Logo ROOT   6.18/05
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// @(#)root/io:$Id$
2// Author: Fons Rademakers 08/07/97
5 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6 * All rights reserved. *
7 * *
8 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10 *************************************************************************/
12#ifndef ROOT_TMapFile
13#define ROOT_TMapFile
15#ifdef WIN32
16#include "Windows4Root.h"
18#include "TObject.h"
19#include "TROOT.h"
21class TBrowser;
22class TDirectory;
23class TList;
24class TMapRec;
26class TMapFile : public TObject {
28friend class TMapRec;
31 Int_t fFd; ///< Descriptor of mapped file
32 Int_t fVersion; ///< ROOT version (or -1 for shadow map file)
33 char *fName; ///< Name of mapped file
34 char *fTitle; ///< Title of mapped file
35 char *fOption; ///< Directory creation options
36 void *fMmallocDesc; ///< Pointer to mmalloc descriptor
37 ULong_t fBaseAddr; ///< Base address of mapped memory region
38 Int_t fSize; ///< Original start size of memory mapped region
39 TMapRec *fFirst; ///< List of streamed objects is shared memory
40 TMapRec *fLast; ///< Last object in list of shared objects
41 Long_t fOffset; ///< Offset in bytes for region mapped by reader
42 TDirectory *fDirectory; ///< Pointer to directory associated to this mapfile
43 TList *fBrowseList; ///< List of KeyMapFile objects
44 Bool_t fWritable; ///< TRUE if mapped file opened in RDWR mode
45 Int_t fSemaphore; ///< Modification semaphore (or getpid() for WIN32)
46 ULong_t fhSemaphore; ///< HANDLE of WIN32 Mutex object to implement semaphore
47 TObject *fGetting; ///< Don't deadlock in update mode, when from Get() Add() is called
48 Int_t fWritten; ///< Number of objects written sofar
49 Double_t fSumBuffer; ///< Sum of buffer sizes of objects written sofar
50 Double_t fSum2Buffer; ///< Sum of squares of buffer sizes of objects written so far
52 static Long_t fgMapAddress; ///< Map to this address, set address via SetMapAddress()
53 static void *fgMmallocDesc; ///< Used in Close() and operator delete()
56 TMapFile();
57 TMapFile(const char *name, const char *title, Option_t *option, Int_t size, TMapFile *&newMapFile);
58 TMapFile(const TMapFile &f, Long_t offset = 0);
59 void operator=(const TMapFile &rhs); // not implemented
62 void InitDirectory();
63 TObject *Remove(TObject *obj, Bool_t lock);
64 TObject *Remove(const char *name, Bool_t lock);
65 void SumBuffer(Int_t bufsize);
68 void CreateSemaphore(Int_t pid=0);
71 void DeleteSemaphore();
73 static void *MapToAddress();
76 enum { kDefaultMapSize = 0x80000 }; // default size of mapped heap is 500 KB
78 // Should both be protected (waiting for cint)
79 virtual ~TMapFile();
80 void operator delete(void *vp);
82 void Browse(TBrowser *b);
83 void Close(Option_t *option = "");
84 void *GetBaseAddr() const { return (void *)fBaseAddr; }
85 void *GetBreakval() const;
87 Int_t GetFd() const { return fFd; }
88 void *GetMmallocDesc() const { return fMmallocDesc; }
89 const char *GetName() const { return fName; }
90 Int_t GetSize() const { return fSize; }
91 const char *GetOption() const { return fOption; }
92 const char *GetTitle() const { return fTitle; }
93 TMapRec *GetFirst() const { return (TMapRec*)((Long_t) fFirst + fOffset); }
94 TMapRec *GetLast() const { return (TMapRec*)((Long_t) fLast + fOffset); }
95 Bool_t IsFolder() const;
96 Bool_t IsWritable() const { return fWritable; }
97 void *OrgAddress(void *addr) const { return (void *)((Long_t)addr - fOffset); }
98 void Print(Option_t *option="") const;
99 void ls(Option_t *option="") const;
100 Bool_t cd(const char *path = 0);
102 void Add(const TObject *obj, const char *name = "");
103 void Update(TObject *obj = 0);
104 TObject *Remove(TObject *obj) { return Remove(obj, kTRUE); }
105 TObject *Remove(const char *name) { return Remove(name, kTRUE); }
106 void RemoveAll();
107 TObject *Get(const char *name, TObject *retObj = 0);
109 static TMapFile *Create(const char *name, Option_t *option="READ", Int_t size=kDefaultMapSize, const char *title="");
110 static TMapFile *WhichMapFile(void *addr);
111 static void SetMapAddress(Long_t addr);
113 ClassDef(TMapFile,0) // Memory mapped directory structure
119\class TMapRec
120\ingroup IO
122Keep track of an object in the mapped file.
