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TArrow Class Reference

Draw all kinds of Arrows.

The different arrow's formats are explained in TArrow::TArrow. The picture below gives some examples.

Once an arrow is drawn on the screen:

void arrows(){
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1");
TPaveLabel *par = new TPaveLabel(0.1,0.8,0.9,0.95,"Examples of various arrows formats");
TArrow *ar1 = new TArrow(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.7);
TArrow *ar2 = new TArrow(0.2,0.1,0.2,0.7,0.05,"|>");
TArrow *ar3 = new TArrow(0.3,0.1,0.3,0.7,0.05,"<|>");
TArrow *ar4 = new TArrow(0.46,0.7,0.82,0.42,0.07,"|>");
TArrow *ar5 = new TArrow(0.4,0.25,0.95,0.25,0.15,"<|>");
Draw all kinds of Arrows.
Definition: TArrow.h:29
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw this arrow with its current attributes.
Definition: TArrow.cxx:121
Arrow default constructor.
Definition: TArrow.cxx:46
virtual void SetAngle(Float_t angle=60)
Definition: TArrow.h:58
virtual void SetFillColor(Color_t fcolor)
Set the fill area color.
Definition: TAttFill.h:37
virtual void SetFillStyle(Style_t fstyle)
Set the fill area style.
Definition: TAttFill.h:39
virtual void SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth)
Set the line width.
Definition: TAttLine.h:43
virtual void SetLineColor(Color_t lcolor)
Set the line color.
Definition: TAttLine.h:40
The Canvas class.
Definition: TCanvas.h:31
A Pave (see TPave) with a text centered in the Pave.
Definition: TPaveLabel.h:20
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw this pavelabel with its current attributes.
Definition: TPaveLabel.cxx:77
return c1
Definition: legend1.C:41

Definition at line 29 of file TArrow.h.

