43 #ifndef ROOT_TQpLinSolverBase 44 #define ROOT_TQpLinSolverBase
Default constructor.
static constexpr double pi
virtual void Solve(TQpDataBase *prob, TQpVar *vars, TQpResidual *resids, TQpVar *step)
Solves the system for a given set of residuals.
virtual void PutXDiagonal(TVectorD &xdiag)=0
#define ClassDef(name, id)
virtual void PutZDiagonal(TVectorD &zdiag)=0
virtual void ComputeDiagonals(TVectorD &dd, TVectorD &omega, TVectorD &t, TVectorD &lambda, TVectorD &u, TVectorD &pi, TVectorD &v, TVectorD &gamma, TVectorD &w, TVectorD &phi)
Computes the diagonal matrices in the augmented system from the current set of variables.
virtual void SeparateVars(TVectorD &vars1, TVectorD &vars2, TVectorD &vars3, TVectorD &vars)
Extracts three component vectors from a given aggregated vector.
virtual ~TQpLinSolverBase()
virtual void SolveXYZS(TVectorD &stepx, TVectorD &stepy, TVectorD &stepz, TVectorD &steps, TVectorD &ztemp, TQpDataBase *data)
Assemble right-hand side of augmented system and call SolveCompressed to solve it.
virtual void Factor(TQpDataBase *prob, TQpVar *vars)
Sets up the matrix for the main linear system in "augmented system" form.
Mother of all ROOT objects.
virtual void SolveCompressed(TVectorD &rhs)=0
TQpLinSolverBase & operator=(const TQpLinSolverBase &source)
Assignment opeartor.
virtual void JoinRHS(TVectorD &rhs, TVectorD &rhs1, TVectorD &rhs2, TVectorD &rhs3)
Assembles a single vector object from three given vectors .