12#ifndef ROOT_TStyleManager
13#define ROOT_TStyleManager
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Mother of all ROOT objects.
TGPictureButton * fToolBarHelp
void ModXLabelFont()
Slot called whenever the X axis label font is modified by the user.
void ModOptDateFormat()
Slot called whenever the date text format is modified by the user.
TGedPatternSelect * fHistFillStyle
void ModTitleBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the title border size is modified by the user.
const TGPicture * fToolBarHelpPic
void AddHistosHistosAxis(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Axis' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
void ModStatFontSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the text size mode is modified by the user.
void ModYTitleSize()
Slot called whenever the Y axis title size is modified by the user.
void DoPreview(Bool_t b)
Slot called when the user click on the preview check button.
void ModPadBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the pad border size is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fYTickLength
void ModPadTickX()
Slot called whenever the pad tick X boolean is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fXLabelSizeInPixels
TGCheckButton * fHistMinimumZero
void ModZLabelColor()
Slot called whenever the Z axis label color is modified by the user.
void ModOptLogx()
Slot called whenever the X axis log scale boolean is modified by the user.
void SetCurSelStyle(TStyle *style)
TGTextButton * fEditionHelp
TGTextButton * fApplyOnButton
TGLineWidthComboBox * fLineWidth
TGNumberEntry * fZLabelOffset
void ModZNdivisions()
Slot called whenever the Z axis Number of divisions is modified by the user.
TGLineStyleComboBox * fFrameLineStyle
void ModYAxisColor()
Slot called whenever the Y axis color is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fXLabelFont
void ModFrameFillStyle()
Slot called whenever the frame fill style is modified by the user.
void ModTextAngle()
Slot called whenever the text angle is modified by the user.
void AddPadMargin(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Margin' group frame to the 'Pad' tab.
void ModYLabelColor()
Slot called whenever the Y axis label color is modified by the user.
TGedMarkerSelect * AddMarkerStyleEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a marker style entry to the frame f.
TGNumberEntry * fCanvasDefH
TGComboBox * fAttDateTextAlign
void ConnectAll()
Connect every entry in the top level interface to the slot.
void ModZTickLength()
Slot called whenever the Z axis tick length is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fBarWidth
TGNumberEntry * fXTitleOffset
void ConnectEditor(Int_t tabNum)
Connect every widget entry of the editor to its specific slot.
void ModDateX()
Slot called whenever the date abscissa is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fPadTickY
void AddPadGrid(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Grid' group frame to the 'Pad' tab.
TGPictureButton * fToolBarImportCanvas
void ModStatBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the stats border size is modified by the user.
void AddPadTicks(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Ticks' group frame to the 'Pad' tab.
void ModXTitleColor()
Slot called whenever the X axis title color is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fTitleFontSize
void AddEdition(TGCompositeFrame *p)
Add the editor to the frame 'p'.
void ModLineStyleEdit()
Slot called whenever the line style editor is opened by the user.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fFrameBorderSize
TGNumberEntry * fScreenFactor
TGCheckButton * fXNdivisionsOptimize
TGColorSelect * fPadColor
void DoImportCanvas()
Create a new style (a copy of gStyle) and import the properties of the current canvas inside.
static TStyleManager * fgStyleManager
TGNumberEntry * fYNdivSub
TGNumberEntry * fEndErrorSize
void ModOptLogz()
Slot called whenever the Z axis log scale boolean is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fCanvasDefW
void ModYTitleOffset()
Slot called whenever the Y axis title offset is modified by the user.
TGComboBox * AddTextAlignEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a text align combo box to the frame f.
void ModTextFont()
Slot called whenever the text font is modified by the user.
const TGPicture * fMakeDefaultPic
void AddAxisYDivisions(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Divisions' group frame to the 'Axis - Y Axis' tab.
TGLineStyleComboBox * fHistLineStyle
void DisconnectEditor(Int_t tabNum)
Disconnect every widget entry of the editor from its slot.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fTitleBorderSize
TGCheckButton * fOptDateBool
void ModHistMinimumZero()
Slot called whenever the histos minimum zero boolean is modified by the user.
void AddStatsText(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Text' group frame to the 'Stats' tab.
void ModXTickLength()
Slot called whenever the X axis tick length is modified by the user.
void AddHistosGraphsLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Histos - Graphs' tab.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fYTitleFont
void ModFuncWidth()
Slot called whenever the function line width is modified by the user.
