Logo ROOT   6.12/07
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ## \file
2 ## \ingroup tutorial_pyroot
3 ## \notebook
4 ## Display demo help.
5 ##
6 ## \macro_code
7 ##
8 ## \author Wim Lavrijsen
10 import os
11 from ROOT import TCanvas, TPaveText
12 from ROOT import gROOT
16 chelp = TCanvas( 'chelp', 'Help to run demos', 200, 10, 700, 500 )
18 welcome = TPaveText( .1, .8, .9, .97 )
19 welcome.AddText( 'Welcome to the ROOT demos' )
20 welcome.SetTextFont( 32 )
21 welcome.SetTextColor( 4 )
22 welcome.SetFillColor( 24 )
23 welcome.Draw()
25 hdemo = TPaveText( .05, .05, .95, .7 )
26 hdemo.SetTextAlign( 12 )
27 hdemo.SetTextFont( 52 )
29 text = """- Run demo hsimple.py first. Then in any order
30 - Click left mouse button to execute one demo
31 - Click right mouse button to see the title of the demo
32 - Click on 'Close Bar' to exit from the demo menu
33 - Select 'File/Print' to print a Postscript view of the canvas
34 - You can execute a demo with the mouse or type commands
35 - During the demo (try on this canvas) you can:
36  .... Use left button to move/grow/etc objects
37  .... Use middle button to pop overlapping objects
38  .... Use right button to get an object sensitive pop-up
39  """
40 for line in text.split( os.linesep ):
41  hdemo.AddText( line )
43 hdemo.SetAllWith( '....', 'color', 2 )
44 hdemo.SetAllWith( '....', 'font', 72 )
45 hdemo.SetAllWith( '....', 'size', 0.04 )
47 hdemo.Draw()
48 chelp.Update()
The Canvas class.
Definition: TCanvas.h:31
A Pave (see TPave) with text, lines or/and boxes inside.
Definition: TPaveText.h:21