Logo ROOT   6.14/05
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*****************************************************************************
2  * Project: RooFit *
3  * Package: RooFitCore *
4  * @(#)root/roofitcore:$Id$
5  * Authors: *
6  * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
7  * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
8  * *
9  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
10  * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
11  * *
12  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
13  * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
14  * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
15  *****************************************************************************/
17 /**
18 \file RooHist.cxx
19 \class RooHist
20 \ingroup Roofitcore
22 A RooHist is a graphical representation of binned data based on the
23 TGraphAsymmErrors class. Error bars are calculated using either Poisson
24 or Binomial statistics. A RooHist is used to represent histograms in
25 a RooPlot.
26 **/
28 #include "RooFit.h"
30 #include "RooHist.h"
31 #include "RooHist.h"
32 #include "RooHistError.h"
33 #include "RooCurve.h"
34 #include "RooMsgService.h"
36 #include "TH1.h"
37 #include "TClass.h"
38 #include "Riostream.h"
39 #include <iomanip>
41 using namespace std;
44  ;
47 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
48 /// Default constructor
51  _nominalBinWidth(1),
52  _nSigma(1),
53  _entries(0),
54  _rawEntries(0)
55 {
56 }
60 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
61 /// Create an empty histogram that can be filled with the addBin()
62 /// and addAsymmetryBin() methods. Use the optional parameter to
63 /// specify the confidence level in units of sigma to use for
64 /// calculating error bars. The nominal bin width specifies the
65 /// default used by addBin(), and is used to set the relative
66 /// normalization of bins with different widths.
68  RooHist::RooHist(Double_t nominalBinWidth, Double_t nSigma, Double_t /*xErrorFrac*/, Double_t /*scaleFactor*/) :
69  TGraphAsymmErrors(), _nominalBinWidth(nominalBinWidth), _nSigma(nSigma), _rawEntries(-1)
70 {
71  initialize();
72 }
75 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
76 /// Create a histogram from the contents of the specified TH1 object
77 /// which may have fixed or variable bin widths. Error bars are
78 /// calculated using Poisson statistics. Prints a warning and rounds
79 /// any bins with non-integer contents. Use the optional parameter to
80 /// specify the confidence level in units of sigma to use for
81 /// calculating error bars. The nominal bin width specifies the
82 /// default used by addBin(), and is used to set the relative
83 /// normalization of bins with different widths. If not set, the
84 /// nominal bin width is calculated as range/nbins.
86 RooHist::RooHist(const TH1 &data, Double_t nominalBinWidth, Double_t nSigma, RooAbsData::ErrorType etype, Double_t xErrorFrac,
87  Bool_t correctForBinWidth, Double_t scaleFactor) :
88  TGraphAsymmErrors(), _nominalBinWidth(nominalBinWidth), _nSigma(nSigma), _rawEntries(-1)
89 {
90  initialize();
91  // copy the input histogram's name and title
92  SetName(data.GetName());
93  SetTitle(data.GetTitle());
94  // calculate our nominal bin width if necessary
95  if(_nominalBinWidth == 0) {
96  const TAxis *axis= ((TH1&)data).GetXaxis();
97  if(axis->GetNbins() > 0) _nominalBinWidth= (axis->GetXmax() - axis->GetXmin())/axis->GetNbins();
98  }
99  setYAxisLabel(data.GetYaxis()->GetTitle());
101  // initialize our contents from the input histogram's contents
102  Int_t nbin= data.GetNbinsX();
103  for(Int_t bin= 1; bin <= nbin; bin++) {
104  Axis_t x= data.GetBinCenter(bin);
105  Stat_t y= data.GetBinContent(bin);
106  Stat_t dy = data.GetBinError(bin) ;
107  if (etype==RooAbsData::Poisson) {
108  addBin(x,y,data.GetBinWidth(bin),xErrorFrac,scaleFactor);
109  } else if (etype==RooAbsData::SumW2) {
110  addBinWithError(x,y,dy,dy,data.GetBinWidth(bin),xErrorFrac,correctForBinWidth,scaleFactor);
111  } else {
112  addBinWithError(x,y,0,0,data.GetBinWidth(bin),xErrorFrac,correctForBinWidth,scaleFactor);
113  }
114  }
115  // add over/underflow bins to our event count
116  _entries+= data.GetBinContent(0) + data.GetBinContent(nbin+1);
117 }
121 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
122 /// Create a histogram from the asymmetry between the specified TH1 objects
123 /// which may have fixed or variable bin widths, but which must both have
124 /// the same binning. The asymmetry is calculated as (1-2)/(1+2). Error bars are
125 /// calculated using Binomial statistics. Prints a warning and rounds
126 /// any bins with non-integer contents. Use the optional parameter to
127 /// specify the confidence level in units of sigma to use for
128 /// calculating error bars. The nominal bin width specifies the
129 /// default used by addAsymmetryBin(), and is used to set the relative
130 /// normalization of bins with different widths. If not set, the
131 /// nominal bin width is calculated as range/nbins.