TGedPatternSelect * fFrameFillStyle
void ModAttDateTextSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the date text size mode is modified by the user.
void AddCanvasBorder(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Border' group frame to the 'Canvas' tab.
TGTextButton * fEditionReset
void AddAxisZDivisions(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Divisions' group frame to the 'Axis - Z Axis' tab.
void ModCanvasDefH()
Slot called whenever the canvas default height is modified by the user.
void ModEndErrorSize()
Slot called whenever the end error size is modified by the user.
TGLabel * fTitleBorderSizeLabel
TGRadioButton * fColorModelPSCMYK
TGLineWidthComboBox * fLegendBorderSize
void DoImportMacro(Bool_t create)
Slot called to import a style from a C++ macro file.
void CreateTabHistos(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Histos' to the editor.
TGNumberEntry * fZNdivMain
void UpdateEditor(Int_t tabNum)
Update the values of every widget entry in the editor.
TGNumberEntry * fTextSize
void DoMoreLess()
Slot called when the user try to show or hide the editor part of the style manager.
TGTextEntry * fCurPadTextEntry
void AddStatsFit(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fit Options' group frame to the 'Stats' tab.
void ModYLabelSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the Y axis label size mode is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fHistFillColor
void ModFuncStyle()
Slot called whenever the function line style is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * AddCheckButton(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s, Int_t id, Int_t e1=0, Int_t e2=2)
Add a check button to the frame f.
void ModFrameLineColor()
Slot called whenever the frame line color is modified by the user.
void AddMenus(TGCompositeFrame *p)
Add the menu bar to the frame 'p'.
void AddHistosFramesFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Histos - Frames' tab.
void ModGridStyle()
Slot called whenever the grid line style is modified by the user.
static TStyleManager *& GetSM()
static: return style manager
TGColorSelect * fStatColor
void ModHistLineWidth()
Slot called whenever the histos line width is modified by the user.
TGRadioButton * fApplyOnSel
void ModStatFont()
Slot called whenever the stats text font is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fLineColor
TGLineWidthComboBox * fFrameLineWidth
void ModHeaderPS()
Slot called whenever the PS header is modified by the user.
void ModStatW()
Slot called whenever the stats width is modified by the user.
void AddAxisZLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Axis - Z Axis' tab.
void DoEditionUpdatePreview()
Slot called when the user clicks on the 'Update preview' button.
void ModTitleTextColor()
Slot called whenever the title text color is modified by the user.
void AddTitleBorderSize(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Shadow' group frame to the 'Title' tab.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatRMS
TGButtonGroup * fPadBorderMode
void ModStatFontSize()
Slot called whenever the text size is modified by the user.
void ModStatY()
Slot called whenever the stats ordinate is modified by the user.
TGLabel * fLegendBorderSizeLabel
void ModMarkerColor()
Slot called whenever the marker color is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fTitleFontSizeInPixels
void AddPsPdfTitle(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Title' group frame to the 'PS / PDF' tab.
TGNumberEntry * fCanvasDefY
void ModPadLeftMargin()
Slot called whenever the pad left margin is modified by the user.
void AddHistosFramesBorder(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Border' group frame to the 'Histos - Frames' tab.
TStylePreview * fPreviewWindow
void AddAxisXTitle(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Title' group frame to the 'Axis - X Axis' tab.
void ModPadGridY()
Slot called whenever the pad grid Y boolean is modified by the user.
void DoPreviewClosed()
Slot called to close the preview, via the preview check button, or when the preview window is closed ...
TGCheckButton * fOptStatEntries
void ModYNdivisions()
Slot called whenever the Y axis Number of divisions is modified by the user.
void ModFrameBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the frame border size is modified by the user.
void AddPsPdfLineScale(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line scale' number entry to the 'PS / PDF' tab.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatIntegral
TGTextButton * fLineStyleEdit
void ModXAxisColor()
Slot called whenever the X axis color is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fZNdivSubSub
void ModPaintTextFormat()
Slot called whenever the paint text format is modified by the user.
void ModTitleFontSize()
Slot called whenever the text size is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fLineScalePS
void ModDrawBorder()
Slot called whenever the draw border boolean is modified by the user.
void DoDelete()
Delete the current selected style from the ROOT session.
