| FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN (const ParametricFunction &modelFCN, const std::vector< double > &pos) |
| Constructor which initializes the measurement points for the one dimensional model function. More...
| FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN (const ParametricFunction &modelFCN, const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &pos) |
| Constructor which initializes the measurement points for the multi dimensional model function. More...
| ~FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN () |
std::vector< double > | Elements (const std::vector< double > &par) const |
| Evaluates the model function for the different measurement points and the Parameter values supplied. More...
virtual void | EvaluateAll (const std::vector< double > &par) |
| Evaluate function Value, Gradient and Hessian using Fumili approximation, for values of parameters p The resul is cached inside and is return from the FumiliFCNBase::Value , FumiliFCNBase::Gradient and FumiliFCNBase::Hessian methods. More...
virtual const std::vector< double > & | GetMeasurement (int Index) const |
| Accessor to the position of the measurement (x coordinate). More...
virtual int | GetNumberOfMeasurements () const |
| Accessor to the number of measurements used for calculating the maximum likelihood. More...
| FumiliMaximumLikelihoodFCN () |
virtual | ~FumiliMaximumLikelihoodFCN () |
virtual std::vector< double > | Elements (const std::vector< double > &par) const =0 |
| Evaluates the model function for the different measurement points and the Parameter values supplied, calculates a figure-of-merit for each measurement and returns a vector containing the result of this evaluation. More...
virtual const std::vector< double > & | GetMeasurement (int Index) const =0 |
| Accessor to the parameters of a given measurement. More...
virtual int | GetNumberOfMeasurements () const =0 |
| Accessor to the number of measurements used for calculating the present figure of merit. More...
const ParametricFunction * | ModelFunction () const |
| Returns the model function used for the data. More...
double | operator() (const std::vector< double > &par) const |
| Calculates the function for the maximum likelihood method. More...
void | SetModelFunction (const ParametricFunction &modelFCN) |
| Sets the model function for the data (for example gaussian+linear for a peak) More...
virtual double | Up () const |
| !!!!!!!!!!!! to be commented More...
| FumiliFCNBase () |
| Default Constructor. More...
| FumiliFCNBase (unsigned int npar) |
| Constructor which initializes the class with the function provided by the user for modeling the data. More...
virtual | ~FumiliFCNBase () |
virtual unsigned int | Dimension () |
| return number of function variable (parameters) , i.e. More...
virtual void | EvaluateAll (const std::vector< double > &par)=0 |
| Evaluate function Value, Gradient and Hessian using Fumili approximation, for values of parameters p The resul is cached inside and is return from the FumiliFCNBase::Value , FumiliFCNBase::Gradient and FumiliFCNBase::Hessian methods. More...
virtual const std::vector< double > & | Gradient () const |
| Return cached Value of function Gradient estimated previously using the FumiliFCNBase::EvaluateAll method. More...
virtual double | Hessian (unsigned int row, unsigned int col) const |
| Return Value of the i-th j-th element of the Hessian matrix estimated previously using the FumiliFCNBase::EvaluateAll method. More...
virtual double | Value () const |
| Return cached Value of objective function estimated previously using the FumiliFCNBase::EvaluateAll method. More...
virtual | ~FCNBase () |
virtual double | ErrorDef () const |
| Error definition of the function. More...
virtual double | operator() (const std::vector< double > &x) const =0 |
| The meaning of the vector of parameters is of course defined by the user, who uses the values of those parameters to calculate their function Value. More...
virtual void | SetErrorDef (double) |
| add interface to set dynamically a new error definition Re-implement this function if needed. More...
virtual double | Up () const =0 |
| Error definition of the function. More...
virtual | ~GenericFunction () |
virtual double | operator() (const std::vector< double > &x) const =0 |
| Evaluates the function using the vector containing the input values. More...