Classes for numerical integration of functions.
These classes provide algorithms for integration of one-dimensional functions, with several adaptive and non-adaptive methods and for integration of multi-dimensional function using an adaptive method or MonteCarlo Integration (GSLMCIntegrator). The basic classes ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDim provides a common interface for the one-dimensional methods while the class ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim provides the interface for the multi-dimensional ones. The methods can be configured (e.g setting the default method with its defult parameters) using the ROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions and ROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDimOptions classes.
enum | ROOT::Math::Integration::GKRule {
ROOT::Math::Integration::kGAUSS15 = 1
, ROOT::Math::Integration::kGAUSS21 = 2
, ROOT::Math::Integration::kGAUSS31 = 3
, ROOT::Math::Integration::kGAUSS41 = 4
ROOT::Math::Integration::kGAUSS51 = 5
, ROOT::Math::Integration::kGAUSS61 = 6
} |
| enumeration specifying the Gauss-KronRod integration rule for ADAPTIVE integration type More...
enum | ROOT::Math::IntegrationOneDim::Type {
ROOT::Math::IntegrationOneDim::kDEFAULT = -1
, ROOT::Math::IntegrationOneDim::kGAUSS
, ROOT::Math::IntegrationOneDim::kLEGENDRE
, ROOT::Math::IntegrationOneDim::kADAPTIVE
, ROOT::Math::IntegrationOneDim::kNONADAPTIVE
} |
| enumeration specifying the integration types. More...
◆ GKRule
enumeration specifying the Gauss-KronRod integration rule for ADAPTIVE integration type
Enumerator |
kGAUSS15 | |
kGAUSS21 | |
kGAUSS31 | |
kGAUSS41 | |
kGAUSS51 | |
kGAUSS61 | |
Definition at line 58 of file IntegrationTypes.h.
◆ Type
enumeration specifying the integration types.
kDEFAULT: default type specifiend in the static options
kGAUSS: simple Gauss integration method with fixed rule
kLEGENDRE: Gauss-Legendre integration
kNONADAPTIVE : to be used for smooth functions
kADAPTIVE : to be used for general functions without singularities.
kADAPTIVESINGULAR: default adaptive integration type which can be used in the case of the presence of singularities.
Enumerator |
kGAUSS | |
Definition at line 45 of file AllIntegrationTypes.h.