#define ClassDef(name, id)
RooAbsBinning is the abstract base class for RooRealVar binning definitions.
Int_t numBins() const
Return number of bins.
Class RooBinning is an implements RooAbsBinning in terms of an array of boundary values,...
virtual void setRange(Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi)
Change the defined range associated with this binning.
virtual Int_t binNumber(Double_t x) const
Return sequential bin number that contains value x where bin zero is the first bin with an upper boun...
virtual Double_t averageBinWidth() const
virtual Double_t binLow(Int_t bin) const
Return the lower bound of the requested bin.
Bool_t hasBoundary(Double_t boundary)
Check if boundary exists at given value.
virtual Double_t binCenter(Int_t bin) const
Return the position of the center of bin 'bin'.
void updateBinCount()
Update the internal bin counter.
virtual Int_t rawBinNumber(Double_t x) const
Return sequential bin number that contains value x where bin zero is the first bin that is defined,...
virtual Int_t numBoundaries() const
virtual Double_t highBound() const
Int_t _blo
Array of boundaries.
RooAbsBinning * clone(const char *name=0) const
Bool_t binEdges(Int_t bin, Double_t &xlo, Double_t &xhi) const
Return upper and lower bound of bin 'bin'.
void addUniform(Int_t nBins, Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi)
Add array of nbins uniformly sized bins in range [xlo,xhi].
Bool_t addBoundary(Double_t boundary)
Add bin boundary at given value.
void addBoundaryPair(Double_t boundary, Double_t mirrorPoint=0)
Add pair of boundaries: one at 'boundary' and one at 2*mirrorPoint-boundary.
Bool_t removeBoundary(Double_t boundary)
Remove boundary at given value.
virtual Double_t binHigh(Int_t bin) const
Return the upper bound of the requested bin.
virtual Double_t lowBound() const
virtual Double_t binWidth(Int_t bin) const
Return the width of the requested bin.
virtual Double_t nearestBoundary(Double_t x) const
Return the value of the nearest boundary to x.
std::vector< Double_t > _boundaries
virtual Double_t * array() const
Return array of boundary values.
static Double_t infinity()
Return internal infinity representation.
RooRealVar represents a variable that can be changed from the outside.
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.