14static const double mur[nren] = {1.0,0.25,4.0};
15static const double muf[nren] = {1.0,0.25,4.0};
16const unsigned int NUMPDF=41;
24 gROOT->SetStyle(
29 auto canvas =
new TCanvas(
"single inclusive jets",50,50,600,600);
35 frame->SetYTitle(
"d#sigma_{jet}/dE_{T,jet} [fb/GeV]");
36 frame->SetXTitle(
"E_{T,jet} [GeV]");
37 frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
38 frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
43 for (
Int_t icut=0; icut<ncut; icut++) {
45 for (
Int_t ir=0; ir<nren; ir++) {
46 g1[ir][icut] = GetGraph(ir,ir,icut,0);
48 cout <<
" g1 not found " << endl;
56 sprintf(daname,
62 for (
Int_t i=0; i< data[icut]->
GetN(); i++) {
68 if (icut==0)
y = r1*y1+r1*r2*r2*
78 scale[icut] = MakeBand(g1[0][icut],g1[1][icut],g1[2][icut]);
82 for (
Int_t ipdf=0; ipdf<NUMPDF; ipdf++) {
83 gpdf[ipdf][icut]= GetGraph(0,0,icut,ipdf);
84 if (!gpdf[ipdf][icut]) {
85 cout <<
" gpdf not found " << endl;
91 AddtoBand(gpdf[ipdf][icut],scalepdf[icut]);
95 scalepdf[icut]->
98 scale[icut]->
100 g1[0][icut]->
101 data[icut]->
105 t->DrawLatex(0.3, 0.85,
"#sqrt{s}= 14 TeV");
106 t->DrawLatex(0.57, 0.85,
108 auto l =
new TLegend(0.45,0.65,0.8,0.8,
109 l->SetBorderSize(0.);
111 l->AddEntry(
"Data 2009",
112 l->AddEntry(
118 const char *cuts[5] =
119 {
"0.0 <= |eta| < 0.5",
120 "0.5 <= |eta| < 1.0",
121 "1.0 <= |eta| < 1.5",
122 "1.5 <= |eta| < 2.0",
123 "2.0 <= |eta| < 3.0"};
125 const double mur[] = {1.0,0.25,4.0};
126 const double muf[] = {1.0,0.25,4.0};
135 sprintf(tname,
" E_T (mu_r=%g, mu_f=%g);%s Pdf: %d",mur[ir],muf[ifs],cuts[icut],ipdf);
137 sprintf(tname,
" E_T %s Ms= %d",cuts[icut],-ipdf);
141 for (
int i=1; i<=GMAX; i++) {
142 sprintf(gname,
145 cout << gname <<
" not found " << endl;
151 if (strcmp(title,tname)==0)
155 if (!g1)
return nullptr;
185 if (binwl == 0.) binwl = binwh;
186 if (binwh == 0.) binwh = binwl;
198 cout <<
" graphs don't have the same number of elements " << endl;
200 Double_t* EYhigh = g2-> GetEYhigh();
207 if ( y1==0 || y2==0 )
208 cerr <<
"check these points very carefully : AddtoBand() : point " << i << endl;
216 eyh =
220 eyl =
static const double x2[5]
static const double x1[5]
static const double x3[11]
R__EXTERN TRandom * gRandom
virtual void SetFillColor(Color_t fcolor)
Set the fill area color.
virtual void SetLineStyle(Style_t lstyle)
Set the line style.
virtual void SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth)
Set the line width.
virtual void SetLineColor(Color_t lcolor)
Set the line color.
virtual void SetMarkerColor(Color_t mcolor=1)
Set the marker color.
virtual void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle=1)
Set the marker style.
A ROOT file is a suite of consecutive data records (TKey instances) with a well defined format.
static Bool_t SetCacheFileDir(ROOT::Internal::TStringView cacheDir, Bool_t operateDisconnected=kTRUE, Bool_t forceCacheread=kFALSE)
static TFile * Open(const char *name, Option_t *option="", const char *ftitle="", Int_t compress=ROOT::RCompressionSetting::EDefaults::kUseGeneralPurpose, Int_t netopt=0)
Create / open a file.
TGraph with asymmetric error bars.
virtual void SetPointEYlow(Int_t i, Double_t eyl)
Set EYlow for point i.
virtual void SetPointError(Double_t exl, Double_t exh, Double_t eyl, Double_t eyh)
Set ex and ey values for point pointed by the mouse.
virtual void SetPointEYhigh(Int_t i, Double_t eyh)
Set EYhigh for point i.
A TGraphErrors is a TGraph with error bars.
virtual void SetPointError(Double_t ex, Double_t ey)
Set ex and ey values for point pointed by the mouse.
virtual void SetPoint(Int_t i, Double_t x, Double_t y)
Set x and y values for point number i.
virtual void Draw(Option_t *chopt="")
Draw this graph with its current attributes.
virtual Int_t GetPoint(Int_t i, Double_t &x, Double_t &y) const
Get x and y values for point number i.
To draw Mathematical Formula.
This class displays a legend box (TPaveText) containing several legend entries.
virtual const char * GetTitle() const
Returns title of object.
virtual Double_t Rndm()
Machine independent random number generator.
virtual void SetNDC(Bool_t isNDC=kTRUE)
Set NDC mode on if isNDC = kTRUE, off otherwise.