12#ifndef ROOT_TParallelCoordEditor
13#define ROOT_TParallelCoordEditor
#define ClassDef(name, id)
include TDocParser_001 C image html pict1_TDocParser_001 png width
static Pixel_t GetDefaultFrameBackground()
Get default frame background.
Mother of all ROOT objects.
This is the TParallelCoord editor.
virtual void DoSelectLineColor(Pixel_t)
Slot to set the line color of selection.
virtual void DoHideAllRanges(Bool_t)
Slot to hide all the ranges.
TGDoubleHSlider * fEntriesToDraw
virtual void DoLiveEntriesToDraw()
Slot to update the entries fields from the slider position.
TGCheckButton * fHideAllRanges
virtual void DoDotsSpacing()
Slot to set the line dotspacing.
virtual void DoAlpha()
Slot to set the alpha value.
virtual void DoApplySelect()
Slot to apply a selection to the tree.
TGTextButton * fRenameVar
virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots()
Connect signals to slots.
virtual void DoActivateSelection(Bool_t)
Slot to activate or not a selection.
virtual void DoFirstEntry()
Slot to set the first entry.
virtual void DoLiveDotsSpacing(Int_t a)
Slot to set the dots spacing online.
TGCheckButton * fShowRanges
TGTextButton * fDeleteSelection
TGLineWidthComboBox * fSelectLineWidth
virtual void DoLiveWeightCut(Int_t n)
Slot to update the wieght cut entry field from the slider position.
TGCheckButton * fActivateSelection
virtual void DoShowRanges(Bool_t s)
Slot to show or not the ranges on the pad.
TGedPatternSelect * fHistPatternSelect
virtual void DoDotsSpacingField()
Slot to set the line dotspacing from the entry field.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fGlobalLineWidth
TGComboBox * fSelectionSelect
void CleanUpSelections()
Clean up the selection combo box.
virtual void DoGlobalLineColor(Pixel_t)
Slot to set the global line color.
TGNumberEntryField * fFirstEntry
virtual void DoLiveAlpha(Int_t a)
Slot to set alpha value online.
virtual void DoDeleteVar()
Slot to delete a variable().
TGNumberEntryField * fDotsSpacingField
virtual void DoSelectionSelect(const char *title)
Slot to set the selection beeing edited.
TGCompositeFrame * fVarTab
TGTextEntry * fAddSelectionField
virtual void DoHistColorSelect(Pixel_t)
Slot to set the histograms color.
TGTextButton * fAddSelection
virtual void DoGlobalLineWidth(Int_t)
Slot to set the global line width.
virtual void DoHistWidth()
Slot to set histogram width.
TGCheckButton * fHistShowBoxes
virtual void DoUnApply()
Slot to reset the tree entry list to the original one.
virtual void DoAddVariable()
Slot to add a variable.
TGCheckButton * fPaintEntries
virtual void DoPaintEntries(Bool_t)
Slot to postpone the entries drawing.
TParallelCoord * fParallel
virtual void DoHistPatternSelect(Style_t)
Slot to set the histograms fill style.
TGColorSelect * fSelectLineColor
void MakeVariablesTab()
Make the "variable" tab.
virtual void DoAddSelection()
Slot to add a selection.
TGTextButton * fApplySelect
TGCheckButton * fDelayDrawing
TParallelCoordEditor(const TGWindow *p=0, Int_t width=140, Int_t height=30, UInt_t options=kChildFrame, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground())
Normal constructor.
TGTextButton * fDeleteVar
virtual void DoAlphaField()
Slot to set the alpha value from the entry field.
virtual void DoDelayDrawing(Bool_t)
Slot to delay the drawing.
TGNumberEntryField * fHistWidth
virtual void DoSelectLineWidth(Int_t)
Slot to set the line width of selection.
virtual void DoEntriesToDraw()
Slot to select the entries to be drawn.
TGColorSelect * fHistColorSelect
TGRadioButton * fLineTypePoly
virtual void DoLineType()
Slot to set the line type.
TGColorSelect * fGlobalLineColor
virtual void DoHistShowBoxes(Bool_t)
Slot to set histogram height.
TGNumberEntryField * fAlphaField
void CleanUpVariables()
Clean up the variables combo box.
TGNumberEntryField * fWeightCutField
TGRadioButton * fLineTypeCurves
TGTextEntry * fAddVariable
virtual void DoWeightCut()
Slot to update the weight cut.
virtual void DoNentries()
Slot to set the number of entries to display.
TGNumberEntryField * fNentries
TGButtonGroup * fLineTypeBgroup
virtual void SetModel(TObject *obj)
Pick up the used parallel coordinates plot attributes.
TGTextButton * fButtonAddVar
virtual void DoHistBinning()
Slot to set the axes histogram binning.
virtual void DoDeleteSelection()
Slot to delete a selection.
TGNumberEntryField * fHistBinning
virtual void DoVariableSelect(const char *var)
Slot to select a variable.
Parallel Coordinates class.
static constexpr double s