| TTreeProxyGenerator (TTree *tree, const char *script, const char *cutscript, const char *fileprefix, const char *option, UInt_t maxUnrolling) |
| TTreeProxyGenerator (TTree *tree, const char *script, const char *fileprefix, const char *option, UInt_t maxUnrolling) |
TBranchProxyClassDescriptor * | AddClass (TBranchProxyClassDescriptor *desc) |
void | AddDescriptor (TBranchProxyDescriptor *desc) |
void | AddForward (const char *classname) |
void | AddForward (TClass *cl) |
void | AddFriend (TFriendProxyDescriptor *desc) |
void | AddMissingClassAsEnum (const char *clname, Bool_t isscope) |
void | AddPragma (const char *pragma_text) |
UInt_t | AnalyzeBranches (UInt_t level, TBranchProxyClassDescriptor *topdesc, TBranchElement *branch, TVirtualStreamerInfo *info=0) |
UInt_t | AnalyzeBranches (UInt_t level, TBranchProxyClassDescriptor *topdesc, TIter &branches, TVirtualStreamerInfo *info) |
void | AnalyzeElement (TBranch *branch, TStreamerElement *element, UInt_t level, TBranchProxyClassDescriptor *desc, const char *path) |
UInt_t | AnalyzeOldBranch (TBranch *branch, UInt_t level, TBranchProxyClassDescriptor *desc) |
UInt_t | AnalyzeOldLeaf (TLeaf *leaf, UInt_t level, TBranchProxyClassDescriptor *topdesc) |
void | AnalyzeTree (TTree *tree) |
void | CheckForMissingClass (const char *clname) |
const char * | GetFileName () |
Bool_t | NeedToEmulate (TClass *cl, UInt_t level) |
void | ParseOptions () |
| Parse the options string. More...
void | WriteProxy () |
| Check whether the file exist and do something useful if it does. More...
| TTreeGeneratorBase (TTree *tree, const char *option) |
| Constructor. More...
void | AddHeader (const char *classname) |
| Add a header inclusion request. More...
void | AddHeader (TClass *cl) |
| Add a header inclusion request. More...
TVirtualStreamerInfo * | GetBaseClass (TStreamerElement *element) |
| Check if element is a base class and if yes, return the base class. More...
TString | GetContainedClassName (TBranchElement *branch, TStreamerElement *element, Bool_t ispointer) |
| Get name of class inside a container. More...
TVirtualStreamerInfo * | GetStreamerInfo (TBranch *branch, TIter current, TClass *cl) |
| Return the correct TStreamerInfo of class 'cl' in the list of branches (current) [Assuming these branches correspond to a flattened version of the class. More...