TGNumberEntry * fYNdivSubSub
void AddAxisYTitle(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Title' group frame to the 'Axis - Y Axis' tab.
void ModPadRightMargin()
Slot called whenever the pad right margin is modified by the user.
void ModYLabelOffset()
Slot called whenever the Y axis label offset is modified by the user.
void ModAttDateTextAlign()
Slot called whenever the date text align is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fZLabelSize
TGFontTypeComboBox * fTitleFont
void ModFrameLineWidth()
Slot called whenever the frame line width is modified by the user.
void AddHistosHistosLegoInnerR(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the '3D Cylindrical' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutExpandXY
void ModZLabelOffset()
Slot called whenever the Z axis label offset is modified by the user.
void DoChangeTab(Int_t i)
Slot called when the user changes the current tab.
void AddAxisZLabels(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Labels' group frame to the 'Axis - Z Axis' tab.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fStatFont
TGCheckButton * fOptStatSkewness
TGNumberEntry * fPadTopMargin
TGColorSelect * fFrameFillColor
void ModStripDecimals()
Slot called whenever the strip decimal boolean is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fAttDateTextColor
TGNumberEntry * fPadRightMargin
TGNumberEntry * fAttDateTextAngle
void ModFitFormat(const char *fitformat)
Slot called whenever the fit paint format is modified by the user.
TGHorizontal3DLine * fHorizontal3DLine
void ModFillStyle()
Slot called whenever the fill style is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fFillColor
TGCheckButton * fOptTitle
void CreateMacro()
Create a TGFileInfo concerning a macro, if it doesn't exist already.
void AddHistosGraphsBorder(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Draw Border' check button to the 'Histos - Graphs' tab.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fAttDateTextFont
void AddAxisYLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Axis - Y Axis' tab.
void CreateTabTitle(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Title' to the editor.
void UpdateStatusBar()
Update the content of the status bar: show the name of the current selected style,...
TGFontTypeComboBox * fZTitleFont
void ModHistLineColor()
Slot called whenever the histos line color is modified by the user.
void ModAttDateTextFont()
Slot called whenever the date text font is modified by the user.
void ModTextAlign()
Slot called whenever the text align is modified by the user.
const TGPicture * fToolBarDeletePic
void ModBarOffset()
Slot called whenever the histos bar offset is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fYAxisColor
void ModTextColor()
Slot called whenever the text color is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatMean
void ModStatFormat(const char *sformat)
Slot called whenever the stats paint format is modified by the user.
void ModStatTextColor(Pixel_t color)
Slot called whenever the stats text color is modified by the user.
void ModZLabelSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the Z axis Label size mode is modified by the user.
TGButtonGroup * fFrameBorderMode
void ModOptFit()
Slot called whenever one of the fit options is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatErrors
TGNumberEntry * fYTitleSize
void AddAxisYLabels(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Labels' group frame to the 'Axis - Y Axis' tab.
TGHorizontalFrame * fEditionButtonFrame
TGColorSelect * fFrameLineColor
TGCheckButton * fPadTickX
TGColorSelect * fZTitleColor
TGCheckButton * fPadGridX
void AddGeneralMarker(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Marker' group frame to the 'General' tab.
TGNumberEntry * fHatchesSpacing
void ModPadBorderMode()
Slot called whenever the pad border mode is modified by the user.
TGedMarkerSelect * fMarkerStyle
TGNumberEntry * fLegoInnerR
TGNumberEntry * fXNdivSub
void AddAxisXLabels(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Labels' group frame to the 'Axis - X Axis' tab.
void ModLineColor()
Slot called whenever the line color is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fTimeOffsetDate
TGTextEntry * AddTextEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s, Int_t id)
Add a text entry to the frame f. A caption can be added.
TGNumberEntry * fYLabelSize
void ModTextSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the text size mode is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fYTitleOffset
void ModTitleY()
Slot called whenever the title ordinate is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fXTitleSizeInPixels
void ModLineWidth()
Slot called whenever the line width is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fZLabelFont
void ModZLabelSize()
Slot called whenever the Z axis label size is modified by the user.
void CreateTabGeneral(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'General' to the editor.