Public Member Functions

 TArrow ()
 Arrow default constructor. More...
 TArrow (const TArrow &arrow)
 Copy constructor. More...
 TArrow (Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Float_t arrowsize=0.05, Option_t *option=">")
 Arrow normal constructor. More...
virtual ~TArrow ()
 Arrow default destructor. More...
void Copy (TObject &arrow) const
 Copy this arrow to arrow. More...
virtual void Draw (Option_t *option="")
 Draw this arrow with its current attributes. More...
virtual void DrawArrow (Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Float_t arrowsize=0, Option_t *option="")
 Draw this arrow with new coordinates. More...
Float_t GetAngle () const
Float_t GetArrowSize () const
Option_tGetOption () const
virtual void Paint (Option_t *option="")
 Paint this arrow with its current attributes. More...
virtual void PaintArrow (Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Float_t arrowsize=0.05, Option_t *option=">")
 Draw this arrow. More...
virtual void SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
 Save primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out. More...
virtual void SetAngle (Float_t angle=60)
virtual void SetArrowSize (Float_t arrowsize=0.05)
virtual void SetOption (Option_t *option=">")
- Public Member Functions inherited from TLine
 TLine ()
 Line default constructor. More...
 TLine (const TLine &line)
 Line copy constructor. More...
 TLine (Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2)
 Line normal constructor. More...
virtual ~TLine ()
 Line default destructor. More...
void Copy (TObject &line) const
 Copy this line to line. More...
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py)
 Compute distance from point px,py to a line. More...
virtual TLineDrawLine (Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2)
 Draw this line with new coordinates. More...
virtual TLineDrawLineNDC (Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2)
 Draw this line with new coordinates in NDC. More...
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
 Execute action corresponding to one event. More...
virtual Rectangle_t GetBBox ()
 Return the bounding Box of the Line. More...
virtual TPoint GetBBoxCenter ()
 Return the center of the BoundingBox as TPoint in pixels. More...
Double_t GetX1 () const
Double_t GetX2 () const
Double_t GetY1 () const
Double_t GetY2 () const
Bool_t IsHorizontal ()
 Check whether this line is to be drawn horizontally. More...
Bool_t IsVertical ()
 Check whether this line is to be drawn vertically. More...
virtual void ls (Option_t *option="") const
 List this line with its attributes. More...
virtual void Paint (Option_t *option="")
 Paint this line with its current attributes. More...
virtual void PaintLine (Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2)
 Draw this line with new coordinates. More...
virtual void PaintLineNDC (Double_t u1, Double_t v1, Double_t u2, Double_t v2)
 Draw this line with new coordinates in NDC. More...
virtual void Print (Option_t *option="") const
 Dump this line with its attributes. More...
virtual void SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
 Save primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out. More...
virtual void SetBBoxCenter (const TPoint &p)
 Set center of the BoundingBox. More...
virtual void SetBBoxCenterX (const Int_t x)
 Set X coordinate of the center of the BoundingBox. More...
virtual void SetBBoxCenterY (const Int_t y)
 Set Y coordinate of the center of the BoundingBox. More...
virtual void SetBBoxX1 (const Int_t x)
 Set left hand side of BoundingBox to a value (resize in x direction on left) More...
virtual void SetBBoxX2 (const Int_t x)
 Set right hand side of BoundingBox to a value (resize in x direction on right) More...
virtual void SetBBoxY1 (const Int_t y)
 Set top of BoundingBox to a value (resize in y direction on top) More...
virtual void SetBBoxY2 (const Int_t y)
 Set bottom of BoundingBox to a value (resize in y direction on bottom) More...
void SetHorizontal (Bool_t set=kTRUE)
 Force the line to be drawn horizontally. More...
virtual void SetNDC (Bool_t isNDC=kTRUE)
 Set NDC mode on if isNDC = kTRUE, off otherwise. More...
void SetVertical (Bool_t set=kTRUE)
 Force the line to be drawn vertically. More...
virtual void SetX1 (Double_t x1)
virtual void SetX2 (Double_t x2)
virtual void SetY1 (Double_t y1)
virtual void SetY2 (Double_t y2)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
 TObject ()
 TObject constructor. More...
 TObject (const TObject &object)
 TObject copy ctor. More...
virtual ~TObject ()
 TObject destructor. More...
void AbstractMethod (const char *method) const
 Use this method to implement an "abstract" method that you don't want to leave purely abstract. More...
virtual void AppendPad (Option_t *option="")
 Append graphics object to current pad. More...
virtual void Browse (TBrowser *b)
 Browse object. May be overridden for another default action. More...
ULong_t CheckedHash ()
 Check and record whether this class has a consistent Hash/RecursiveRemove setup (*) and then return the regular Hash value for this object. More...
virtual const char * ClassName () const
 Returns name of class to which the object belongs. More...
virtual void Clear (Option_t *="")
virtual TObjectClone (const char *newname="") const
 Make a clone of an object using the Streamer facility. More...
virtual Int_t Compare (const TObject *obj) const
 Compare abstract method. More...
virtual void Copy (TObject &object) const
 Copy this to obj. More...
virtual void Delete (Option_t *option="")
 Delete this object. More...
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py)
 Computes distance from point (px,py) to the object. More...
virtual void Draw (Option_t *option="")
 Default Draw method for all objects. More...
virtual void DrawClass () const
 Draw class inheritance tree of the class to which this object belongs. More...
virtual TObjectDrawClone (Option_t *option="") const
 Draw a clone of this object in the current selected pad for instance with: gROOT->SetSelectedPad(gPad). More...
virtual void Dump () const
 Dump contents of object on stdout. More...
virtual void Error (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue error message. More...
virtual void Execute (const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=0)
 Execute method on this object with the given parameter string, e.g. More...
virtual void Execute (TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=0)
 Execute method on this object with parameters stored in the TObjArray. More...
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
 Execute action corresponding to an event at (px,py). More...
virtual void Fatal (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue fatal error message. More...
virtual TObjectFindObject (const char *name) const
 Must be redefined in derived classes. More...
virtual TObjectFindObject (const TObject *obj) const
 Must be redefined in derived classes. More...
virtual Option_tGetDrawOption () const
 Get option used by the graphics system to draw this object. More...
virtual const char * GetIconName () const
 Returns mime type name of object. More...
virtual const char * GetName () const
 Returns name of object. More...
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
 Returns string containing info about the object at position (px,py). More...
virtual Option_tGetOption () const
virtual const char * GetTitle () const
 Returns title of object. More...
virtual UInt_t GetUniqueID () const
 Return the unique object id. More...
virtual Bool_t HandleTimer (TTimer *timer)
 Execute action in response of a timer timing out. More...
virtual ULong_t Hash () const
 Return hash value for this object. More...
Bool_t HasInconsistentHash () const
 Return true is the type of this object is known to have an inconsistent setup for Hash and RecursiveRemove (i.e. More...