133 RooHist::RooHist(const TH1 &data1, const TH1 &data2, Double_t nominalBinWidth, Double_t nSigma,
134  RooAbsData::ErrorType etype, Double_t xErrorFrac, Bool_t efficiency, Double_t scaleFactor) :
135  TGraphAsymmErrors(), _nominalBinWidth(nominalBinWidth), _nSigma(nSigma), _rawEntries(-1)
136 {
137  initialize();
138  // copy the first input histogram's name and title
139  SetName(data1.GetName());
140  SetTitle(data1.GetTitle());
141  // calculate our nominal bin width if necessary
142  if(_nominalBinWidth == 0) {
143  const TAxis *axis= ((TH1&)data1).GetXaxis();
144  if(axis->GetNbins() > 0) _nominalBinWidth= (axis->GetXmax() - axis->GetXmin())/axis->GetNbins();
145  }
147  if (!efficiency) {
148  setYAxisLabel(Form("Asymmetry (%s - %s)/(%s + %s)",
149  data1.GetName(),data2.GetName(),data1.GetName(),data2.GetName()));
150  } else {
151  setYAxisLabel(Form("Efficiency (%s)/(%s + %s)",
152  data1.GetName(),data1.GetName(),data2.GetName()));
153  }
154  // initialize our contents from the input histogram contents
155  Int_t nbin= data1.GetNbinsX();
156  if(data2.GetNbinsX() != nbin) {
157  coutE(InputArguments) << "RooHist::RooHist: histograms have different number of bins" << endl;
158  return;
159  }
160  for(Int_t bin= 1; bin <= nbin; bin++) {
161  Axis_t x= data1.GetBinCenter(bin);
162  if(fabs(data2.GetBinCenter(bin)-x)>1e-10) {
163  coutW(InputArguments) << "RooHist::RooHist: histograms have different centers for bin " << bin << endl;
164  }
165  Stat_t y1= data1.GetBinContent(bin);
166  Stat_t y2= data2.GetBinContent(bin);
167  if (!efficiency) {
169  if (etype==RooAbsData::Poisson) {
170  addAsymmetryBin(x,roundBin(y1),roundBin(y2),data1.GetBinWidth(bin),xErrorFrac,scaleFactor);
171  } else if (etype==RooAbsData::SumW2) {
172  Stat_t dy1= data1.GetBinError(bin);
173  Stat_t dy2= data2.GetBinError(bin);
174  addAsymmetryBinWithError(x,y1,y2,dy1,dy2,data1.GetBinWidth(bin),xErrorFrac,scaleFactor);
175  } else {
176  addAsymmetryBinWithError(x,y1,y2,0,0,data1.GetBinWidth(bin),xErrorFrac,scaleFactor);
177  }
179  } else {
181  if (etype==RooAbsData::Poisson) {
182  addEfficiencyBin(x,roundBin(y1),roundBin(y2),data1.GetBinWidth(bin),xErrorFrac,scaleFactor);
183  } else if (etype==RooAbsData::SumW2) {
184  Stat_t dy1= data1.GetBinError(bin);
185  Stat_t dy2= data2.GetBinError(bin);
186  addEfficiencyBinWithError(x,y1,y2,dy1,dy2,data1.GetBinWidth(bin),xErrorFrac,scaleFactor);
187  } else {
188  addEfficiencyBinWithError(x,y1,y2,0,0,data1.GetBinWidth(bin),xErrorFrac,scaleFactor);
189  }
191  }
193  }
194  // we do not have a meaningful number of entries
195  _entries= -1;
196 }
200 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
201 /// Create histogram as sum of two existing histograms. If Poisson errors are selected the histograms are
202 /// added and Poisson confidence intervals are calculated for the summed content. If wgt1 and wgt2 are not
203 /// 1 in this mode, a warning message is printed. If SumW2 errors are selected the histograms are added
204 /// and the histograms errors are added in quadrature, taking the weights into account.