TGedPatternSelect * fTitleStyle
void ModHistLineStyle()
Slot called whenever the histos line style is modified by the user.
TGComboBox * AddPaperSizeEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a prefered paper size combo box to the frame f.
void ModOptTitle()
Slot called whenever the OptTitle boolean is modified by the user.
void CreateTabPad(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Pad' to the editor.
void ModMarkerStyle()
Slot called whenever the marker style is modified by the user.
void CreateTabPsPdf(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'PS / PDF' to the editor.
void AddPadBorder(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Border' group frame to the 'Pad' tab.
void ModAttDateTextSize()
Slot called whenever the date text size is modified by the user.
void DoMenu(Int_t menuID)
Slot called when an item of the menu is selected.
void ModFrameLineStyle()
Slot called whenever the frame line style is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * AddColorEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a color entry to the frame f.
void AddPsPdfPaperSize(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Paper Size' group frame to the 'PS / PDF' tab.
TGCheckButton * fDrawBorder
void ModYTitleSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the Y axis title size mode is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fPaperSizeY
void ModXTitleOffset()
Slot called whenever the X axis title offset is modified by the user.
TGLabel * fStatFormatLabel
TGComboBox * fListComboBox
void ModXLabelSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the X axis label size mode is modified by the user.
TGRadioButton * fColorModelPSRGB
void ModXLabelColor()
Slot called whenever the X axis label color is modified by the user.
void ModTitleX()
Slot called whenever the title abscissa is modified by the user.
void CreateTabStats(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Stats' to the editor.
TGLineStyleComboBox * AddLineStyleEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a line style entry to the frame f.
void ModAttDateTextColor()
Slot called whenever the date text color is modified by the user.
void CreateTabCanvas(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Canvas' to the editor.
void ModOptDateBool()
Slot called whenever the OptDate boolean is modified by the user.
TGTextButton * AddTextButton(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s, Int_t id)
Add a text button to the frame f.
void AddStatsFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Stats' tab.
void AddTitleText(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Text' group frame to the 'Title' tab.
void DoEditor()
Called each time something is changed in the style editor.
void ModZTitleColor()
Slot called whenever the Z axis title color is modified by the user.
void ModXLabelOffset()
Slot called whenever the X axis label offset is modified by the user.
void DoChangeAxisTab(Int_t i)
Slot called when the user changes the current axis tab.
TGColorSelect * fFuncColor
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutExpandXMargin
void ModNumberContours()
Slot called whenever the number of contours is modified by the user.
void AddStatsGeometry(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Geometry' group frame to the 'Stats' tab.
void ModZTitleOffset()
Slot called whenever the Z axis title offset is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fPadBottomMargin
TGColorSelect * fXLabelColor
TGLineWidthComboBox * fPadBorderSize
TGLineStyleComboBox * fFuncStyle
void ModStatH()
Slot called whenever the stats height is modified by the user.
TGComboBox * AddMarkerSizeEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a marker size entry to the frame f.
TGCheckButton * fOptFitChi
void ModCanvasDefX()
Slot called whenever the canvas default abscissa is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fStatFontSizeInPixels
TGCheckButton * fYNdivisionsOptimize
void DoNew()
Create a new style. Called via the menu bar or the tool bar.
TGTextButton * fPaletteEdit
void ModFrameBorderMode()
Slot called whenever the frame border mode is modified by the user.
void ModXLabelSize()
Slot called whenever the X axis label size is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fYLabelFont
void AddHistosGraphsErrors(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Errors' group frame to the 'Histos - Graphs' tab.
void CreateTabAxis(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the tab 'Axis' to the editor.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatOverflow
void SetLastChoice(Bool_t choice)
void ModTitleFontSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the text size mode is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fYLabelOffset
TGColorSelect * fXTitleColor
void ModTitleFont()
Slot called whenever the title text font is modified by the user.
void ModFillColor()
Slot called whenever the fill color is modified by the user.
TGedPatternSelect * fFillStyle
TGNumberEntry * fXNdivSubSub
void AddStatsStats(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Stat Options' group frame to the 'Stats' tab.