virtual void Info (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue info message. More...
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom (const char *classname) const
 Returns kTRUE if object inherits from class "classname". More...
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom (const TClass *cl) const
 Returns kTRUE if object inherits from TClass cl. More...
virtual void Inspect () const
 Dump contents of this object in a graphics canvas. More...
void InvertBit (UInt_t f)
virtual Bool_t IsEqual (const TObject *obj) const
 Default equal comparison (objects are equal if they have the same address in memory). More...
virtual Bool_t IsFolder () const
 Returns kTRUE in case object contains browsable objects (like containers or lists of other objects). More...
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t IsOnHeap () const
virtual Bool_t IsSortable () const
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t IsZombie () const
virtual void ls (Option_t *option="") const
 The ls function lists the contents of a class on stdout. More...
void MayNotUse (const char *method) const
 Use this method to signal that a method (defined in a base class) may not be called in a derived class (in principle against good design since a child class should not provide less functionality than its parent, however, sometimes it is necessary). More...
virtual Bool_t Notify ()
 This method must be overridden to handle object notification. More...
void Obsolete (const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const
 Use this method to declare a method obsolete. More...
void operator delete (void *ptr)
 Operator delete. More...
void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
 Operator delete []. More...
voidoperator new (size_t sz)
voidoperator new (size_t sz, void *vp)
voidoperator new[] (size_t sz)
voidoperator new[] (size_t sz, void *vp)
TObjectoperator= (const TObject &rhs)
 TObject assignment operator. More...
virtual void Paint (Option_t *option="")
 This method must be overridden if a class wants to paint itself. More...
virtual void Pop ()
 Pop on object drawn in a pad to the top of the display list. More...
virtual void Print (Option_t *option="") const
 This method must be overridden when a class wants to print itself. More...
virtual Int_t Read (const char *name)
 Read contents of object with specified name from the current directory. More...
virtual void RecursiveRemove (TObject *obj)
 Recursively remove this object from a list. More...
void ResetBit (UInt_t f)
virtual void SaveAs (const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const
 Save this object in the file specified by filename. More...
virtual void SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
 Save a primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream "out". More...
void SetBit (UInt_t f)
void SetBit (UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
 Set or unset the user status bits as specified in f. More...
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *option="")
 Set drawing option for object. More...
virtual void SetUniqueID (UInt_t uid)
 Set the unique object id. More...
virtual void SysError (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue system error message. More...
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t TestBit (UInt_t f) const
Int_t TestBits (UInt_t f) const
virtual void UseCurrentStyle ()
 Set current style settings in this object This function is called when either TCanvas::UseCurrentStyle or TROOT::ForceStyle have been invoked. More...
virtual void Warning (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
 Issue warning message. More...
virtual Int_t Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0)
 Write this object to the current directory. More...
virtual Int_t Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const
 Write this object to the current directory. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TAttLine
 TAttLine ()
 AttLine default constructor. More...
 TAttLine (Color_t lcolor, Style_t lstyle, Width_t lwidth)
 AttLine normal constructor. More...
virtual ~TAttLine ()
 AttLine destructor. More...
void Copy (TAttLine &attline) const
 Copy this line attributes to a new TAttLine. More...
Int_t DistancetoLine (Int_t px, Int_t py, Double_t xp1, Double_t yp1, Double_t xp2, Double_t yp2)
 Compute distance from point px,py to a line. More...
virtual Color_t GetLineColor () const
 Return the line color. More...
virtual Style_t GetLineStyle () const
 Return the line style. More...
virtual Width_t GetLineWidth () const
 Return the line width. More...
virtual void Modify ()
 Change current line attributes if necessary. More...
virtual void ResetAttLine (Option_t *option="")
 Reset this line attributes to default values. More...
virtual void SaveLineAttributes (std::ostream &out, const char *name, Int_t coldef=1, Int_t stydef=1, Int_t widdef=1)
 Save line attributes as C++ statement(s) on output stream out. More...
virtual void SetLineAttributes ()
 Invoke the DialogCanvas Line attributes. More...
virtual void SetLineColor (Color_t lcolor)
 Set the line color. More...
virtual void SetLineColorAlpha (Color_t lcolor, Float_t lalpha)
 Set a transparent line color. More...
virtual void SetLineStyle (Style_t lstyle)
 Set the line style. More...
virtual void SetLineWidth (Width_t lwidth)
 Set the line width. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TAttBBox2D
virtual ~TAttBBox2D ()
virtual Rectangle_t GetBBox ()=0
virtual TPoint GetBBoxCenter ()=0
virtual void SetBBoxCenter (const TPoint &p)=0
virtual void SetBBoxCenterX (const Int_t x)=0
virtual void SetBBoxCenterY (const Int_t y)=0
virtual void SetBBoxX1 (const Int_t x)=0
virtual void SetBBoxX2 (const Int_t x)=0
virtual void SetBBoxY1 (const Int_t y)=0
virtual void SetBBoxY2 (const Int_t y)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from TAttFill
 TAttFill ()
 AttFill default constructor. More...
 TAttFill (Color_t fcolor, Style_t fstyle)
 AttFill normal constructor. More...
virtual ~TAttFill ()
 AttFill destructor. More...
void Copy (TAttFill &attfill) const
 Copy this fill attributes to a new TAttFill. More...
virtual Color_t GetFillColor () const
 Return the fill area color. More...
virtual Style_t GetFillStyle () const
 Return the fill area style. More...
virtual Bool_t IsTransparent () const
virtual void Modify ()
 Change current fill area attributes if necessary. More...
virtual void ResetAttFill (Option_t *option="")
 Reset this fill attributes to default values. More...
virtual void SaveFillAttributes (std::ostream &out, const char *name, Int_t coldef=1, Int_t stydef=1001)
 Save fill attributes as C++ statement(s) on output stream out. More...
virtual void SetFillAttributes ()
 Invoke the DialogCanvas Fill attributes. More...
virtual void SetFillColor (Color_t fcolor)
 Set the fill area color. More...
virtual void SetFillColorAlpha (Color_t fcolor, Float_t falpha)
 Set a transparent fill color. More...
virtual void SetFillStyle (Style_t fstyle)
 Set the fill area style. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Float_t GetDefaultAngle ()
 Get default angle. More...
static Float_t GetDefaultArrowSize ()
 Get default arrow size. More...
static Option_tGetDefaultOption ()
 Get default option. More...
static void SetDefaultAngle (Float_t Angle)
 Set default angle. More...
static void SetDefaultArrowSize (Float_t ArrowSize)
 Set default arrow sive. More...
static void SetDefaultOption (Option_t *Option)
 Set default option. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
static Long_t GetDtorOnly ()
 Return destructor only flag. More...
static Bool_t GetObjectStat ()
 Get status of object stat flag. More...
static void SetDtorOnly (void *obj)
 Set destructor only flag. More...
static void SetObjectStat (Bool_t stat)
 Turn on/off tracking of objects in the TObjectTable. More...

