#define ClassDef(name, id)
Two-dimensional kernel estimation PDF.
void writeNTupleToFile(char *outputFile, const char *name) const
Saves the data and calculated bandwidths to a file, as a record of what produced the PDF and to give ...
Double_t getMean(const char *axis) const
Double_t g(Double_t var1, Double_t *_var1, Double_t sigma1, Double_t var2, Double_t *_var2, Double_t sigma2) const
Calculates f(t_i) for the bandwidths.
void writeToFile(char *outputFile, const char *name) const
Roo2DKeysPdf(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsReal &xx, RooAbsReal &yy, RooDataSet &data, TString options="a", Double_t widthScaleFactor=1.0)
Double_t getSigma(const char *axis) const
Double_t _widthScaleFactor
Int_t getBandWidthType() const
void PrintInfo(std::ostream &) const
Prints out _p[_nPoints][_nPoints] indicating the domain limits.
Int_t loadDataSet(RooDataSet &data, TString options)
Loads a new data set into the class instance.
Double_t evaluate() const
Evaluates the kernel estimation for x,y, interpolating between the points if necessary.
virtual ~Roo2DKeysPdf()
virtual TObject * clone(const char *newname) const
Double_t highBoundaryCorrection(Double_t thisVar, Double_t thisH, Double_t high, Double_t tVar) const
Apply the mirror at boundary correction to a dimension given the space position to evaluate at (thisV...
Double_t lowBoundaryCorrection(Double_t thisVar, Double_t thisH, Double_t low, Double_t tVar) const
void writeHistToFile(char *outputFile, const char *histName) const
Plots the PDF as a histogram and saves it to a file, so that it can be loaded in as a Roo2DHist PDF i...
Int_t calculateBandWidth(Int_t kernel=-999)
Calculates the kernel bandwidth for x & y and the probability look up table _p[i][j].
void setOptions(TString options)
Double_t evaluateFull(Double_t thisX, Double_t thisY) const
Evaluates the sum of the product of the 2D kernels for use in calculating the fixed kernel estimate,...
void getOptions(void) const
void setWidthScaleFactor(Double_t widthScaleFactor)
RooAbsPdf is the abstract interface for all probability density functions The class provides hybrid a...
RooAbsReal is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements f...
RooDataSet is a container class to hold unbinned data.
RooRealProxy is the concrete proxy for RooAbsReal objects A RooRealProxy is the general mechanism to ...
Mother of all ROOT objects.