TGLineWidthComboBox * AddLineWidthEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a line width entry to the frame f.
void ModTitleH()
Slot called whenever the title height is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatUnderflow
void CreateTabAxisY(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'Y Axis' to the tab 'Axis'.
TGColorSelect * fTitleColor
TGHButtonGroup * fApplyOnGroup
void ModColorModelPS()
Slot called whenever the PS color model is modified by the user.
void ModTitleStyle()
Slot called whenever the title fill style is modified by the user.
void ModMarkerSize()
Slot called whenever the marker size is modified by the user.
void ModAttDateTextAngle()
Slot called whenever the date text angle is modified by the user.
void ModPadBottomMargin()
Slot called whenever the pad bottom margin is modified by the user.
void ModTitlePS()
Slot called whenever the PS title is modified by the user.
void ModLineScalePS()
Slot called whenever the PS line scale is modified by the user.
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutExpandX
void ModZTitleSize()
Slot called whenever the Z axis title size is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fYTitleSizeInPixels
void ModApplyOnXYZ()
Slot called whenever the apply on XYZ button is clicked.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatKurtosis
TGColorSelect * fHistLineColor
void ModTitleAlign()
Slot called whenever the title text align is modified by the user.
TGComboBox * fOptDateFormat
void BuildList(TStyle *style=0)
Build the list of styles which will appear in the available styles combo box.
const TGPicture * fToolBarNewPic
void DoSelectNoCanvas()
Slot called when the user close a TCanvas.
TGCheckButton * fZTitleSizeInPixels
TGLineWidthComboBox * fHatchesLineWidth
TGNumberEntry * fPadLeftMargin
void ModYTickLength()
Slot called whenever the Y axis tick length is modified by the user.
void ModHistFillStyle()
Slot called whenever the histos fill style is modified by the user.
void ModBarWidth()
Slot called whenever the histos bar width is modified by the user.
TGedPatternSelect * fStatStyle
TGComboBox * AddDateFormatEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a date format combo box to the frame f.
TGColorSelect * fTextColor
void DoListSelect()
Slot called when the user select an item in the available styles' list.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fHistLineWidth
void AddTitleGeometry(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Geometry' group frame to the 'Title' tab.
void AddTitle(TGCompositeFrame *f, const char *s)
Add a title to the frame f.
TGButtonGroup * fCanvasBorderMode
void AddPsPdfColorModel(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Color Model' group frame to the 'PS / PDF' tab.
TGCheckButton * fPreviewButton
TGNumberEntry * fAttDateTextSize
TGCheckButton * fPadGridY
void ModTimeOffset()
Slot called whenever the time offset is modified by the user.
void ModPadTopMargin()
Slot called whenever the pad top margin is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fXTitleFont
void ModXTitleFont()
Slot called whenever the X axis title font is modified by the user.
void ModScreenFactor()
Slot called whenever the screen factor is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fYTitleColor
void ModZTitleFont()
Slot called whenever the Z axis title font is modified by the user.
void DoApplyOnSelect(Int_t i)
Slot called to choose on which object(s) the 'Apply' button will have an effect.
static void Terminate()
Called to delete the style manager.
void AddCanvasGeometry(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Geometry' group frame to the 'Canvas' tab.
void ModCanvasBorderMode()
Slot called whenever the canvas border mode is modified by the user.
TGedPatternSelect * AddFillStyleEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a fill style entry to the frame f.
TGNumberEntry * fBarOffset
TGColorSelect * fMarkerColor
TGLineStyleComboBox * fGridStyle
void ModCanvasDefW()
Slot called whenever the canvas default width is modified by the user.
void ModZAxisColor()
Slot called whenever the Z axis color is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fXAxisColor
void AddCanvasFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Canvas' tab.
void AddHistosHistosContours(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Contours' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
TGNumberEntry * fNumberContours
TGButtonGroup * fColorModelPS
void ModStatStyle(Style_t pattern)
Slot called whenever the stats fill style is modified by the user.
TGPictureButton * fMakeDefault
TStyleManager(const TGWindow *)
Constructor. Create the main window of the style manager.
void ModFuncColor()
Slot called whenever the function line color is modified by the user.
void ModOptStat()
Slot called whenever one of the stats options is modified by the user.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fStatBorderSize
TGCheckButton * fTextSizeInPixels
void CreateTabHistosHistos(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'Histos' to the tab 'Histos'.
