17 return node.
31 std::cout <<
"Type name of input node: " <<
GetName(df) << std::endl;
32 auto f1 = AddFilter(df,
"rdfentry_ > 0");
33 auto f2 =
ULong64_t e) {
return e > 1; }, {
34 std::cout <<
"Type name of input node: " <<
GetName(f2) << std::endl;
35 auto f3 = AddFilter(f2,
"rdfentry_ > 2");
37 std::cout <<
"Entries passing the selection: " << *f3.Count() << std::endl;
static RooMathCoreReg dummy
unsigned long long ULong64_t
The public interface to the RDataFrame federation of classes.
RInterface< RDFDetail::RFilter< F, Proxied >, DS_t > Filter(F f, const ColumnNames_t &columns={}, std::string_view name="")
ROOT's RDataFrame offers a high level interface for analyses of data stored in TTrees,...
std::string GetName(const std::string &scope_name)
char * DemangleName(const char *mangled_name, int &errorCode)