160 fFixedAR->
162 fEditable->
163 fGridX->
164 fGridY->
165 fTickX->
166 fTickY->
167 fLogX->
168 fLogY->
169 fLogZ->
170 fBgroup->
171 fBsize->
231 }
else if (par == 1) {
239 if (par < 1) par = 1;
240 if (par > 16) par = 16;
virtual void SetGridx(Int_t value=1)
virtual void Resize(UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
Resize the frame.
virtual void DoCrosshair(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to the check box 'Crosshair'.
virtual void SetTickx(Int_t value=1)
virtual void DoFixedAspectRatio(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to the check box 'Fixed aspect ratio'.
virtual void ActivateBaseClassEditors(TClass *cl)
Exclude TAttLineEditor from this interface.
virtual Short_t GetBorderSize() const
image html pict1_TGaxis_012 png width
Define new text attributes for the label number "labNum".
virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots()
Connect signals to slots.
virtual void SetFixedAspectRatio(Bool_t fixed=kTRUE)
Fix pad aspect ratio to current value if fixed is true.
virtual void SetBorderMode(Short_t bordermode)
virtual void DoGridX(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to the check box 'GridX'.
void ExcludeClassEditor(TClass *cl, Bool_t recurse=kFALSE)
Exclude editor for class cl from current construction.
TPadEditor(const TGWindow *p=0, Int_t width=140, Int_t height=30, UInt_t options=kChildFrame, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground())
Constructor of TPad editor GUI.
virtual void DoBorderMode()
Slot connected to the border mode settings.
virtual void SetCrosshair(Int_t crhair=1)
Set crosshair active/inactive.
virtual void Update()
Update the current pad when an attribute is changed via GUI.
virtual void Select(Int_t id, Bool_t emit=kTRUE)
Make the selected item visible in the combo box window and emit signals according to the second param...
TGCompositeFrame(const TGCompositeFrame &)
TGCheckButton * fEditable
virtual void DoLogX(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to the check box 'LogX'.
virtual void SetLogx(Int_t value=1)
Set Lin/Log scale for X.
virtual void SetEditable(Bool_t mode=kTRUE)
Set pad editable yes/no If a pad is not editable:
Bool_t Connect(const char *signal, const char *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot)
Non-static method is used to connect from the signal of this object to the receiver slot...
virtual ~TPadEditor()
Destructor of fill editor.
virtual void DoEditable(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to the check box 'Editable'.
virtual Bool_t HasCrosshair() const
Return kTRUE if the crosshair has been activated (via SetCrosshair).
virtual void SetTicky(Int_t value=1)
virtual Bool_t IsEditable() const
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom(const char *classname) const
Returns kTRUE if object inherits from class "classname".
virtual void DoGridY(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to the check box 'GridY'.
The most important graphics class in the ROOT system.
virtual void ChangeOptions(UInt_t options)
Change composite frame options. Options is an OR of the EFrameTypes.
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
virtual void DoLogY(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to the check box 'LogY'.
virtual void SetEnabled(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
Set state of combo box. If kTRUE=enabled, kFALSE=disabled.
TGLineWidthComboBox * fBsize
virtual void DoTickX(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to the check box 'TickX'.
virtual void SetGridy(Int_t value=1)
virtual void AddFrame(TGFrame *f, TGLayoutHints *l=0)
Add frame to the composite frame using the specified layout hints.
Mother of all ROOT objects.
virtual void SetModel(TObject *obj)
Pick up the used fill attributes.
virtual Short_t GetBorderMode() const
virtual void DoTickY(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to the check box 'TickY'.
TGCheckButton * fCrosshair
virtual void DoBorderSize(Int_t size)
Slot connected to the border size settings.
virtual void SetBorderSize(Short_t bordersize)
virtual void SetLogz(Int_t value=1)
Set Lin/Log scale for Z.
virtual void DoLogZ(Bool_t on)
Slot connected to the check box 'LogZ'.
virtual void MakeTitle(const char *title)
Create attribute frame title.
Bool_t HasFixedAspectRatio() const
virtual void SetLogy(Int_t value=1)
Set Lin/Log scale for Y.
virtual void ActivateBaseClassEditors(TClass *cl)
Provide list of editors for base-classes.