TGCheckButton * fOptFitValues
TGNumberEntry * fXTickLength
void ModPaletteEdit()
Slot called whenever the palette editor is opened by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fStatFontSize
void AddAxisZTitle(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Title' group frame to the 'Axis - Z Axis' tab.
void ModLineStyle()
Slot called whenever the line style is modified by the user.
void ModZTitleSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the Z axis title size mode is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fCanvasColor
TGColorSelect * fGridColor
void ModLegoInnerR()
Slot called whenever the lego inner radius is modified by the user.
void ModHatchesSpacing()
Slot called whenever the hatches spacing is modified by the user.
TGLabel * fFitFormatLabel
TGTextButton * fApplyOnXYZ
TGComboBox * fPaperSizePredef
static void Show()
Called to show the style manager. Static method.
void DisconnectAll()
Disconnect every entry in the top level interface of the slot.
TGNumberEntry * fZTitleSize
void CreateTabAxisZ(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'Z Axis' to the tab 'Axis'.
TGVerticalFrame * fEditionFrame
void ModXNdivisions()
Slot called whenever the X axis Number of divisions is modified by the user.
void ModTitleW()
Slot called whenever the title width is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fZTitleOffset
TGPopupMenu * fImportCascade
TGNumberEntry * fTimeOffsetTime
TGCheckButton * fStripDecimals
void ModYLabelFont()
Slot called whenever the Y axis label font is modified by the user.
void ModLegendBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the legend border size is modified by the user.
void ModTitleFillColor()
Slot called whenever the title fill color is modified by the user.
void AddHistosHistosBar(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Bar' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
TGLineStyleComboBox * fLineStyle
TGNumberEntry * fCanvasDefX
void ModYLabelSize()
Slot called whenever the Y axis label size is modified by the user.
TGTextEntry * fStatFormat
void CloseWindow()
Slot called to close the style manager via the window manager.
void ModCanvasBorderSize()
Slot called whenever the canvas border size is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * AddFontTypeEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id)
Add a font type combo box to the frame f.
TGLabel * fStatBorderSizeLabel
void ModHatchesLineWidth()
Slot called whenever the hatches line width is modified by the user.
void ModYTitleColor()
Slot called whenever the Y axis title color is modified by the user.
void AddTitleFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Title' tab.
void AddToolbar(TGCompositeFrame *p)
Add the tool bar to the frame 'p'.
void DoApplyOn()
Slot called when the user clicks on the 'Apply' button.
TGNumberEntry * AddNumberEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t e1, Int_t e2, Int_t e3, Int_t id, const char *s, Double_t init, Int_t digits, TGNumberFormat::EStyle nfS, TGNumberFormat::EAttribute nfA, TGNumberFormat::ELimit nfL, Double_t min, Double_t max)
Add a number entry to the frame f. A caption can be added.
TGCheckButton * fAttDateTextSizeInPixels
void AddHistosHistosFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
void ModGridWidth()
Slot called whenever the grid line width is modified by the user.
void ModDateY()
Slot called whenever the date ordinate is modified by the user.
void AddAxisXLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Axis - X Axis' tab.
TGTextEntry * fPaintTextFormat
void ModErrorX()
Slot called whenever the error along X is modified by the user.
TGColorSelect * fStatTextColor
void CreateTabHistosGraphs(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'Graphs' to the tab 'Histos'.
TGPictureButton * fToolBarImportMacro
void ModPadTickY()
Slot called whenever the pad tick Y boolean is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fXLabelSize
void ModPadColor()
Slot called whenever the pad color is modified by the user.
TGButtonGroup * AddBorderModeEntry(TGCompositeFrame *f, Int_t id1, Int_t id2, Int_t id3)
Add a border mode button group to the frame f.
TGNumberEntry * fXLabelOffset
void ModOptLogy()
Slot called whenever the Y axis log scale boolean is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fXTitleSize
void AddHistosHistosLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Histos - Histos' tab.
void AddTopLevelInterface(TGCompositeFrame *cf)
Add the top level interface to the frame 'cf'.
