Logo ROOT   6.18/05
Reference Guide
Namespaces | Macros | Variables
MethodProxy.cxx File Reference
#include "PyROOT.h"
#include "structmember.h"
#include "compile.h"
#include "MethodProxy.h"
#include "ObjectProxy.h"
#include "TCallContext.h"
#include "TPyException.h"
#include "PyStrings.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
Include dependency graph for MethodProxy.cxx:


namespace  PyROOT


#define CO_NOFREE   0x0040


PyTypeObject PyROOT::MethodProxy_Type

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CO_NOFREE   0x0040

Definition at line 14 of file MethodProxy.cxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ fTrace

PyObject * fTrace

Definition at line 120 of file MethodProxy.cxx.

◆ fType

PyObject* fType

Definition at line 120 of file MethodProxy.cxx.

◆ fValue

PyObject * fValue

Definition at line 120 of file MethodProxy.cxx.