| TRootSnifferScanRec () |
| constructor More...
virtual | ~TRootSnifferScanRec () |
| destructor More...
void | BeforeNextChild () |
| indicates that new child for current element will be started More...
void | BuildFullName (TString &buf, TRootSnifferScanRec *prnt=nullptr) |
| Produces full name for the current item. More...
Bool_t | CanExpandItem () |
| Returns true when item can be expanded. More...
Bool_t | CanSetFields () const |
| return true when fields could be set to the hierarchy item More...
void | CloseNode () |
| close started node More...
void | CreateNode (const char *_node_name) |
| Starts new node, must be closed at the end. More...
Int_t | Depth () const |
| Returns depth of hierarchy. More...
Bool_t | Done () const |
| Method indicates that scanning can be interrupted while result is set. More...
Bool_t | GoInside (TRootSnifferScanRec &super, TObject *obj, const char *obj_name=nullptr, TRootSniffer *sniffer=nullptr) |
| Method verifies if new level of hierarchy should be started with provided object. More...
Bool_t | IsReadOnly (Bool_t dflt=kTRUE) |
| Returns read-only flag for current item. More...
Bool_t | IsReadyForResult () const |
| Checks if result will be accepted. More...
void | MakeItemName (const char *objname, TString &itemname) |
| Construct item name, using object name as basis. More...
Bool_t | ScanOnlyFields () const |
| return true when only fields are scanned by the sniffer More...
void | SetField (const char *name, const char *value, Bool_t with_quotes=kTRUE) |
| Set item field only when creating is specified. More...
Bool_t | SetFoundResult (void *obj, TClass *cl, TDataMember *member=nullptr) |
| Set found element with class and datamember (optional) More...
Bool_t | SetResult (void *obj, TClass *cl, TDataMember *member=nullptr) |
| Obsolete, use SetFoundResult instead. More...
void | SetRootClass (TClass *cl) |
| Mark item with ROOT class and correspondent streamer info. More...