| CCTreeNode (DecisionTreeNode *n=NULL) |
| constructor of the CCTreeNode More...
virtual | ~CCTreeNode () |
| destructor of a CCTreeNode More...
virtual void | AddAttributesToNode (void *node) const |
virtual void | AddContentToNode (std::stringstream &s) const |
virtual Node * | CreateNode () const |
Double_t | GetAlphaC () const |
DecisionTreeNode * | GetDTNode () const |
CCTreeNode * | GetLeftDaughter () |
Double_t | GetMinAlphaC () const |
CCTreeNode * | GetMother () |
Int_t | GetNLeafDaughters () const |
Double_t | GetNodeResubstitutionEstimate () const |
Double_t | GetResubstitutionEstimate () const |
CCTreeNode * | GetRightDaughter () |
virtual Bool_t | GoesLeft (const Event &e) const |
virtual Bool_t | GoesRight (const Event &e) const |
virtual void | Print (std::ostream &os) const |
| printout of the node (can be read in with ReadDataRecord) More...
virtual void | PrintRec (std::ostream &os) const |
| recursive printout of the node and its daughters More...
virtual void | ReadAttributes (void *node, UInt_t tmva_Version_Code=TMVA_VERSION_CODE) |
virtual void | ReadContent (std::stringstream &s) |
virtual Bool_t | ReadDataRecord (std::istream &in, UInt_t tmva_Version_Code=TMVA_VERSION_CODE) |
| initialize a node from a data record More...
void | SetAlphaC (Double_t alpha) |
void | SetMinAlphaC (Double_t alpha) |
void | SetNLeafDaughters (Int_t N) |
void | SetNodeResubstitutionEstimate (Double_t R) |
void | SetResubstitutionEstimate (Double_t R) |
| Node () |
| Node (const Node &n) |
| copy constructor, make sure you don't just copy the pointer to the node, but that the parents/daughters are initialized to 0 (and set by the copy constructors of the derived classes More...
| Node (Node *p, char pos) |
| constructor of a daughter node as a daughter of 'p' More...
virtual | ~Node () |
| node destructor More...
virtual void | AddAttributesToNode (void *node) const =0 |
virtual void | AddContentToNode (std::stringstream &s) const =0 |
void * | AddXMLTo (void *parent) const |
| add attributes to XML More...
Int_t | CountMeAndAllDaughters () const |
| recursively go through the part of the tree below this node and count all daughters More...
virtual Node * | CreateNode () const =0 |
int | GetCount () |
| returns the global number of instantiated nodes More...
UInt_t | GetDepth () const |
virtual Node * | GetLeft () const |
virtual Node * | GetParent () const |
virtual TMVA::BinaryTree * | GetParentTree () const |
char | GetPos () const |
virtual Node * | GetRight () const |
virtual Bool_t | GoesLeft (const Event &) const =0 |
virtual Bool_t | GoesRight (const Event &) const =0 |
virtual void | Print (std::ostream &os) const =0 |
virtual void | PrintRec (std::ostream &os) const =0 |
virtual void | ReadAttributes (void *node, UInt_t tmva_Version_Code=TMVA_VERSION_CODE)=0 |
virtual void | ReadContent (std::stringstream &s)=0 |
virtual Bool_t | ReadDataRecord (std::istream &, UInt_t tmva_Version_Code=TMVA_VERSION_CODE)=0 |
void | ReadXML (void *node, UInt_t tmva_Version_Code=TMVA_VERSION_CODE) |
| read attributes from XML More...
void | SetDepth (UInt_t d) |
virtual void | SetLeft (Node *l) |
virtual void | SetParent (Node *p) |
virtual void | SetParentTree (TMVA::BinaryTree *t) |
void | SetPos (char s) |
virtual void | SetRight (Node *r) |