#define ClassDef(name, id)
Implementation of the GenericRooFIter interface for the RooLinkedList.
RooHashTable implements a hash table for TObjects.
RooLinkedListElem is an link element for the RooLinkedList class.
RooLinkedListElem(TObject *arg)
friend class RooLinkedListImplDetails::Pool
RooLinkedListElem(TObject *arg, RooLinkedListElem *after)
virtual ~RooLinkedListElem()
void init(TObject *arg, RooLinkedListElem *after=0)
RooLinkedListElem(const RooLinkedListElem &)
Reference count.
RooLinkedListElem * _prev
RooLinkedListElem * _next
friend class RooLinkedListImplDetails::Chunk
Implementation of the actual iterator on RooLinkedLists.
RooLinkedList is an collection class for internal use, storing a collection of RooAbsArg pointers in ...
Buffer base class used for serializing objects.
Mother of all ROOT objects.