206 RooHist::RooHist(const RooHist& hist1, const RooHist& hist2, Double_t wgt1, Double_t wgt2,
207  RooAbsData::ErrorType etype, Double_t xErrorFrac) : _rawEntries(-1)
208 {
209  // Initialize the histogram
210  initialize() ;
212  // Copy all non-content properties from hist1
213  SetName(hist1.GetName()) ;
214  SetTitle(hist1.GetTitle()) ;
216  _nSigma=hist1._nSigma ;
217  setYAxisLabel(hist1.getYAxisLabel()) ;
219  if (!hist1.hasIdenticalBinning(hist2)) {
220  coutE(InputArguments) << "RooHist::RooHist input histograms have incompatible binning, combined histogram will remain empty" << endl ;
221  return ;
222  }
224  if (etype==RooAbsData::Poisson) {
225  // Add histograms with Poisson errors
227  // Issue warning if weights are not 1
228  if (wgt1!=1.0 || wgt2 != 1.0) {
229  coutW(InputArguments) << "RooHist::RooHist: WARNING: Poisson errors of weighted sum of two histograms is not well defined! " << endl
230  << " Summed histogram bins will rounded to nearest integer for Poisson confidence interval calculation" << endl ;
231  }
233  // Add histograms, calculate Poisson confidence interval on sum value
234  Int_t i,n=hist1.GetN() ;
235  for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
236  Double_t x1,y1,x2,y2,dx1 ;
238  hist1.GetPoint(i,x1,y1) ;
239 #else
240  const_cast<RooHist&>(hist1).GetPoint(i,x1,y1) ;
241 #endif
242  dx1 = hist1.GetErrorX(i) ;
244  hist2.GetPoint(i,x2,y2) ;
245 #else
246  const_cast<RooHist&>(hist2).GetPoint(i,x2,y2) ;
247 #endif
248  addBin(x1,roundBin(wgt1*y1+wgt2*y2),2*dx1/xErrorFrac,xErrorFrac) ;
249  }
251  } else {
252  // Add histograms with SumW2 errors
254  // Add histograms, calculate combined sum-of-weights error
255  Int_t i,n=hist1.GetN() ;
256  for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
257  Double_t x1,y1,x2,y2,dx1,dy1,dy2 ;
259  hist1.GetPoint(i,x1,y1) ;
260 #else
261  const_cast<RooHist&>(hist1).GetPoint(i,x1,y1) ;
262 #endif
263  dx1 = hist1.GetErrorX(i) ;
264  dy1 = hist1.GetErrorY(i) ;
265  dy2 = hist2.GetErrorY(i) ;
267  hist2.GetPoint(i,x2,y2) ;
268 #else
269  const_cast<RooHist&>(hist2).GetPoint(i,x2,y2) ;
270 #endif
271  Double_t dy = sqrt(wgt1*wgt1*dy1*dy1+wgt2*wgt2*dy2*dy2) ;
272  addBinWithError(x1,wgt1*y1+wgt2*y2,dy,dy,2*dx1/xErrorFrac,xErrorFrac) ;
273  }
274  }
276 }
279 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
280 /// Perform common initialization for all constructors.
283 {
284  SetMarkerStyle(8);
285  _entries= 0;
286 }
289 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
290 /// Return the number of events of the dataset associated with this RooHist.
291 /// This is the number of events in the RooHist itself, unless a different
292 /// value was specified through setRawEntries()
295 {
296  return (_rawEntries==-1 ? _entries : _rawEntries) ;
297 }
300 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
301 /// Calculate integral of histogram in given range
304 {
305  Double_t sum(0) ;
306  for (int i=0 ; i<GetN() ; i++) {
307  Double_t x,y ;
310  GetPoint(i,x,y) ;
311 #else
312  const_cast<RooHist*>(this)->GetPoint(i,x,y) ;
313 #endif
315  if (x>=xlo && x<=xhi) {
316  sum += y ;
317  }
318  }
320  if (_rawEntries!=-1) {
321  coutW(Plotting) << "RooHist::getFitRangeNEvt() WARNING: Number of normalization events associated to histogram is not equal to number of events in histogram" << endl
322  << " due cut made in RooAbsData::plotOn() call. Automatic normalization over sub-range of plot variable assumes" << endl
323  << " that the effect of that cut is uniform across the plot, which may be an incorrect assumption. To be sure of" << endl
324  << " correct normalization explicit pass normalization information to RooAbsPdf::plotOn() call using Normalization()" << endl ;
325  sum *= _rawEntries / _entries ;
326  }
328  return sum ;
329 }
333 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
334 /// Return (average) bin width of this RooHist
337 {
338  return _nominalBinWidth ;
339 }
343 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
344 /// Return the nearest positive integer to the input value
345 /// and print a warning if an adjustment is required.
348 {
349  if(y < 0) {
350  coutW(Plotting) << fName << "::roundBin: rounding negative bin contents to zero: " << y << endl;
351  return 0;
352  }
353  Int_t n= (Int_t)(y+0.5);
354  if(fabs(y-n)>1e-6) {
355  coutW(Plotting) << fName << "::roundBin: rounding non-integer bin contents: " << y << endl;
356  }
357  return n;
358 }
362 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
363 /// Add a bin to this histogram with the specified integer bin contents
364 /// and using an error bar calculated with Poisson statistics. The bin width
365 /// is used to set the relative scale of bins with different widths.
