is in the macro path. | |
static Bool_t | GetFileInCmd (const char *cmd, TString &fn) |
Static method to extract the filename (if any) form a CINT command. | |
static Int_t | GetInputData (TList *input, const char *cachedir, TString &emsg) |
Get the input data from the file defined in the input list. | |
static Int_t | SaveInputData (TQueryResult *qr, const char *cachedir, TString &emsg) |
Save input data file from 'cachedir' into the sandbox or create a the file with input data objects. | |
static Int_t | SendInputData (TQueryResult *qr, TProof *p, TString &emsg) |
Send the input data file to the workers. | |
static void * | SlaveStartupThread (void *arg) |
static void | SystemCmd (const char *cmd, Int_t fdout) |
Exec system command 'cmd'. If fdout > -1, append the output to fdout. | |
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static Int_t | CheckConnectArgs (TQObject *sender, TClass *sender_class, const char *signal, TClass *receiver_class, const char *slot) |
Checking of consistency of sender/receiver methods/arguments. | |
static TString | CompressName (const char *method_name) |
Removes "const" words and blanks from full (with prototype) method name and resolve any typedefs in the method signature. | |
static Bool_t | ConnectToClass (const char *sender_class, const char *signal, TClass *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot) |
This method allows to make connection from any object of the same class to the receiver object. | |
static Bool_t | ConnectToClass (TQObject *sender, const char *signal, TClass *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot) |
Create connection between sender and receiver. | |
![]() | |
TMonitor * | fAllMonitor |
TList * | fAvailablePackages |
TList * | fBadSlaves |
Long64_t | fBytesReady |
Int_t | fCollectTimeout |
TString | fConfDir |
TString | fConfFile |
TString | fDataPoolUrl |
Bool_t | fDataReady |
Bool_t | fDynamicStartup |
TList * | fEnabledPackages |
TString | fImage |
TProofMgr * | fManager |
Bool_t | fMasterServ |
Float_t | fPrepTime |
Int_t | fProtocol |
EQueryMode | fQueryMode |
TStopwatch | fQuerySTW |
TList * | fRunningDSets |
TSelector * | fSelector |
TProofMgr::EServType | fServType |
TList * | fSlaves |
TList * | fTerminatedSlaveInfos |
Long64_t | fTotalBytes |
TUrl | fUrl |
![]() | |
TString | fName |
TString | fTitle |
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TList * | fListOfConnections |
list of signals from this object | |
TList * | fListOfSignals |
Bool_t | fSignalsBlocked |
list of connections to this object | |
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static Bool_t | fgAllSignalsBlocked = kFALSE |
flag used for suppression of signals | |
#include <TProofLite.h>
private |
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 87 of file TProofLite.h.
TProofLite::TProofLite | ( | const char * | url, |
const char * | conffile = kPROOF_ConfFile , |
const char * | confdir = kPROOF_ConfDir , |
Int_t | loglevel = 0 , |
const char * | alias = 0 , |
TProofMgr * | mgr = 0 |
) |
Create a PROOF environment.
Starting PROOF involves either connecting to a master server, which in turn will start a set of slave servers, or directly starting as master server (if master = ""). Masterurl is of the form: [proof[s]://]host[:port]. Conffile is the name of the config file describing the remote PROOF cluster (this argument alows you to describe different cluster configurations). The default is proof.conf. Confdir is the directory where the config file and other PROOF related files are (like motd and noproof files). Loglevel is the log level (default = 1). User specified custom config files will be first looked for in $HOME/.conffile.
Definition at line 72 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Definition at line 375 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Cancels a dataset staging request.
Returns kTRUE on success, kFALSE on failure. Dataset not found equals to a failure. PROOF-Lite re-implementation of the equivalent function in TProofServ.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2195 of file TProofLite.cxx.
private |
Remove old sessions dirs keep at most 'Proof.MaxOldSessions' (default 10)
Definition at line 1821 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Remove files from all file caches.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 1519 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Clear the content of the dataset cache, if any (matching 'dataset', if defined).
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2282 of file TProofLite.cxx.
protected |
Copy a macro, and its possible associated .h[h] file, to the cache directory, from where the workers can get the file.
If headerRequired is 1, return -1 in case the header is not found. If headerRequired is 0, try to copy header too. If headerRequired is -1, don't look for header, only copy macro. If the selector pionter is not 0, consider the macro to be a selector and try to load the selector and set it to the pointer. The mask 'opt' is an or of ESendFileOpt: kCpBin (0x8) Retrieve from the cache the binaries associated with the file kCp (0x10) Retrieve the files from the cache Return -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise.
