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TMVA::RuleFit Class Reference

Definition at line 52 of file RuleFit.h.

Public Member Functions

 RuleFit (const TMVA::MethodBase *rfbase)
 constructor More...
 RuleFit (void)
 default constructor More...
virtual ~RuleFit (void)
 destructor More...
void Boost (TMVA::DecisionTree *dt)
 Boost the events. More...
void BuildTree (TMVA::DecisionTree *dt)
 build the decision tree using fNTreeSample events from fTrainingEventsRndm More...
void CalcImportance ()
 calculates the importance of each rule More...
Double_t CalcWeightSum (const std::vector< const TMVA::Event *> *events, UInt_t neve=0)
 calculate the sum of weights More...
Double_t EvalEvent (const Event &e)
 evaluate single event More...
void FillCorr (TH2F *h2, const TMVA::Rule *rule, Int_t v1, Int_t v2)
 fill rule correlation between vx and vy, weighted with either the importance or the coefficient More...
void FillCut (TH2F *h2, const TMVA::Rule *rule, Int_t vind)
 Fill cut. More...
void FillLin (TH2F *h2, Int_t vind)
 fill lin More...
void FillVisHistCorr (const Rule *rule, std::vector< TH2F *> &hlist)
 help routine to MakeVisHists() - fills for all correlation plots More...
void FillVisHistCut (const Rule *rule, std::vector< TH2F *> &hlist)
 help routine to MakeVisHists() - fills for all variables More...
void FitCoefficients ()
 Fit the coefficients for the rule ensemble. More...
void ForestStatistics ()
 summary of statistics of all trees More...
Bool_t GetCorrVars (TString &title, TString &var1, TString &var2)
 get first and second variables from title More...
const std::vector< const TMVA::DecisionTree * > & GetForest () const
const MethodBaseGetMethodBase () const
const MethodRuleFitGetMethodRuleFit () const
Double_t GetNEveEff () const
UInt_t GetNTreeSample () const
void GetRndmSampleEvents (std::vector< const TMVA::Event * > &evevec, UInt_t nevents)
 draw a random subsample of the training events without replacement More...
const RuleEnsembleGetRuleEnsemble () const
RuleEnsembleGetRuleEnsemblePtr ()
const RuleFitParamsGetRuleFitParams () const
RuleFitParamsGetRuleFitParamsPtr ()
const EventGetTrainingEvent (UInt_t i) const
const std::vector< const TMVA::Event *> & GetTrainingEvents () const
Double_t GetTrainingEventWeight (UInt_t i) const
void Initialize (const TMVA::MethodBase *rfbase)
 initialize the parameters of the RuleFit method and make rules More...
void InitNEveEff ()
 init effective number of events (using event weights) More...
void InitPtrs (const TMVA::MethodBase *rfbase)
 initialize pointers More...
void MakeDebugHists ()
 this will create a histograms intended rather for debugging or for the curious user More...
void MakeForest ()
 make a forest of decisiontrees More...
void MakeVisHists ()
 this will create histograms visualizing the rule ensemble More...
void NormVisHists (std::vector< TH2F *> &hlist)
 normalize rule importance hists More...
void ReshuffleEvents ()
void RestoreEventWeights ()
 save event weights - must be done before making the forest More...
void SaveEventWeights ()
 save event weights - must be done before making the forest More...
void SetGDNPathSteps (Int_t n=100)
void SetGDPathStep (Double_t s=0.01)
void SetGDTau (Double_t t=0.0)
void SetImportanceCut (Double_t minimp=0)
void SetMethodBase (const MethodBase *rfbase)
 set MethodBase More...
void SetModelFull ()
void SetModelLinear ()
void SetModelRules ()
void SetMsgType (EMsgType t)
 set the current message type to that of mlog for this class and all other subtools More...
void SetRuleMinDist (Double_t d)
void SetTrainingEvents (const std::vector< const TMVA::Event *> &el)
 set the training events randomly More...
void SetVisHistsUseImp (Bool_t f)
void UseCoefficientsVisHists ()
void UseImportanceVisHists ()

Private Member Functions

 RuleFit (const RuleFit &other)
void Copy (const RuleFit &other)
 copy method More...
MsgLoggerLog () const

Private Attributes

std::vector< Double_tfEventWeights
std::vector< const TMVA::DecisionTree * > fForest
const MethodBasefMethodBase
const MethodRuleFitfMethodRuleFit
Double_t fNEveEffTrain
UInt_t fNTreeSample
RuleEnsemble fRuleEnsemble
RuleFitParams fRuleFitParams
std::vector< const TMVA::Event * > fTrainingEvents
std::vector< const TMVA::Event * > fTrainingEventsRndm
Bool_t fVisHistsUseImp

Static Private Attributes

static const Int_t randSEED = 0

#include <TMVA/RuleFit.h>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RuleFit() [1/3]

TMVA::RuleFit::RuleFit ( const TMVA::MethodBase rfbase)


Definition at line 60 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ RuleFit() [2/3]

TMVA::RuleFit::RuleFit ( void  )

default constructor

Definition at line 71 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ ~RuleFit()

TMVA::RuleFit::~RuleFit ( void  )


Definition at line 85 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ RuleFit() [3/3]

TMVA::RuleFit::RuleFit ( const RuleFit other)

Member Function Documentation

◆ Boost()

void TMVA::RuleFit::Boost ( TMVA::DecisionTree dt)

Boost the events.