367 void RooHist::addBin(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n, Double_t binWidth, Double_t xErrorFrac, Double_t scaleFactor)
368 {
369  if (n<0) {
370  coutW(Plotting) << "RooHist::addBin(" << GetName() << ") WARNING: negative entry set to zero when Poisson error bars are requested" << endl ;
371  }
373  Double_t scale= 1;
374  if(binWidth > 0) {
375  scale= _nominalBinWidth/binWidth;
376  }
377  _entries+= n;
378  Int_t index= GetN();
380  // calculate Poisson errors for this bin
381  Double_t ym,yp,dx(0.5*binWidth);
383  if (fabs((double)((n-Int_t(n))>1e-5))) {
384  // need interpolation
385  Double_t ym1(0),yp1(0),ym2(0),yp2(0) ;
386  Int_t n1 = Int_t(n) ;
387  Int_t n2 = n1+1 ;
388  if(!RooHistError::instance().getPoissonInterval(n1,ym1,yp1,_nSigma) ||
389  !RooHistError::instance().getPoissonInterval(n2,ym2,yp2,_nSigma)) {
390  coutE(Plotting) << "RooHist::addBin: unable to add bin with " << n << " events" << endl;
391  }
392  ym = ym1 + (n-n1)*(ym2-ym1) ;
393  yp = yp1 + (n-n1)*(yp2-yp1) ;
394  coutW(Plotting) << "RooHist::addBin(" << GetName()
395  << ") WARNING: non-integer bin entry " << n << " with Poisson errors, interpolating between Poisson errors of adjacent integer" << endl ;
396  } else {
397  // integer case
398  if(!RooHistError::instance().getPoissonInterval(Int_t(n),ym,yp,_nSigma)) {
399  coutE(Plotting) << "RooHist::addBin: unable to add bin with " << n << " events" << endl;
400  return;
401  }
402  }
404  SetPoint(index,binCenter,n*scale*scaleFactor);
405  SetPointError(index,dx*xErrorFrac,dx*xErrorFrac,scale*(n-ym)*scaleFactor,scale*(yp-n)*scaleFactor);
406  updateYAxisLimits(scale*yp);
407  updateYAxisLimits(scale*ym);
408 }
412 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
413 /// Add a bin to this histogram with the specified bin contents
414 /// and error. The bin width is used to set the relative scale of
415 /// bins with different widths.
417 void RooHist::addBinWithError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n, Double_t elow, Double_t ehigh, Double_t binWidth,
418  Double_t xErrorFrac, Bool_t correctForBinWidth, Double_t scaleFactor)
419 {
420  Double_t scale= 1;
421  if(binWidth > 0 && correctForBinWidth) {
422  scale= _nominalBinWidth/binWidth;
423  }
424  _entries+= n;
425  Int_t index= GetN();
427  Double_t dx(0.5*binWidth) ;
428  SetPoint(index,binCenter,n*scale*scaleFactor);
429  SetPointError(index,dx*xErrorFrac,dx*xErrorFrac,elow*scale*scaleFactor,ehigh*scale*scaleFactor);
430  updateYAxisLimits(scale*(n-elow));
431  updateYAxisLimits(scale*(n+ehigh));
432 }
437 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
438 /// Add a bin to this histogram with the specified bin contents
439 /// and error. The bin width is used to set the relative scale of
440 /// bins with different widths.
442 void RooHist::addBinWithXYError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n, Double_t exlow, Double_t exhigh, Double_t eylow, Double_t eyhigh,
443  Double_t scaleFactor)
444 {
445  _entries+= n;
446  Int_t index= GetN();
448  SetPoint(index,binCenter,n*scaleFactor);
449  SetPointError(index,exlow,exhigh,eylow*scaleFactor,eyhigh*scaleFactor);
450  updateYAxisLimits(scaleFactor*(n-eylow));
451  updateYAxisLimits(scaleFactor*(n+eyhigh));
452 }
458 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
459 /// Add a bin to this histogram with the value (n1-n2)/(n1+n2)
460 /// using an error bar calculated with Binomial statistics.
