| Rotation3D () |
| Default constructor (identity rotation) More...
| Rotation3D (AxisAngle const &a) |
| Construct from an AxisAngle. More...
template<class ForeignMatrix > |
| Rotation3D (const ForeignMatrix &m) |
| Construct from a linear algebra matrix of size at least 3x3, which must support operator()(i,j) to obtain elements (0,0) thru (2,2). More...
template<class ForeignVector > |
| Rotation3D (const ForeignVector &v1, const ForeignVector &v2, const ForeignVector &v3) |
| Construct from three orthonormal vectors (which must have methods x(), y() and z()) which will be used as the columns of the rotation matrix. More...
| Rotation3D (EulerAngles const &e) |
| Construct from EulerAngles. More...
template<class IT > |
| Rotation3D (IT begin, IT end) |
| Construct given a pair of pointers or iterators defining the beginning and end of an array of nine Scalars. More...
| Rotation3D (Quaternion const &q) |
| Construct from a Quaternion. More...
| Rotation3D (Rotation3D const &r) |
| copy constructor More...
| Rotation3D (RotationX const &r) |
| Rotation3D (RotationY const &r) |
| Rotation3D (RotationZ const &r) |
| Construct from an axial rotation. More...
| Rotation3D (RotationZYX const &e) |
| Construct from RotationZYX. More...
| Rotation3D (Scalar xx, Scalar xy, Scalar xz, Scalar yx, Scalar yy, Scalar yz, Scalar zx, Scalar zy, Scalar zz) |
| Raw constructor from nine Scalar components (without any checking) More...
template<class ForeignVector > |
void | GetComponents (ForeignVector &v1, ForeignVector &v2, ForeignVector &v3) const |
| Get components into three vectors which will be the (orthonormal) columns of the rotation matrix. More...
template<class IT > |
void | GetComponents (IT begin) const |
| Get the 9 matrix components into data specified by an iterator begin. More...
template<class IT > |
void | GetComponents (IT begin, IT end) const |
| Get the 9 matrix components into data specified by an iterator begin and another to the end of the desired data (9 past start). More...
void | GetComponents (Scalar &xx, Scalar &xy, Scalar &xz, Scalar &yx, Scalar &yy, Scalar &yz, Scalar &zx, Scalar &zy, Scalar &zz) const |
| Get the nine components into nine scalars. More...
template<class ForeignMatrix > |
void | GetRotationMatrix (ForeignMatrix &m) const |
| Get components into a linear algebra matrix of size at least 3x3, which must support operator()(i,j) for write access to elements (0,0) thru (2,2). More...
Rotation3D | Inverse () const |
| Return inverse of a rotation. More...
void | Invert () |
| Invert a rotation in place. More...
bool | operator!= (const Rotation3D &rhs) const |
template<class CoordSystem , class U > |
DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, U > | operator() (const DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, U > &v) const |
| Rotation operation on a displacement vector in any coordinate system. More...
template<class ForeignVector > |
ForeignVector | operator() (const ForeignVector &v) const |
| Rotation operation on an arbitrary vector v. More...
template<class CoordSystem > |
LorentzVector< CoordSystem > | operator() (const LorentzVector< CoordSystem > &v) const |
| Rotation operation on a Lorentz vector in any spatial coordinate system. More...
template<class CoordSystem , class U > |
PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, U > | operator() (const PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, U > &v) const |
| Rotation operation on a position vector in any coordinate system. More...
template<class AVector > |
AVector | operator* (const AVector &v) const |
| Overload operator * for rotation on a vector. More...
Rotation3D | operator* (const AxisAngle &a) const |
| Multiplication with arbitrary rotations. More...
Rotation3D | operator* (const EulerAngles &e) const |
Rotation3D | operator* (const Quaternion &q) const |
Rotation3D | operator* (const Rotation3D &r) const |
| Multiply (combine) two rotations. More...
Rotation3D | operator* (const RotationX &rx) const |
Rotation3D | operator* (const RotationY &ry) const |
Rotation3D | operator* (const RotationZ &rz) const |
Rotation3D | operator* (const RotationZYX &r) const |
template<class R > |
Rotation3D & | operator*= (const R &r) |
| Post-Multiply (on right) by another rotation : T = T*R. More...
Rotation3D & | operator= (AxisAngle const &a) |
| Assign from an AxisAngle. More...
template<class ForeignMatrix > |
Rotation3D & | operator= (const ForeignMatrix &m) |
| Assign from an orthonormal linear algebra matrix of size 3x3, which must support operator()(i,j) to obtain elements (0,0) thru (2,2). More...
Rotation3D & | operator= (EulerAngles const &e) |
| Assign from EulerAngles. More...
Rotation3D & | operator= (Quaternion const &q) |
| Assign from a Quaternion. More...
Rotation3D & | operator= (Rotation3D const &rhs) |
| Assignment operator. More...
Rotation3D & | operator= (RotationX const &r) |
Rotation3D & | operator= (RotationY const &r) |
Rotation3D & | operator= (RotationZ const &r) |
| Assign from an axial rotation. More...
Rotation3D & | operator= (RotationZYX const &r) |
| Assign from RotationZYX. More...
bool | operator== (const Rotation3D &rhs) const |
| Equality/inequality operators. More...
void | Rectify () |
| Re-adjust components to eliminate small deviations from perfect orthonormality. More...
template<class ForeignVector > |
void | SetComponents (const ForeignVector &v1, const ForeignVector &v2, const ForeignVector &v3) |
| Set components from three orthonormal vectors (which must have methods x(), y() and z()) which will be used as the columns of the rotation matrix. More...
template<class IT > |
void | SetComponents (IT begin, IT end) |
| Set the 9 matrix components given an iterator to the start of the desired data, and another to the end (9 past start). More...
void | SetComponents (Scalar xx, Scalar xy, Scalar xz, Scalar yx, Scalar yy, Scalar yz, Scalar zx, Scalar zy, Scalar zz) |
| Set the components from nine scalars – UNCHECKED for orthonormaility. More...
template<class ForeignMatrix > |
void | SetRotationMatrix (const ForeignMatrix &m) |
| Set components from a linear algebra matrix of size at least 3x3, which must support operator()(i,j) to obtain elements (0,0) thru (2,2). More...