Definition at line 1593 of file TProofLite.cxx.
private |
Create the sandbox for this session.
Definition at line 880 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Execute the specified drawing action on a data set (TDSet).
Event- or Entry-lists should be set in the data set object using TDSet::SetEntryList. Returns -1 in case of error or number of selected events otherwise.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 1053 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Returns kTRUE if 'dataset' described by 'uri' exists, kFALSE otherwise.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2031 of file TProofLite.cxx.
privatevirtual |
Add to the fUniqueSlave list the active slaves that have a unique (user) file system image.
This information is used to transfer files only once to nodes that share a file system (an image). Submasters which are not in fUniqueSlaves are put in the fNonUniqueMasters list. That list is used to trigger the transferring of files to the submaster's unique slaves without the need to transfer the file to the submaster.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2450 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Get a list of TFileInfo objects describing the files of the specified dataset.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2084 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
lists all datasets that match given uri
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2050 of file TProofLite.cxx.
static |
Static method to determine the number of workers giving priority to users request.
Otherwise use the system information, if available, or just start the minimal number, i.e. 2 .
Definition at line 406 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Obtains a TFileCollection showing the staging status of the specified dataset.
A valid dataset manager and dataset staging requests repository must be present on the endpoint. PROOF-Lite version of the equivalent function from TProofServ.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2223 of file TProofLite.cxx.
Creates a tree header (a tree with nonexisting files) object for the DataSet.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2397 of file TProofLite.cxx.
protected |
Start the PROOF environment.
Starting PROOF involves either connecting to a master server, which in turn will start a set of slave servers, or directly starting as master server (if master = ""). For a description of the arguments see the TProof ctor. Returns the number of started master or slave servers, returns 0 in case of error, in which case fValid remains false.
Definition at line 154 of file TProofLite.cxx.
private |
Initialize the dataset manager from directives or from defaults Return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
Definition at line 1412 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Copy the specified macro in the cache directory.
The macro file is uploaded if new or updated. If existing, the corresponding header basename(macro).h or .hh, is also uploaded. For the other arguments see TProof::Load(). Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 1539 of file TProofLite.cxx.
protected |
Create a TProofQueryResult instance for this query.
Definition at line 1000 of file TProofLite.cxx.
Notify setting-up operation message.
Definition at line 667 of file TProofLite.cxx.
private |
protectedvirtual |
Simulate dynamic addition, for test purposes.
Here we decide how many workers to add, we create them and set the environment. This call is called regularly by Collect if the opton is enabled. Returns the number of new workers added, or <0 on errors.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2528 of file TProofLite.cxx.
Print status of PROOF-Lite cluster.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 949 of file TProofLite.cxx.
inlinevirtual |
Process a dataset which is stored on the master with name 'dsetname'.
The syntax for dsetname is name[#[dir/]objname], e.g. "mydset" analysis of the first tree in the top dir of the dataset named "mydset" "mydset#T" analysis tree "T" in the top dir of the dataset named "mydset" "mydset#adir/T" analysis tree "T" in the dir "adir" of the dataset named "mydset" "mydset#adir/" analysis of the first tree in the dir "adir" of the dataset named "mydset" The component 'name' in its more general form contains also the group and user name following "/<group>/<user>/<dsname>". Each of these components can contain one or more wildcards '*', in which case all the datasets matching the expression are added together as a global dataset (wildcard support has been added in version 5.27/02). The last argument 'elist' specifies an entry- or event-list to be used as event selection. It is also possible (starting w/ version 5.27/02) to run on multiple datasets at once in a more flexible way that the one provided by wildcarding. There are three possibilities: 1) specifying the dataset names separated by the OR operator '|', e.g. dsetname = "<dset1>|<dset2>|<dset3>|..." in this case the datasets are a seen as a global unique dataset 2) specifying the dataset names separated by a ',' or a ' ', e.g. dsetname = "<dset1>,<dset2> <dset3>,..." in this case the datasets are processed one after the other and the selector is notified when switching dataset via a bit in the current processed element. 3) giving the path of a textfile where the dataset names are specified on one or multiple lines; the lines found are joined as in 1), unless the filepath is followed by a ',' (i.e. p->Process("datasets.txt,",...) with the dataset names listed in 'datasets.txt') in which case they are treated as in 2); the file is open in raw mode with TFile::Open and therefore it cane be remote, e.g. on a Web server. Each <dsetj> has the format specified above for the single dataset processing, included wildcarding (the name of the tree and subdirectory must be same for all the datasets). In the case of multiple datasets, 'elist' is treated a global entry list. It is possible to specify per-dataset entry lists using the syntax "mydset[#adir/[T]]?enl=entrylist" or "mydset[#adir/[T]]<<entrylist" Here 'entrylist' is a tag identifying, in the order : i. a named entry-list in the input list or in the input data list ii. a named entry-list in memory (in gDirectory) iii. the path of a file containing the entry-list to be used In the case ii) and iii) the entry-list object(s) is(are) added to the input data list. The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in in case of success.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 119 of file TProofLite.h.