462 void RooHist::addAsymmetryBin(Axis_t binCenter, Int_t n1, Int_t n2, Double_t binWidth, Double_t xErrorFrac, Double_t scaleFactor)
463 {
464  Double_t scale= 1;
465  if(binWidth > 0) scale= _nominalBinWidth/binWidth;
466  Int_t index= GetN();
468  // calculate Binomial errors for this bin
469  Double_t ym,yp,dx(0.5*binWidth);
470  if(!RooHistError::instance().getBinomialIntervalAsym(n1,n2,ym,yp,_nSigma)) {
471  coutE(Plotting) << "RooHist::addAsymmetryBin: unable to calculate binomial error for bin with " << n1 << "," << n2 << " events" << endl;
472  return;
473  }
475  Double_t a= (Double_t)(n1-n2)/(n1+n2);
476  SetPoint(index,binCenter,a*scaleFactor);
477  SetPointError(index,dx*xErrorFrac,dx*xErrorFrac,(a-ym)*scaleFactor,(yp-a)*scaleFactor);
478  updateYAxisLimits(scale*yp);
479  updateYAxisLimits(scale*ym);
480 }
484 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
485 /// Add a bin to this histogram with the value (n1-n2)/(n1+n2)
486 /// using an error bar calculated with Binomial statistics.
488 void RooHist::addAsymmetryBinWithError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n1, Double_t n2, Double_t en1, Double_t en2, Double_t binWidth, Double_t xErrorFrac, Double_t scaleFactor)
489 {
490  Double_t scale= 1;
491  if(binWidth > 0) scale= _nominalBinWidth/binWidth;
492  Int_t index= GetN();
494  // calculate Binomial errors for this bin
495  Double_t ym,yp,dx(0.5*binWidth);
496  Double_t a= (Double_t)(n1-n2)/(n1+n2);
498  Double_t error = 2*sqrt( pow(en1,2)*pow(n2,2) + pow(en2,2)*pow(n1,2) ) / pow(n1+n2,2) ;
499  ym=a-error ;
500  yp=a+error ;
502  SetPoint(index,binCenter,a*scaleFactor);
503  SetPointError(index,dx*xErrorFrac,dx*xErrorFrac,(a-ym)*scaleFactor,(yp-a)*scaleFactor);
504  updateYAxisLimits(scale*yp);
505  updateYAxisLimits(scale*ym);
506 }
510 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
511 /// Add a bin to this histogram with the value n1/(n1+n2)
512 /// using an error bar calculated with Binomial statistics.
514 void RooHist::addEfficiencyBin(Axis_t binCenter, Int_t n1, Int_t n2, Double_t binWidth, Double_t xErrorFrac, Double_t scaleFactor)
515 {
516  Double_t scale= 1;
517  if(binWidth > 0) scale= _nominalBinWidth/binWidth;
518  Int_t index= GetN();
520  Double_t a= (Double_t)(n1)/(n1+n2);
522  // calculate Binomial errors for this bin
523  Double_t ym,yp,dx(0.5*binWidth);
524  if(!RooHistError::instance().getBinomialIntervalEff(n1,n2,ym,yp,_nSigma)) {
525  coutE(Plotting) << "RooHist::addEfficiencyBin: unable to calculate binomial error for bin with " << n1 << "," << n2 << " events" << endl;
526  return;
527  }
529  SetPoint(index,binCenter,a*scaleFactor);
530  SetPointError(index,dx*xErrorFrac,dx*xErrorFrac,(a-ym)*scaleFactor,(yp-a)*scaleFactor);
531  updateYAxisLimits(scale*yp);
532  updateYAxisLimits(scale*ym);
533 }
537 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
538 /// Add a bin to this histogram with the value n1/(n1+n2)
539 /// using an error bar calculated with Binomial statistics.
541 void RooHist::addEfficiencyBinWithError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n1, Double_t n2, Double_t en1, Double_t en2, Double_t binWidth, Double_t xErrorFrac, Double_t scaleFactor)
542 {
543  Double_t scale= 1;
544  if(binWidth > 0) scale= _nominalBinWidth/binWidth;
545  Int_t index= GetN();
547  Double_t a= (Double_t)(n1)/(n1+n2);
549  Double_t error = sqrt( pow(en1,2)*pow(n2,2) + pow(en2,2)*pow(n1,2) ) / pow(n1+n2,2) ;
551  // calculate Binomial errors for this bin
552  Double_t ym,yp,dx(0.5*binWidth);
553  ym=a-error ;
554  yp=a+error ;
557  SetPoint(index,binCenter,a*scaleFactor);
558  SetPointError(index,dx*xErrorFrac,dx*xErrorFrac,(a-ym)*scaleFactor,(yp-a)*scaleFactor);
559  updateYAxisLimits(scale*yp);
560  updateYAxisLimits(scale*ym);
561 }
565 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
566 /// Destructor
569 {
570 }
574 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
575 /// Return kTRUE if binning of this RooHist is identical to that of 'other'
578 {
579  // First check if number of bins is the same
580  if (GetN() != other.GetN()) {
581  return kFALSE ;
582  }
584  // Next require that all bin centers are the same
585  Int_t i ;
586  for (i=0 ; i<GetN() ; i++) {
587  Double_t x1,x2,y1,y2 ;
590  GetPoint(i,x1,y1) ;
591  other.GetPoint(i,x2,y2) ;
592 #else
593  const_cast<RooHist&>(*this).GetPoint(i,x1,y1) ;
