12 #ifndef ROOT_TEveGeoNodeEditor 13 #define ROOT_TEveGeoNodeEditor TGCheckButton * fVizNodeDaughters
image html pict1_TGaxis_012 png width
Define new text attributes for the label number "labNum".
TEveGeoTopNode * fTopNodeRE
virtual ~TEveGeoTopNodeEditor()
virtual ~TEveGeoNodeEditor()
Wrapper for TGeoNode that allows it to be shown in GUI and controlled as a TEveElement.
void DoVizVolumeDaughters()
Slot for VizVolumeDaughters.
Composite GUI element for single value selection (supports label, number-entry and slider)...
#define ClassDef(name, id)
static Pixel_t GetDefaultFrameBackground()
Get default frame background.
TEveGeoNodeEditor(const TEveGeoNodeEditor &)
TEveGeoNodeEditor & operator=(const TEveGeoNodeEditor &)
void DoVizNode()
Slot for VizNode.
TEveGValuator * fVisOption
A wrapper over a TGeoNode, possibly displaced with a global trasformation stored in TEveElement...
TEveGValuator * fMaxVisNodes
TGCheckButton * fVizVolume
Mother of all ROOT objects.
void DoVizNodeDaughters()
Slot for VizNodeDaughters.
Editor for TEveGeoNode class.
void DoVizVolume()
Slot for VizVolume.
TGCheckButton * fVizVolumeDaughters
TEveGValuator * fVisLevel
Editor for TEveGeoTopNode class.
virtual void SetModel(TObject *obj)
Set model object.