RooAbsGenContext is the abstract base class for generator contexts of RooAbsPdf objects.
RooConvGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooAbsAnaConvP...
virtual ~RooConvGenContext()
RooArgSet * _modelCloneSet
RooArgSet * _modelVarsOwned
RooConvGenContext(const RooConvGenContext &other)
RooAbsGenContext * _pdfGen
RooAbsGenContext * _modelGen
virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const
Print the details of this generator context.
RooArgSet * _pdfVarsOwned
virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining)
Generate a single event.
virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent)
One-time initialization of generator context, attaches the context to the supplied event container.
virtual void attach(const RooArgSet ¶ms)
Attach given set of arguments to internal clones of pdf and resolution model.
virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t *lut)
Set the traversal order for events in the prototype dataset The argument is a array of integers with ...