Protected Attributes

Float_t fAngle
 Arrow opening angle (degrees) More...
Float_t fArrowSize
 Arrow Size. More...
TString fOption
 Arrow shapes. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TLine
Double_t fX1
 X of 1st point. More...
Double_t fX2
 X of 2nd point. More...
Double_t fY1
 Y of 1st point. More...
Double_t fY2
 Y of 2nd point. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TAttLine
Color_t fLineColor
 Line color. More...
Style_t fLineStyle
 Line style. More...
Width_t fLineWidth
 Line width. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TAttFill
Color_t fFillColor
 Fill area color. More...
Style_t fFillStyle
 Fill area style. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static Float_t fgDefaultAngle = 60
 Default Arrow opening angle (degrees) More...
static Float_t fgDefaultArrowSize = 0.05
 Default Arrow Size. More...
static TString fgDefaultOption = ">"
 Default Arrow shapes. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TLine
enum  { kLineNDC = BIT(14) , kVertical = BIT(15) , kHorizontal = BIT(16) }
- Public Types inherited from TObject
enum  {
  kIsOnHeap = 0x01000000 , kNotDeleted = 0x02000000 , kZombie = 0x04000000 , kInconsistent = 0x08000000 ,
  kBitMask = 0x00ffffff
enum  { kSingleKey = BIT(0) , kOverwrite = BIT(1) , kWriteDelete = BIT(2) }
enum  EDeprecatedStatusBits { kObjInCanvas = BIT(3) }
enum  EStatusBits {
  kCanDelete = BIT(0) , kMustCleanup = BIT(3) , kIsReferenced = BIT(4) , kHasUUID = BIT(5) ,
  kCannotPick = BIT(6) , kNoContextMenu = BIT(8) , kInvalidObject = BIT(13)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TObject
virtual void DoError (int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const
 Interface to ErrorHandler (protected). More...
void MakeZombie ()

#include <TArrow.h>

Inheritance diagram for TArrow:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TArrow() [1/3]

TArrow::TArrow ( )

Arrow default constructor.

Definition at line 46 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ TArrow() [2/3]

TArrow::TArrow ( Double_t  x1,
Double_t  y1,
Double_t  x2,
Double_t  y2,
Float_t  arrowsize = 0.05,
Option_t option = ">" 

Arrow normal constructor.

