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calendar.C File Reference

This macro gives an example of how to use html widget to display tabular data. More...

Go to the source code of this file.

Detailed Description

This macro gives an example of how to use html widget to display tabular data.

To run it do either:

.x calendar.C
.x calendar.C++
#include "TDatime.h"
#include "TTimeStamp.h"
#include "TGComboBox.h"
#include "TGNumberEntry.h"
#include "TGLabel.h"
#include "TGColorSelect.h"
#include "TGHtml.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TColor.h"
/////////////////////////// HTML calendar //////////////////////////////////////
TString monthNames[12] = {"January", "February", "March", "April",
"May", "June", "July", "August", "September",
"October", "November", "December"};
class HtmlDayName {
public: // make them public for shorter code
TString fDay; // day name, e.g. "Sunday"
TString fAlign; // name align inside table cell
TString fBgColor; // cell background color
TString fFontSize; // text font size
TString fFontColor; // text color
TString fHtml; // HTML output code
HtmlDayName(const char *day);
virtual ~HtmlDayName() {}
TString Html() const { return fHtml; }
ClassDef(HtmlDayName, 0);
HtmlDayName::HtmlDayName(const char *day) : fDay(day), fAlign("middle"),
fBgColor("#000000"), fFontSize("4"), fFontColor("#FFFFFF")
// ctor.
fHtml += "<TH width=14%";
fHtml += " align=" + fAlign;
fHtml += " bgcolor=" + fBgColor + ">";
fHtml += "<font size=" + fFontSize;
fHtml += " color=" + fFontColor + ">";
fHtml += fDay;
fHtml += "</font></TH>\n";
class HtmlMonthTable {
public: // make them public for shorter code
Int_t fYear; // year
Int_t fMonth; // month
TString fBorder; // border width
TString fBgColor; // background color
TString fCellpadding; // cell padding
TString fCellFontSize; // cell font size
TString fCellBgcolor; // cell background color
TString fTodayColor; // background color of cell correspondent today date
TDatime fToday; // today's date
TString fHtml; // HTML output code
void Build();
void BuildDayNames();
void BuildDays();
HtmlMonthTable(Int_t year, Int_t month);
virtual ~HtmlMonthTable() {}
void SetDate(Int_t year, Int_t month);
TString Html() const { return fHtml; }
ClassDef(HtmlMonthTable, 0);
HtmlMonthTable::HtmlMonthTable(Int_t year, Int_t month) : fYear(year),
fMonth(month), fBorder("2"), fBgColor("#aaaaaa"), fCellpadding("5"),
fCellFontSize("3"), fCellBgcolor("#eeeeee"), fTodayColor("#ffff00")
// Constructor.
void HtmlMonthTable::SetDate(Int_t year, Int_t month)
// Set date.
fYear = year;
fMonth = month;
void HtmlMonthTable::Build()
// Build HTML code.
fHtml = "<TABLE width=100%";
fHtml += " border=" + fBorder;
fHtml += " bgcolor=" + fBgColor;
fHtml += " cellpadding=" + fCellpadding;
fHtml += "><TBODY>";
fHtml += "</TBODY></TABLE>\n";
void HtmlMonthTable::BuildDayNames()
// Build table header with day names.
fHtml += "<TR>";
fHtml += HtmlDayName("Sunday").Html();
fHtml += HtmlDayName("Monday").Html();
fHtml += HtmlDayName("Tuesday").Html();
fHtml += HtmlDayName("Wednesday").Html();
fHtml += HtmlDayName("Thursday").Html();
fHtml += HtmlDayName("Friday").Html();
fHtml += HtmlDayName("Saturday").Html();
fHtml += "</TR>\n";
void HtmlMonthTable::BuildDays()
// Build part of table with day numbers.
static Int_t maxdays[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
Int_t maxday = maxdays[fMonth-1];
if ((fMonth == 2) && TTimeStamp::IsLeapYear(fYear)) maxday = 29;
Int_t first = TTimeStamp::GetDayOfWeek(1, fMonth, fYear);
// fill html table
for (int week = 0; week < 6; week++) {
