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Reference Guide
Namespaces | Classes | Functions
ROOT::Detail::RDF Namespace Reference


namespace  CustomColExtraArgs


class  RCustomColumn
class  RCustomColumnBase
class  RFilter
class  RFilterBase
class  RJittedCustomColumn
 A wrapper around a concrete RCustomColumn, which forwards all calls to it RJittedCustomColumn is a placeholder that is put in the collection of custom columns in place of a RCustomColumn that will be just-in-time compiled. More...
class  RJittedFilter
 A wrapper around a concrete RFilter, which forwards all calls to it RJittedFilter is the type of the node returned by jitted Filter calls: the concrete filter can be created and set at a later time, from jitted code. More...
class  RLoopManager
 The head node of a RDF computation graph. More...
class  RNodeBase
 Base class for non-leaf nodes of the computational graph. More...
class  RRange
class  RRangeBase


template<typename T >
RResultPtr< T > MakeResultPtr (const std::shared_ptr< T > &r, RLoopManager &lm, std::shared_ptr< RDFInternal::RActionBase > actionPtr)
 Create a RResultPtr and set its pointer to the corresponding RAction This overload is invoked by non-jitted actions, as they have access to RAction before constructing RResultPtr. More...

Function Documentation

◆ MakeResultPtr()

template<typename T >
RResultPtr< T > ROOT::Detail::RDF::MakeResultPtr ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  r,
RLoopManager df,
std::shared_ptr< ROOT::Internal::RDF::RActionBase actionPtr 

Create a RResultPtr and set its pointer to the corresponding RAction This overload is invoked by non-jitted actions, as they have access to RAction before constructing RResultPtr.

Definition at line 346 of file RResultPtr.hxx.