Define an arrow between points x1,y1 and x2,y2 the arrowsize is in percentage of the pad height Opening angle between the two sides of the arrow is fAngle (60 degrees)

option = ">" -------->
option = "|->" |------->
option = "<" <--------
option = "<-|" <-------|
option = "->-" ---->----
option = "-<-" ----<----
option = "-|>-" ---|>----
option = "<>" <------->
option = "<|>" <|-----|> arrow defined by a triangle
auto * a
Definition: textangle.C:12
REAL ** triangle
Definition: triangle.c:478


  • If FillColor == 0 an open triangle is drawn, otherwise a full triangle is drawn with the fill color. The default is filled with LineColor
  • The "Begin" and "end" bars options can be combined with any other options.
  • The 9 options described above cannot be mixed.

Definition at line 76 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ TArrow() [3/3]

TArrow::TArrow ( const TArrow arrow)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 97 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ ~TArrow()

TArrow::~TArrow ( )

Arrow default destructor.

Definition at line 90 of file TArrow.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Copy()

void TArrow::Copy ( TObject arrow) const

Copy this arrow to arrow.

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 108 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ Draw()

void TArrow::Draw ( Option_t option = "")

Draw this arrow with its current attributes.

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 121 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ DrawArrow()

void TArrow::DrawArrow ( Double_t  x1,
Double_t  y1,
Double_t  x2,
Double_t  y2,
Float_t  arrowsize = 0,
Option_t option = "" 

Draw this arrow with new coordinates.

  • if arrowsize is <= 0, arrowsize will be the current arrow size
  • if option="", option will be the current arrow option

Definition at line 138 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ GetAngle()

Float_t TArrow::GetAngle ( ) const

Definition at line 51 of file TArrow.h.

◆ GetArrowSize()

Float_t TArrow::GetArrowSize ( ) const

Definition at line 52 of file TArrow.h.

◆ GetDefaultAngle()

Float_t TArrow::GetDefaultAngle ( )

Get default angle.

Definition at line 412 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ GetDefaultArrowSize()

Float_t TArrow::GetDefaultArrowSize ( )

Get default arrow size.

Definition at line 422 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ GetDefaultOption()

Option_t * TArrow::GetDefaultOption ( )

Get default option.

Definition at line 432 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ GetOption()

Option_t * TArrow::GetOption ( ) const

Reimplemented from TObject.

Definition at line 53 of file TArrow.h.

◆ Paint()

void TArrow::Paint ( Option_t option = "")

Paint this arrow with its current attributes.

Reimplemented from TLine.

Definition at line 159 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ PaintArrow()

void TArrow::PaintArrow ( Double_t  x1,
Double_t  y1,
Double_t  x2,
Double_t  y2,
Float_t  arrowsize = 0.05,
Option_t option = ">" 

Draw this arrow.

Definition at line 172 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ SavePrimitive()

void TArrow::SavePrimitive ( std::ostream &  out,
Option_t option = "" 

Save primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out.

Reimplemented from TLine.

Definition at line 356 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ SetAngle()

virtual void TArrow::SetAngle ( Float_t  angle = 60)

Definition at line 58 of file TArrow.h.

◆ SetArrowSize()

virtual void TArrow::SetArrowSize ( Float_t  arrowsize = 0.05)

Definition at line 59 of file TArrow.h.

◆ SetDefaultAngle()

void TArrow::SetDefaultAngle ( Float_t  Angle)

Set default angle.

Definition at line 382 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ SetDefaultArrowSize()

void TArrow::SetDefaultArrowSize ( Float_t  ArrowSize)

Set default arrow sive.

Definition at line 392 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ SetDefaultOption()

void TArrow::SetDefaultOption ( Option_t Option)

Set default option.

Definition at line 402 of file TArrow.cxx.

◆ SetOption()

virtual void TArrow::SetOption ( Option_t option = ">")

Definition at line 60 of file TArrow.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fAngle

Float_t TArrow::fAngle

Arrow opening angle (degrees)

Definition at line 31 of file TArrow.h.

◆ fArrowSize

Float_t TArrow::fArrowSize

Arrow Size.

Definition at line 32 of file TArrow.h.

◆ fgDefaultAngle

Float_t TArrow::fgDefaultAngle = 60

Default Arrow opening angle (degrees)

Definition at line 35 of file TArrow.h.

◆ fgDefaultArrowSize

Float_t TArrow::fgDefaultArrowSize = 0.05

Default Arrow Size.

Definition at line 36 of file TArrow.h.

◆ fgDefaultOption

TString TArrow::fgDefaultOption = ">"

Default Arrow shapes.

Definition at line 37 of file TArrow.h.

◆ fOption

TString TArrow::fOption

Arrow shapes.

Definition at line 33 of file TArrow.h.

Libraries for TArrow:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: