81 virtual void reset() ;
#define ClassDef(name, id)
float type_of_call hi(const int &, const int &)
RooAbsArg is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a value (of arbitrary type) an...
RooAbsDataStore is the abstract base class for data collection that use a TTree as internal storage m...
const RooArgSet & cachedVars() const
virtual const RooArgSet * get() const
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
RooCategory represents a fundamental (non-derived) discrete value object.
RooCompositeDataStore is the abstract base class for data collection that use a TTree as internal sto...
virtual RooAbsArg * addColumn(RooAbsArg &var, Bool_t adjustRange=kTRUE)
WVE ownership issue here!! Caller (a RooAbsData) should take ownership of all arguments,...
virtual void resetCache()
Int_t _curIndex
Datastore associated with current event.
virtual Bool_t changeObservableName(const char *from, const char *to)
Change name of internal observable named 'from' into 'to'.
virtual Bool_t valid() const
Return true if currently loaded coordinate is considered valid within the current range definitions o...
std::map< Int_t, RooAbsDataStore * > _dataMap
virtual RooAbsDataStore * clone(const RooArgSet &vars, const char *newname=0) const
virtual void attachBuffers(const RooArgSet &extObs)
void attachCache(const RooAbsArg *newOwner, const RooArgSet &cachedVars)
Initialize cache of dataset: attach variables of cache ArgSet to the corresponding TTree branches.
void loadValues(const RooAbsDataStore *tds, const RooFormulaVar *select=0, const char *rangeName=0, Int_t nStart=0, Int_t nStop=2000000000)
virtual Double_t weightError(RooAbsData::ErrorType etype=RooAbsData::Poisson) const
virtual void resetBuffers()
Bool_t _ownComps
Index associated with current event.
virtual const RooAbsArg * cacheOwner()
virtual Double_t sumEntries() const
Forward fill request to appropriate subset.
virtual void setArgStatus(const RooArgSet &set, Bool_t active)
virtual RooArgSet * addColumns(const RooArgList &varList)
WVE ownership issue here!! Caller (a RooAbsData) should take ownership of all arguments,...
virtual Int_t numEntries() const
virtual void append(RooAbsDataStore &other)
virtual Bool_t isWeighted() const
virtual RooAbsDataStore * clone(const char *newname=0) const
virtual Double_t weight() const
virtual void cacheArgs(const RooAbsArg *owner, RooArgSet &varSet, const RooArgSet *nset=0, Bool_t skipZeroWeights=kFALSE)
RooAbsDataStore * _curStore
virtual ~RooCompositeDataStore()
RooAbsDataStore * merge(const RooArgSet &allvars, std::list< RooAbsDataStore * > dstoreList)
virtual Bool_t hasFilledCache() const
virtual void recalculateCache(const RooArgSet *, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Bool_t)
Forward recalculate request to all subsets.
virtual void forceCacheUpdate()
virtual const RooArgSet * get() const
virtual Int_t fill()
Forward fill request to appropriate subset.