11#ifndef ROOT_TFriendElement
12#define ROOT_TFriendElement
#define ClassDef(name, id)
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
A ROOT file is a suite of consecutive data records (TKey instances) with a well defined format.
A TFriendElement TF describes a TTree object TF in a file.
Default constructor for a friend element.
virtual void ls(Option_t *option="") const
List this friend element.
TFile * fFile
! pointer to the file containing the friend TTree
virtual const char * GetTreeName() const
Bool_t fOwnFile
true if file is managed by this class
TTree * fTree
! pointer to the TTree described by this element
virtual TTree * GetTree()
Return pointer to friend TTree.
friend void TFriendElement__SetTree(TTree *tree, TList *frlist)
Set the fTree member for all friend elements.
virtual TTree * GetParentTree() const
virtual TFile * GetFile()
Return pointer to TFile containing this friend TTree.
virtual TTree * Connect()
Connect file and return TTree.
virtual TTree * DisConnect()
DisConnect file and TTree.
TTree * fParentTree
! pointer to the parent TTree
TFriendElement(const TFriendElement &)=delete
TFriendElement & operator=(const TFriendElement &)=delete
virtual ~TFriendElement()
Destructor. Disconnect from the owning tree if needed.
TString fTreeName
name of the friend TTree
The TNamed class is the base class for all named ROOT classes.
const char * Data() const
A TTree object has a header with a name and a title.