43#ifndef ROOT_TQpResidual
44#define ROOT_TQpResidual
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Mother of all ROOT objects.
void Clear_r1r2()
set the noncomplementarity components of the residual (the terms arising from the linear equalities i...
void Clear_r3()
set the complementarity component of the residuals to 0.
Double_t GetResidualNorm()
void Set_r3_xz_alpha(TQpVar *vars, Double_t alpha)
Set the "complementarity" component of the residuals to the pairwise products of the complementary va...
Bool_t ValidNonZeroPattern()
Check if vector elements as selected through array indices are non-zero.
void CalcResids(TQpDataBase *problem, TQpVar *vars)
Calculate residuals, their norms, and duality complementarity gap, given a problem and variable set.
void Add_r3_xz_alpha(TQpVar *vars, Double_t alpha)
Modify the "complementarity" component of the residuals, by adding the pairwise products of the compl...
TQpResidual & operator=(const TQpResidual &source)
Assignment operator.
void Project_r3(Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax)
Perform the projection operation required by Gondzio algorithm: replace each component r3_i of the co...
static void GondzioProjection(TVectorD &v, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax)
Replace each component r3_i of the complementarity component of the residuals by r3p_i-r3_i,...