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ROOT 6.12/07 Reference Guide |
This is the complete list of members for TGLMatrix, including all inherited members.
Arr() | TGLMatrix | inline |
CArr() const | TGLMatrix | inline |
Dump() const | TGLMatrix | |
fVals | TGLMatrix | private |
GetBaseVec(Int_t b) const | TGLMatrix | inline |
GetBaseVec(Int_t b, TGLVector3 &v) const | TGLMatrix | inline |
GetBaseVec(Int_t b, Double_t *x) const | TGLMatrix | inline |
GetScale() const | TGLMatrix | |
GetTranslation() const | TGLMatrix | |
Invert() | TGLMatrix | |
IsScalingForRender() const | TGLMatrix | |
Move3LF(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) | TGLMatrix | |
MoveLF(Int_t ai, Double_t amount) | TGLMatrix | |
Multiply(const TGLVector3 &v, Double_t w=1) const | TGLMatrix | |
MultiplyIP(TGLVector3 &v, Double_t w=1) const | TGLMatrix | |
MultLeft(const TGLMatrix &lhs) | TGLMatrix | |
MultRight(const TGLMatrix &rhs) | TGLMatrix | |
operator*=(const TGLMatrix &rhs) | TGLMatrix | inline |
operator=(const TGLMatrix &rhs) | TGLMatrix | inline |
operator[](Int_t index) | TGLMatrix | inline |
operator[](Int_t index) const | TGLMatrix | inline |
Rotate(const TGLVertex3 &pivot, const TGLVector3 &axis, Double_t angle) | TGLMatrix | |
Rotate(const TGLVector3 &v) const | TGLMatrix | |
RotateIP(TGLVector3 &v) const | TGLMatrix | |
RotateLF(Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Double_t amount) | TGLMatrix | |
RotatePF(Int_t i1, Int_t i2, Double_t amount) | TGLMatrix | |
Scale(const TGLVector3 &scale) | TGLMatrix | |
Set(const TGLVertex3 &origin, const TGLVector3 &zAxis, const TGLVector3 &xAxis=0) | TGLMatrix | |
Set(const Double_t vals[16]) | TGLMatrix | |
SetBaseVec(Int_t b, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) | TGLMatrix | inline |
SetBaseVec(Int_t b, const TGLVector3 &v) | TGLMatrix | inline |
SetBaseVec(Int_t b, Double_t *x) | TGLMatrix | inline |
SetIdentity() | TGLMatrix | |
SetTranslation(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) | TGLMatrix | |
SetTranslation(const TGLVertex3 &translation) | TGLMatrix | |
TGLMatrix() | TGLMatrix | |
TGLMatrix(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) | TGLMatrix | |
TGLMatrix(const TGLVertex3 &translation) | TGLMatrix | |
TGLMatrix(const TGLVertex3 &origin, const TGLVector3 &zAxis, const TGLVector3 &xAxis) | TGLMatrix | |
TGLMatrix(const TGLVertex3 &origin, const TGLVector3 &zAxis) | TGLMatrix | |
TGLMatrix(const Double_t vals[16]) | TGLMatrix | |
TGLMatrix(const TGLMatrix &other) | TGLMatrix | |
TransformVertex(TGLVertex3 &vertex) const | TGLMatrix | |
Translate(const TGLVector3 &vect) | TGLMatrix | |
Transpose3x3() | TGLMatrix | |
ValidIndex(UInt_t index) const | TGLMatrix | inlineprivate |
~TGLMatrix() | TGLMatrix | virtual |