The algorithm below is the called AdaBoost. See MethodBDT for details. Actually, this is a more or less copy of MethodBDT::AdaBoost().

Definition at line 335 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ BuildTree()

void TMVA::RuleFit::BuildTree ( TMVA::DecisionTree dt)

build the decision tree using fNTreeSample events from fTrainingEventsRndm

Definition at line 196 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ CalcImportance()

void TMVA::RuleFit::CalcImportance ( )

calculates the importance of each rule

Definition at line 414 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ CalcWeightSum()

Double_t TMVA::RuleFit::CalcWeightSum ( const std::vector< const TMVA::Event *> *  events,
UInt_t  neve = 0 

calculate the sum of weights

Definition at line 171 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ Copy()

void TMVA::RuleFit::Copy ( const RuleFit other)

copy method

Definition at line 155 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ EvalEvent()

Double_t TMVA::RuleFit::EvalEvent ( const Event e)

evaluate single event

Definition at line 428 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ FillCorr()

void TMVA::RuleFit::FillCorr ( TH2F h2,
const TMVA::Rule rule,
Int_t  v1,
Int_t  v2 

fill rule correlation between vx and vy, weighted with either the importance or the coefficient

Definition at line 605 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ FillCut()

void TMVA::RuleFit::FillCut ( TH2F h2,
const TMVA::Rule rule,
Int_t  vind 

Fill cut.

Definition at line 530 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ FillLin()

void TMVA::RuleFit::FillLin ( TH2F h2,
Int_t  vind 

fill lin

Definition at line 581 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ FillVisHistCorr()

void TMVA::RuleFit::FillVisHistCorr ( const Rule rule,
std::vector< TH2F *> &  hlist 

help routine to MakeVisHists() - fills for all correlation plots

Definition at line 712 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ FillVisHistCut()

void TMVA::RuleFit::FillVisHistCut ( const Rule rule,
std::vector< TH2F *> &  hlist 

help routine to MakeVisHists() - fills for all variables

Definition at line 681 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ FitCoefficients()

void TMVA::RuleFit::FitCoefficients ( )

Fit the coefficients for the rule ensemble.

Definition at line 405 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ ForestStatistics()

void TMVA::RuleFit::ForestStatistics ( )

summary of statistics of all trees

  • end-nodes: average and spread

Definition at line 382 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ GetCorrVars()

Bool_t TMVA::RuleFit::GetCorrVars ( TString title,
TString var1,
TString var2 

get first and second variables from title

Definition at line 751 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ GetForest()

const std::vector< const TMVA::DecisionTree *>& TMVA::RuleFit::GetForest ( ) const

Definition at line 147 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ GetMethodBase()

const MethodBase* TMVA::RuleFit::GetMethodBase ( ) const

Definition at line 153 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ GetMethodRuleFit()

const MethodRuleFit* TMVA::RuleFit::GetMethodRuleFit ( ) const

Definition at line 152 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ GetNEveEff()

Double_t TMVA::RuleFit::GetNEveEff ( ) const

Definition at line 135 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ GetNTreeSample()

UInt_t TMVA::RuleFit::GetNTreeSample ( ) const

Definition at line 134 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ GetRndmSampleEvents()

void TMVA::RuleFit::GetRndmSampleEvents ( std::vector< const TMVA::Event * > &  evevec,
UInt_t  nevents 

draw a random subsample of the training events without replacement

Definition at line 463 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ GetRuleEnsemble()

const RuleEnsemble& TMVA::RuleFit::GetRuleEnsemble ( ) const

Definition at line 148 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ GetRuleEnsemblePtr()

RuleEnsemble* TMVA::RuleFit::GetRuleEnsemblePtr ( )

Definition at line 149 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ GetRuleFitParams()

const RuleFitParams& TMVA::RuleFit::GetRuleFitParams ( ) const

Definition at line 150 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ GetRuleFitParamsPtr()

RuleFitParams* TMVA::RuleFit::GetRuleFitParamsPtr ( )

Definition at line 151 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ GetTrainingEvent()

const Event* TMVA::RuleFit::GetTrainingEvent ( UInt_t  i) const

Definition at line 136 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ GetTrainingEvents()

const std::vector< const TMVA::Event * >& TMVA::RuleFit::GetTrainingEvents ( ) const

Definition at line 141 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ GetTrainingEventWeight()