inlinevirtual |
Process with name of dataset and TSelector object.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 131 of file TProofLite.h.
inlinevirtual |
Generic (non-data based) selector processing: the Process() method of the specified selector (.C) or TSelector object is called 'n' times.
The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in in case of success.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 122 of file TProofLite.h.
virtual |
Process a data set (TDSet) using the specified selector (.C) file.
Entry- or event-lists should be set in the data set object using TDSet::SetEntryList. The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in in case of success.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 1083 of file TProofLite.cxx.
inlinevirtual |
Process a data set (TDSet) using the specified selector object.
Entry- or event-lists should be set in the data set object using TDSet::SetEntryList. The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in in case of success.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 125 of file TProofLite.h.
inlinevirtual |
Process a data set (TFileCollection) using the specified selector (.C) file or TSelector object.
The default tree is analyzed (i.e. the first one found). To specify another tree, the default tree can be changed using TFileCollection::SetDefaultMetaData . The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in in case of success.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 116 of file TProofLite.h.
inlinevirtual |
Process a data set (TFileCollection) using the specified selector object The default tree is analyzed (i.e.
the first one found). To specify another tree, the default tree can be changed using TFileCollection::SetDefaultMetaData . The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in in case of success.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 128 of file TProofLite.h.
inlinevirtual |
Generic (non-data based) selector processing: the Process() method of the specified selector is called 'n' times.
The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in in case of success.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 134 of file TProofLite.h.
virtual |
Register the 'dataSet' on the cluster under the current user, group and the given 'dataSetName'.
Fails if a dataset named 'dataSetName' already exists, unless 'optStr' contains 'O', in which case the old dataset is overwritten. If 'optStr' contains 'V' the dataset files are verified (default no verification). Returns kTRUE on success.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 1942 of file TProofLite.cxx.
Handle remove request.
Definition at line 2340 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Remove the specified dataset from the PROOF cluster.
Files are not deleted.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2104 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Allows users to request staging of a particular dataset.
Requests are saved in a special dataset repository and must be honored by the endpoint. This is the special PROOF-Lite re-implementation of the TProof function and includes code originally implemented in TProofServ.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2131 of file TProofLite.cxx.
Resolve some keywords in 's' <logfilewrk>, <user>, <rootsys>, <cpupin>
Definition at line 801 of file TProofLite.cxx.
privatevirtual |
Make sure that the input data objects are available to the workers in a dedicated file in the cache; the objects are taken from the dedicated list and / or the specified file.
If the fInputData is empty the specified file is sent over. If there is no specified file, a file named "inputdata.root" is created locally with the content of fInputData and sent over to the master. If both fInputData and the specified file are not empty, a copy of the file is made locally and augmented with the content of fInputData.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2310 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Set/Change the name of the default tree.
The tree name may contain subdir specification in the form "subdir/name". Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2002 of file TProofLite.cxx.
private |
Create environment files for worker 'ord'.
Definition at line 684 of file TProofLite.cxx.
protected |
Set query in running state.
Definition at line 1025 of file TProofLite.cxx.
Start up PROOF workers.
Definition at line 489 of file TProofLite.cxx.
List contents of file cache.
If all is true show all caches also on slaves. If everything is ok all caches are to be the same.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 1508 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
List contents of the data directory in the sandbox.
This is the place where files produced by the client queries are kept
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2479 of file TProofLite.cxx.
private |
List contents of the data directory 'dirname'.
Definition at line 2495 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Display the content of the dataset cache, if any (matching 'dataset', if defined).
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2292 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Shows datasets in locations that match the uri By default shows the user's datasets and global ones.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2070 of file TProofLite.cxx.
virtual |
Verify if all files in the specified dataset are available.
Print a list and return the number of missing files.
Reimplemented from TProof.
Definition at line 2255 of file TProofLite.cxx.
friend |
Definition at line 42 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 47 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 60 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 49 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 64 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 65 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 55 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 54 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 52 of file TProofLite.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 69 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 45 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 62 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 48 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 61 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 46 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 58 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 51 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 50 of file TProofLite.h.
private |
Definition at line 57 of file TProofLite.h.