594  const_cast<RooHist&>(other).GetPoint(i,x2,y2) ;
595 #endif
597  if (fabs(x1-x2)>1e-10) {
598  return kFALSE ;
599  }
601  }
603  return kTRUE ;
604 }
608 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
609 /// Return kTRUE if contents of this RooHist is identical within given
610 /// relative tolerance to that of 'other'
612 Bool_t RooHist::isIdentical(const RooHist& other, Double_t tol) const
613 {
614  // Make temporary TH1s output of RooHists to perform Kolmogorov test
616  TH1F h_self("h_self","h_self",GetN(),0,1) ;
617  TH1F h_other("h_other","h_other",GetN(),0,1) ;
620  for (Int_t i=0 ; i<GetN() ; i++) {
621  h_self.SetBinContent(i+1,GetY()[i]) ;
622  h_other.SetBinContent(i+1,other.GetY()[i]) ;
623  }
625  Double_t M = h_self.KolmogorovTest(&h_other,"M") ;
626  if (M>tol) {
627  Double_t kprob = h_self.KolmogorovTest(&h_other) ;
628  cout << "RooHist::isIdentical() tolerance exceeded M=" << M << " (tol=" << tol << "), corresponding prob = " << kprob << endl ;
629  return kFALSE ;
630  }
632  return kTRUE ;
633 }
637 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
638 /// Print info about this histogram to the specified output stream.
639 ///
640 /// Standard: number of entries
641 /// Shape: error CL and maximum value
642 /// Verbose: print our bin contents and errors
644 void RooHist::printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose, TString indent) const
645 {
646  RooPlotable::printMultiline(os,contents,verbose,indent);
647  os << indent << "--- RooHist ---" << endl;
648  Int_t n= GetN();
649  os << indent << " Contains " << n << " bins" << endl;
650  if(verbose) {
651  os << indent << " Errors calculated at" << _nSigma << "-sigma CL" << endl;
652  os << indent << " Bin Contents:" << endl;
653  for(Int_t i= 0; i < n; i++) {
654  os << indent << setw(3) << i << ") x= " << fX[i];
655  if(fEXhigh[i] > 0 || fEXlow[i] > 0) {
656  os << " +" << fEXhigh[i] << " -" << fEXlow[i];
657  }
658  os << " , y = " << fY[i] << " +" << fEYhigh[i] << " -" << fEYlow[i] << endl;
659  }
660  }
661 }
665 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
666 /// Print name of RooHist
668 void RooHist::printName(ostream& os) const
669 {
670  os << GetName() ;
671 }
675 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
676 /// Print title of RooHist
678 void RooHist::printTitle(ostream& os) const
679 {
680  os << GetTitle() ;
681 }
685 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
686 /// Print class name of RooHist
688 void RooHist::printClassName(ostream& os) const
689 {
690  os << IsA()->GetName() ;
691 }
695 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
696 /// Create and return RooHist containing residuals w.r.t to given curve.
697 /// If normalize is true, the residuals are normalized by the histogram
698 /// errors creating a RooHist with pull values
700 RooHist* RooHist::makeResidHist(const RooCurve& curve, bool normalize, bool useAverage) const
701 {
703  // Copy all non-content properties from hist1
704  RooHist* hist = new RooHist(_nominalBinWidth) ;
705  if (normalize) {
706  hist->SetName(Form("pull_%s_%s",GetName(),curve.GetName())) ;
707  hist->SetTitle(Form("Pull of %s and %s",GetTitle(),curve.GetTitle())) ;
708  } else {
709  hist->SetName(Form("resid_%s_%s",GetName(),curve.GetName())) ;
710  hist->SetTitle(Form("Residual of %s and %s",GetTitle(),curve.GetTitle())) ;
711  }
713  // Determine range of curve
714  Double_t xstart,xstop,y ;
716  curve.GetPoint(0,xstart,y) ;
717  curve.GetPoint(curve.GetN()-1,xstop,y) ;
718 #else
719  const_cast<RooCurve&>(curve).GetPoint(0,xstart,y) ;
720  const_cast<RooCurve&>(curve).GetPoint(curve.GetN()-1,xstop,y) ;
721 #endif
723  // Add histograms, calculate Poisson confidence interval on sum value
724  for(Int_t i=0 ; i<GetN() ; i++) {
725  Double_t x,point;
727  GetPoint(i,x,point) ;
728 #else
729  const_cast<RooHist&>(*this).GetPoint(i,x,point) ;
730 #endif
732  // Only calculate pull for bins inside curve range
733  if (x<xstart || x>xstop) continue ;
735  Double_t yy ;
736  if (useAverage) {
737  Double_t exl = GetErrorXlow(i);
738  Double_t exh = GetErrorXhigh(i) ;
739  if (exl<=0 ) exl = GetErrorX(i);
740  if (exh<=0 ) exh = GetErrorX(i);
741  if (exl<=0 ) exl = 0.5*getNominalBinWidth();
742  if (exh<=0 ) exh = 0.5*getNominalBinWidth();
743  yy = point - curve.average(x-exl,x+exh) ;
744  } else {
745  yy = point - curve.interpolate(x) ;
746  }