TGTextButton * fEditionUpdatePreview
void DoMakeDefault()
Slot called to make the current selected style (in the ComboBox) become gStyle.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fCanvasBorderSize
TGRadioButton * fApplyOnAll
void Init()
Set up the interface. Called by the ctor or by the 'Show' method.
void ModYTitleFont()
Slot called whenever the Y axis title font is modified by the user.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fFuncWidth
TGCheckButton * fZNdivisionsOptimize
TGNumberEntry * fPaperSizeX
void ModCanvasColor()
Slot called whenever the canvas color is modified by the user.
const TGPicture * fToolBarImportMacroPic
TGColorSelect * fTitleTextColor
void DoSelectCanvas(TVirtualPad *pad, TObject *obj, Int_t mouseButton)
Slot called when the user clicks on a TCanvas or on any object inside a TCanvas.
TGPictureButton * fToolBarNew
TGTextEntry * fCurObjTextEntry
void ModXTitleSizeInPixels(Bool_t b)
Slot called whenever the X axis title size mode is modified by the user.
void AddHistosFramesLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'Histos - Frames' tab.
void AddAxisXDivisions(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Divisions' group frame to the 'Axis - X Axis' tab.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fGridWidth
TGCheckButton * fYLabelSizeInPixels
void ModCanvasDefY()
Slot called whenever the canvas default ordinate is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fXNdivMain
void ModStatColor(Pixel_t color)
Slot called whenever the stats fill color is modified by the user.
void DoRealTime(Bool_t b)
Slot called when the user click on the run time update check button.
TGNumberEntry * fTextAngle
TGCheckButton * fOptFitErrors
TGPictureButton * fToolBarDelete
TGPictureButton * fToolBarExport
void DoExit()
Close the style manager. Called via the menu bar.
void AddPsPdfHeader(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Header' group frame to the 'PS / PDF' tab.
TGCheckButton * fZLabelSizeInPixels
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutExpandXYMargin
TGCheckButton * fOptFitProbability
void DoExport()
Save the current selected style in a C++ macro file.
TGColorSelect * fZAxisColor
void AddCanvasDate(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Date' group frame to the 'Canvas' tab.
TGCheckButton * fOptStatName
void ModPaperSizePredef()
Slot called whenever the PS paper size is modified by the user.
TGFontTypeComboBox * fTextFont
TGLayoutHints * fLayoutExpandXCenterYMargin
const TGPicture * fToolBarImportCanvasPic
void ModXTitleSize()
Slot called whenever the X axis title size is modified by the user.
void ModPadGridX()
Slot called whenever the pad grid X boolean is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fYNdivMain
TGColorSelect * fYLabelColor
void DoHelp(Int_t i)
Open an help window. Called via the menu bar or the tool bar.
void AddPadFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'Pad' tab.
void AddGeneralText(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Text' group frame to the 'General' tab.
void ModHistFillColor()
Slot called whenever the histos fill color is modified by the user.
TGNumberEntry * fZNdivSub
const TGPicture * fToolBarExportPic
void ModPaperSizeXY()
Slot called whenever the PS paper size is modified by the user.
void ModFrameFillColor()
Slot called whenever the frame fill color is modified by the user.
void DoRename()
Rename the current selected style. Called via the menu bar.
TGNumberEntry * fZTickLength
void ModGridColor()
Slot called whenever the grid line color is modified by the user.
void AddGeneralLine(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Line' group frame to the 'General' tab.
virtual ~TStyleManager()
void ModTextSize()
Slot called whenever the text size is modified by the user.
void CreateTabHistosFrames(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'Frames' to the tab 'Histos'.
void ModStatX()
Slot called whenever the stats abscissa is modified by the user.
TGCheckButton * fPreviewRealTime
TGColorSelect * fZLabelColor
void AddGeneralFill(TGCompositeFrame *f)
Add the 'Fill' group frame to the 'General' tab.
void ModZLabelFont()
Slot called whenever the Z axis label font is modified by the user.
void Hide()
Called to hide the style manager.
void CreateTabAxisX(TGCompositeFrame *tab)
Add the sub-tab 'X Axis' to the tab 'Axis'.
TStyle objects may be created to define special styles.
TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes.
static constexpr double s