Double_t TMVA::RuleFit::GetTrainingEventWeight ( UInt_t  i) const

Definition at line 137 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ Initialize()

void TMVA::RuleFit::Initialize ( const TMVA::MethodBase rfbase)

initialize the parameters of the RuleFit method and make rules

Definition at line 115 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ InitNEveEff()

void TMVA::RuleFit::InitNEveEff ( )

init effective number of events (using event weights)

Definition at line 93 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ InitPtrs()

void TMVA::RuleFit::InitPtrs ( const TMVA::MethodBase rfbase)

initialize pointers

Definition at line 105 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ Log()

MsgLogger& TMVA::RuleFit::Log ( ) const

Definition at line 177 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ MakeDebugHists()

void TMVA::RuleFit::MakeDebugHists ( )

this will create a histograms intended rather for debugging or for the curious user

Definition at line 935 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ MakeForest()

void TMVA::RuleFit::MakeForest ( )

make a forest of decisiontrees

Definition at line 217 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ MakeVisHists()

void TMVA::RuleFit::MakeVisHists ( )

this will create histograms visualizing the rule ensemble

Definition at line 774 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ NormVisHists()

void TMVA::RuleFit::NormVisHists ( std::vector< TH2F *> &  hlist)

normalize rule importance hists

if all weights are positive, the scale will be 1/maxweight if minimum weight < 0, then the scale will be 1/max(maxweight,abs(minweight))

Definition at line 483 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ ReshuffleEvents()

void TMVA::RuleFit::ReshuffleEvents ( )

Definition at line 72 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ RestoreEventWeights()

void TMVA::RuleFit::RestoreEventWeights ( )

save event weights - must be done before making the forest

Definition at line 317 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ SaveEventWeights()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SaveEventWeights ( )

save event weights - must be done before making the forest

Definition at line 305 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ SetGDNPathSteps()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetGDNPathSteps ( Int_t  n = 100)

Definition at line 119 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ SetGDPathStep()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetGDPathStep ( Double_t  s = 0.01)

Definition at line 118 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ SetGDTau()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetGDTau ( Double_t  t = 0.0)

Definition at line 117 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ SetImportanceCut()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetImportanceCut ( Double_t  minimp = 0)

Definition at line 113 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ SetMethodBase()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetMethodBase ( const MethodBase rfbase)

set MethodBase

Definition at line 146 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ SetModelFull()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetModelFull ( )

Definition at line 111 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ SetModelLinear()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetModelLinear ( )

Definition at line 107 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ SetModelRules()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetModelRules ( )

Definition at line 109 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ SetMsgType()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetMsgType ( EMsgType  t)

set the current message type to that of mlog for this class and all other subtools

Definition at line 186 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ SetRuleMinDist()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetRuleMinDist ( Double_t  d)

Definition at line 115 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ SetTrainingEvents()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetTrainingEvents ( const std::vector< const TMVA::Event *> &  el)

set the training events randomly

Definition at line 436 of file RuleFit.cxx.

◆ SetVisHistsUseImp()

void TMVA::RuleFit::SetVisHistsUseImp ( Bool_t  f)

Definition at line 121 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ UseCoefficientsVisHists()

void TMVA::RuleFit::UseCoefficientsVisHists ( )

Definition at line 123 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ UseImportanceVisHists()

void TMVA::RuleFit::UseImportanceVisHists ( )

Definition at line 122 of file RuleFit.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fEventWeights

std::vector<Double_t> TMVA::RuleFit::fEventWeights

Definition at line 165 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ fForest

std::vector< const TMVA::DecisionTree *> TMVA::RuleFit::fForest

Definition at line 169 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ fLogger

MsgLogger* TMVA::RuleFit::fLogger

Definition at line 176 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ fMethodBase

const MethodBase* TMVA::RuleFit::fMethodBase

Definition at line 173 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ fMethodRuleFit

const MethodRuleFit* TMVA::RuleFit::fMethodRuleFit

Definition at line 172 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ fNEveEffTrain

Double_t TMVA::RuleFit::fNEveEffTrain

Definition at line 168 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ fNTreeSample

UInt_t TMVA::RuleFit::fNTreeSample

Definition at line 166 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ fRuleEnsemble

RuleEnsemble TMVA::RuleFit::fRuleEnsemble

Definition at line 170 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ fRuleFitParams

RuleFitParams TMVA::RuleFit::fRuleFitParams

Definition at line 171 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ fTrainingEvents

std::vector<const TMVA::Event *> TMVA::RuleFit::fTrainingEvents

Definition at line 163 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ fTrainingEventsRndm

std::vector<const TMVA::Event *> TMVA::RuleFit::fTrainingEventsRndm

Definition at line 164 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ fVisHistsUseImp

Bool_t TMVA::RuleFit::fVisHistsUseImp

Definition at line 174 of file RuleFit.h.

◆ randSEED

const Int_t TMVA::RuleFit::randSEED = 0

Definition at line 179 of file RuleFit.h.

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