748  Double_t dyl = GetErrorYlow(i) ;
749  Double_t dyh = GetErrorYhigh(i) ;
750  if (normalize) {
751  Double_t norm = (yy>0?dyl:dyh);
752  if (norm==0.) {
753  coutW(Plotting) << "RooHist::makeResisHist(" << GetName() << ") WARNING: point " << i << " has zero error, setting residual to zero" << endl ;
754  yy=0 ;
755  dyh=0 ;
756  dyl=0 ;
757  } else {
758  yy /= norm;
759  dyh /= norm;
760  dyl /= norm;
761  }
762  }
763  hist->addBinWithError(x,yy,dyl,dyh);
764  }
765  return hist ;
766 }
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:47
Double_t getNominalBinWidth() const
Definition: RooHist.h:69
static long int sum(long int i)
Definition: Factory.cxx:2258
#define coutE(a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:34
Double_t * fX
[fNpoints] array of X points
Definition: TGraph.h:47
virtual void printTitle(std::ostream &os) const
Print title of RooHist.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:678
virtual Double_t GetBinCenter(Int_t bin) const
Return bin center for 1D histogram.
Definition: TH1.cxx:8434
A RooCurve is a one-dimensional graphical representation of a real-valued function.
Definition: RooCurve.h:32
Double_t GetErrorY(Int_t bin) const
This function is called by GraphFitChisquare.
Double_t GetErrorX(Int_t bin) const
This function is called by GraphFitChisquare.
Double_t GetErrorYlow(Int_t i) const
Get low error on Y.
double Axis_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:72
Double_t * fEXhigh
[fNpoints] array of X high errors
Double_t _nominalBinWidth
Definition: RooHist.h:87
virtual Double_t GetBinContent(Int_t bin) const
Return content of bin number bin.
Definition: TH1.cxx:4770
Double_t GetErrorYhigh(Int_t i) const
Get high error on Y.
virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const
Print detailed information.
Definition: RooPlotable.cxx:43
1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
Definition: TH1.h:567
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
virtual void SetTitle(const char *title="")
Set graph title.
Definition: TGraph.cxx:2216
STL namespace.
#define coutW(a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:33
static void AddDirectory(Bool_t add=kTRUE)
Sets the flag controlling the automatic add of histograms in memory.
Definition: TH1.cxx:1225
void addAsymmetryBinWithError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n1, Double_t n2, Double_t en1, Double_t en2, Double_t binWidth=0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0)
Add a bin to this histogram with the value (n1-n2)/(n1+n2) using an error bar calculated with Binomia...
Definition: RooHist.cxx:488
double sqrt(double)
Double_t GetErrorXhigh(Int_t i) const
Get high error on X.
TGraph with asymmetric error bars.
Int_t roundBin(Double_t y)
Return the nearest positive integer to the input value and print a warning if an adjustment is requir...
Definition: RooHist.cxx:347
Double_t _entries
Definition: RooHist.h:89
Double_t GetXmin() const
Definition: TAxis.h:133
static const double x2[5]
A RooHist is a graphical representation of binned data based on the TGraphAsymmErrors class...
Definition: RooHist.h:26
void addEfficiencyBinWithError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n1, Double_t n2, Double_t en1, Double_t en2, Double_t binWidth=0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0)
Add a bin to this histogram with the value n1/(n1+n2) using an error bar calculated with Binomial sta...
Definition: RooHist.cxx:541
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
virtual void SetName(const char *name="")
Set graph name.
Definition: TGraph.cxx:2207
double pow(double, double)
void addAsymmetryBin(Axis_t binCenter, Int_t n1, Int_t n2, Double_t binWidth=0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0)
Add a bin to this histogram with the value (n1-n2)/(n1+n2) using an error bar calculated with Binomia...
Definition: RooHist.cxx:462
Double_t getFitRangeBinW() const
Return (average) bin width of this RooHist.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:336
void initialize()
Perform common initialization for all constructors.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:282
Default constructor.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:50
virtual Double_t KolmogorovTest(const TH1 *h2, Option_t *option="") const
Statistical test of compatibility in shape between this histogram and h2, using Kolmogorov test...