124A TMapFile contains a list of TMapRec objects which keep track of
125the actual objects stored in the mapped file.
128class TMapRec {
130friend class TMapFile;
133 char *fName; ///< Object name
134 char *fClassName; ///< Class name
135 TObject *fObject; ///< Pointer to original object
136 void *fBuffer; ///< Buffer containing object of class name
137 Int_t fBufSize; ///< Buffer size
138 TMapRec *fNext; ///< Next MapRec in list
140 TMapRec(const TMapRec&); // Not implemented.
141 TMapRec &operator=(const TMapRec&); // Not implemented.
144 TMapRec(const char *name, const TObject *obj, Int_t size, void *buf);
145 ~TMapRec();
146 const char *GetName(Long_t offset = 0) const { return (char *)((Long_t) fName + offset); }
147 const char *GetClassName(Long_t offset = 0) const { return (char *)((Long_t) fClassName + offset); }
148 void *GetBuffer(Long_t offset = 0) const { return (void *)((Long_t) fBuffer + offset); }
149 Int_t GetBufSize() const { return fBufSize; }
150 TObject *GetObject() const;
151 TMapRec *GetNext(Long_t offset = 0) const { return (TMapRec *)((Long_t) fNext + offset); }
#define b(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:100
#define f(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:104
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
unsigned long ULong_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:51
long Long_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:50
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Definition: Rtypes.h:326
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
Using a TBrowser one can browse all ROOT objects.
Definition: TBrowser.h:37
Describe directory structure in memory.
Definition: TDirectory.h:34
A doubly linked list.
Definition: TList.h:44
This class implements a shared memory region mapped to a file.
Definition: TMapFile.h:26
static TMapFile * WhichMapFile(void *addr)
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1227
static Long_t fgMapAddress
Map to this address, set address via SetMapAddress()
Definition: TMapFile.h:52
void * GetBreakval() const
Return the current location in the memory region for this malloc heap which represents the end of mem...
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1124
Int_t fWritten
Number of objects written sofar.
Definition: TMapFile.h:48
Int_t GetSize() const
Definition: TMapFile.h:90
static TMapFile * Create(const char *name, Option_t *option="READ", Int_t size=kDefaultMapSize, const char *title="")
Create a memory mapped file.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1142
TMapRec * fLast
Last object in list of shared objects.
Definition: TMapFile.h:40
Int_t fVersion
ROOT version (or -1 for shadow map file)
Definition: TMapFile.h:32
TObject * Get(const char *name, TObject *retObj=0)
Return pointer to object retrieved from shared memory.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:770
const char * GetOption() const
Definition: TMapFile.h:91
TObject * Remove(TObject *obj)
Definition: TMapFile.h:104
Int_t fSemaphore
Modification semaphore (or getpid() for WIN32)
Definition: TMapFile.h:45
Long_t fOffset
Offset in bytes for region mapped by reader.
Definition: TMapFile.h:41
Int_t GetFd() const
Definition: TMapFile.h:87
void Close(Option_t *option="")
Close a mapped file.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:949
TDirectory * fDirectory
Pointer to directory associated to this mapfile.
Definition: TMapFile.h:42
void SumBuffer(Int_t bufsize)
Increment statistics for buffer sizes of objects in this file.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1098
void Update(TObject *obj=0)
Update an object (or all objects, if obj == 0) in shared memory.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:629
void * GetMmallocDesc() const
Definition: TMapFile.h:88
void operator=(const TMapFile &rhs)
void * GetBaseAddr() const
Definition: TMapFile.h:84
ULong_t fhSemaphore
HANDLE of WIN32 Mutex object to implement semaphore.
Definition: TMapFile.h:46
char * fTitle
Title of mapped file.
Definition: TMapFile.h:34
void InitDirectory()
Create the directory associated to this mapfile.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:575
TMapRec * GetLast() const
Definition: TMapFile.h:94
Bool_t IsWritable() const
Definition: TMapFile.h:96
void RemoveAll()
Remove all objects from shared memory.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:745
Double_t fSum2Buffer
Sum of squares of buffer sizes of objects written so far.
