Histogram parameters structure.
Double_t baroffset
offset of bin for bars or legos [0,1]
Double_t ylowedge
low edge of axis
Double_t xmin
minimum value along X
Int_t ylast
last bin number along Y
Int_t xfirst
first bin number along X
Double_t zmin
minimum value along Z
Double_t zlowedge
low edge of axis
Double_t xbinsize
bin size in case of equidistant bins
Double_t ymin
minimum value along y
Double_t allchan
integrated sum of contents
Double_t xlowedge
low edge of axis
Double_t ymax
maximum value along y
Double_t factor
multiplication factor (normalization)
Int_t zlast
last bin number along Z
Int_t xlast
last bin number along X
Double_t ybinsize
bin size in case of equidistant bins
Double_t barwidth
width of bin for bars and legos [0,1]
Double_t zmax
maximum value along Z
Double_t xmax
maximum value along X
Int_t yfirst
first bin number along Y
Int_t zfirst
first bin number along Z
Double_t zbinsize
bin size in case of equidistant bins