Definition: TH1.cxx:7527
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Fabs< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > fabs(const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs)
virtual Int_t GetPoint(Int_t i, Double_t &x, Double_t &y) const
Get x and y values for point number i.
Definition: TGraph.cxx:1580
const char * GetTitle() const
Returns title of object.
Definition: TAxis.h:129
Class to manage histogram axis.
Definition: TAxis.h:30
RooHist * makeResidHist(const RooCurve &curve, bool normalize=false, bool useAverage=false) const
Create and return RooHist containing residuals w.r.t to given curve.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:700
auto * a
Definition: textangle.C:12
virtual void SetBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t content)
Set bin content see convention for numbering bins in TH1::GetBin In case the bin number is greater th...
Definition: TH1.cxx:8514
Double_t interpolate(Double_t x, Double_t tolerance=1e-10) const
Return linearly interpolated value of curve at xvalue.
Definition: RooCurve.cxx:681
Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const
Return the number of events of the dataset associated with this RooHist.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:294
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
Double_t _rawEntries
Definition: RooHist.h:90
void updateYAxisLimits(Double_t y)
Definition: RooPlotable.h:33
static const RooHistError & instance()
Return a reference to a singleton object that is created the first time this method is called...
Int_t GetN() const
Definition: TGraph.h:122
Double_t * fEYlow
[fNpoints] array of Y low errors
void addBin(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n, Double_t binWidth=0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0)
Add a bin to this histogram with the specified integer bin contents and using an error bar calculated...
Definition: RooHist.cxx:367
Bool_t hasIdenticalBinning(const RooHist &other) const
Return kTRUE if binning of this RooHist is identical to that of &#39;other&#39;.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:577
virtual void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle=1)
Set the marker style.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:40
TAxis * GetYaxis()
Definition: TH1.h:316
Double_t _nSigma
Definition: RooHist.h:88
TString fName
Definition: TNamed.h:32
const char * getYAxisLabel() const
Definition: RooPlotable.h:31
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
Double_t GetErrorXlow(Int_t i) const
Get low error on X.
virtual Double_t GetBinWidth(Int_t bin) const
Return bin width for 1D histogram.
Definition: TH1.cxx:8456
static const double x1[5]
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:359
virtual void printName(std::ostream &os) const
Print name of RooHist.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:668
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
Double_t y[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
The TH1 histogram class.
Definition: TH1.h:56
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t e
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
Bool_t isIdentical(const RooHist &other, Double_t tol=1e-6) const
Return kTRUE if contents of this RooHist is identical within given relative tolerance to that of &#39;oth...
Definition: RooHist.cxx:612
double Stat_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:73
virtual ~RooHist()
Definition: RooHist.cxx:568
void addBinWithError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n, Double_t elow, Double_t ehigh, Double_t binWidth=0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Bool_t correctForBinWidth=kTRUE, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0)
Add a bin to this histogram with the specified bin contents and error.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:417
virtual void printClassName(std::ostream &os) const
Print class name of RooHist.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:688
virtual void SetPoint(Int_t i, Double_t x, Double_t y)
Set x and y values for point number i.
Definition: TGraph.cxx:2184
Double_t * fY
[fNpoints] array of Y points
Definition: TGraph.h:48
Double_t * GetY() const
Definition: TGraph.h:130
Double_t average(Double_t lo, Double_t hi) const
Return average curve value in [xFirst,xLast] by integrating curve between points and dividing by xLas...
Definition: RooCurve.cxx:595
void addBinWithXYError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n, Double_t exlow, Double_t exhigh, Double_t eylow, Double_t eyhigh, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0)
Add a bin to this histogram with the specified bin contents and error.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:442
void setYAxisLabel(const char *label)
Definition: RooPlotable.h:32
virtual Int_t GetNbinsX() const
Definition: TH1.h:291
Int_t GetNbins() const
Definition: TAxis.h:121
virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const
Print info about this histogram to the specified output stream.
Definition: RooHist.cxx:644
void addEfficiencyBin(Axis_t binCenter, Int_t n1, Int_t n2, Double_t binWidth=0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0)
Add a bin to this histogram with the value n1/(n1+n2) using an error bar calculated with Binomial sta...
Definition: RooHist.cxx:514
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
Double_t GetXmax() const
Definition: TAxis.h:134
const Int_t n
Definition: legend1.C:16
Double_t * fEXlow
[fNpoints] array of X low errors
Double_t * fEYhigh
[fNpoints] array of Y high errors
virtual const char * GetTitle() const
Returns title of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:48
virtual Double_t GetBinError(Int_t bin) const
Return value of error associated to bin number bin.
Definition: TH1.cxx:8356
virtual void SetPointError(Double_t exl, Double_t exh, Double_t eyl, Double_t eyh)
Set ex and ey values for point pointed by the mouse.