Definition: TMapFile.h:50
Bool_t fWritable
TRUE if mapped file opened in RDWR mode.
Definition: TMapFile.h:44
void * OrgAddress(void *addr) const
Definition: TMapFile.h:97
Bool_t IsFolder() const
Returns kTRUE in case object is a folder (i.e. contains browsable lists).
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1027
void DeleteSemaphore()
Delete the semaphore.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:847
TList * fBrowseList
List of KeyMapFile objects.
Definition: TMapFile.h:43
TMapRec * fFirst
List of streamed objects is shared memory.
Definition: TMapFile.h:39
Int_t fFd
Descriptor of mapped file.
Definition: TMapFile.h:31
static void * MapToAddress()
Return the base address at which we would like the next TMapFile's mapped data to start.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1201
TObject * fGetting
Don't deadlock in update mode, when from Get() Add() is called.
Definition: TMapFile.h:47
TMapFile * FindShadowMapFile()
Returns shadow map file.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:994
void Browse(TBrowser *b)
Browse contents of TMapFile.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1036
void ls(Option_t *option="") const
List contents of TMapFile.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1073
void * fMmallocDesc
Pointer to mmalloc descriptor.
Definition: TMapFile.h:36
Double_t fSumBuffer
Sum of buffer sizes of objects written sofar.
Definition: TMapFile.h:49
static void * fgMmallocDesc
Used in Close() and operator delete()
Definition: TMapFile.h:53
TDirectory * GetDirectory() const
Definition: TMapFile.h:86
void CreateSemaphore(Int_t pid=0)
Create semaphore used for synchronizing access to shared memory.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:817
Int_t fSize
Original start size of memory mapped region.
Definition: TMapFile.h:38
TObject * Remove(TObject *obj, Bool_t lock)
Remove object from shared memory.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:669
Int_t ReleaseSemaphore()
Release semaphore. Returns 0 if OK, -1 on error.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:917
static void SetMapAddress(Long_t addr)
Set preferred map address.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1179
ULong_t fBaseAddr
Base address of mapped memory region.
Definition: TMapFile.h:37
@ kDefaultMapSize
Definition: TMapFile.h:76
char * fName
Name of mapped file.
Definition: TMapFile.h:33
Bool_t cd(const char *path=0)
Cd to associated directory.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1063
Default ctor. Does not much except setting some basic values.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:199
char * fOption
Directory creation options.
Definition: TMapFile.h:35
Int_t AcquireSemaphore()
Acquire semaphore. Returns 0 if OK, -1 on error.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:872
const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TMapFile.h:89
TObject * Remove(const char *name)
Definition: TMapFile.h:105
void Add(const TObject *obj, const char *name="")
Add an object to the list of objects to be stored in shared memory.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:590
virtual ~TMapFile()
TMapFiles may not be deleted, since we want to keep the complete TMapFile object in the mapped file f...
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:550
const char * GetTitle() const
Returns title of object.
Definition: TMapFile.h:92
void Print(Option_t *option="") const
Print some info about the mapped file.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1010
Int_t GetBestBuffer()
Return the best buffer size for objects in this file.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:1112
TMapRec * GetFirst() const
Definition: TMapFile.h:93
Keep track of an object in the mapped file.
Definition: TMapFile.h:128
TObject * fObject
Pointer to original object.
Definition: TMapFile.h:135
const char * GetClassName(Long_t offset=0) const
Definition: TMapFile.h:147
TMapRec & operator=(const TMapRec &)
Int_t fBufSize
Buffer size.
Definition: TMapFile.h:137
char * fName
Object name.
Definition: TMapFile.h:133
TMapRec * fNext
Next MapRec in list.
Definition: TMapFile.h:138
TMapRec(const TMapRec &)
TMapRec * GetNext(Long_t offset=0) const
Definition: TMapFile.h:151
TObject * GetObject() const
This method returns a pointer to the original object.
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:186
void * GetBuffer(Long_t offset=0) const
Definition: TMapFile.h:148
char * fClassName
Class name.
Definition: TMapFile.h:134
const char * GetName(Long_t offset=0) const
Definition: TMapFile.h:146
Int_t GetBufSize() const
Definition: TMapFile.h:149
void * fBuffer
Buffer containing object of class name.
Definition: TMapFile.h:136
Definition: TMapFile.cxx:174
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37