fHtml += "<TR>";
for (int weekday = 0; weekday < 7; weekday++) {//
Int_t day = week*7 + weekday - first + 1;
if ((day > maxday) && !weekday) break; //
fHtml += "<TD align=left width=14% ";
// hightlight today's cell
if ((fToday.GetYear() == fYear) &&
(fToday.GetMonth() == fMonth) &&
(fToday.GetDay() == day)) {
fHtml += " bgcolor=" + fTodayColor;
} else {
fHtml += " bgcolor=" + fCellBgcolor;
fHtml += ">";
//skip week days which are not of this month
if ((day <= 0) || (day > maxday)) {
fHtml += "&nbsp;</TD>";
fHtml += "<font size=" + fCellFontSize + ">";
fHtml += Form("%d", day);
fHtml += "</font></TD>\n";
fHtml += "</TR>\n";
class HtmlCalendar {
public: // make them public for shorter code
Int_t fYear; // year
Int_t fMonth; // month
HtmlMonthTable fMonthTable; // HTML table presenting month days
TString fHeader; // HTML header
TString fFooter; // HTML footer
TString fHtml; // output HTML string
TString fTitle; // page title
void MakeHeader();
void MakeFooter();
HtmlCalendar(Int_t year, Int_t month);
virtual ~HtmlCalendar() {}
void SetDate(Int_t year, Int_t month);
TString Html() const { return fHtml; }
ClassDef(HtmlCalendar, 0);
HtmlCalendar::HtmlCalendar(Int_t year, Int_t month) : fMonthTable(year, month)
// Constructor.
fYear = year;
fMonth = month;
fHtml = fHeader;
fHtml += fMonthTable.Html();
fHtml += fFooter;
void HtmlCalendar::SetDate(Int_t year, Int_t month)
// Create calendar for month/year.
fYear = year;
fMonth = month;
fMonthTable.SetDate(year, month);
fHtml = fHeader;
fHtml += fMonthTable.Html();
fHtml += fFooter;
void HtmlCalendar::MakeHeader()
// Make HTML header.
fTitle = monthNames[fMonth-1] + Form(" %d", fYear);
fHeader = "<html><head><title>";
fHeader += fTitle;
fHeader += "</title></head><body>\n";
fHeader += "<center><H2>" + fTitle + "</H2></center>";
void HtmlCalendar::MakeFooter()
// Make HTML footer.
fFooter = "<br><p><br><center><strong><font size=2 color=#2222ee>";
fFooter += "Example of using Html widget to display tabular data.";
fFooter += "</font></strong></center></body></html>";
//////////////////////// end of HTML calendar //////////////////////////////////
class CalendarWindow {
TGMainFrame *fMain; // main frame
HtmlCalendar *fHtmlText; // calendar HTML table
TGHtml *fHtml; // html widget to display HTML calendar
TGComboBox *fMonthBox; // month selector
TGNumberEntry *fYearEntry; // year selector
TGNumberEntry *fFontEntry; // font size selector
TGColorSelect *fTableColor; // selector of background color of table
TGColorSelect *fCellColor; // selector of background color of table's cells
virtual ~CalendarWindow();
void UpdateHTML();
ClassDef(CalendarWindow, 0);
// Destructor.
delete fHtmlText;
delete fMain;
// Main window.
fMain = new TGMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), 10, 10, kVerticalFrame);
fMain->SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); // delete all subframes on exit
// Controls
TGHorizontalFrame *controls = new TGHorizontalFrame(fMain);
fMain->AddFrame(controls, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, 1, 1, 1, 1));
// generate HTML calendar table
TDatime today;
fHtmlText = new HtmlCalendar(today.GetYear(), today.GetMonth());
// create HTML widget
fHtml = new TGHtml(fMain, 1, 1);
fMain->AddFrame(fHtml, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY,
5, 5, 2, 2));
// parse HTML context of HTML calendar table
TGLabel *dateLabel = new TGLabel(controls, "Date:");
5, 2, 2, 2));
fMonthBox = new TGComboBox(controls);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
fMonthBox->AddEntry(monthNames[i].Data(), i+1);
controls->AddFrame(fMonthBox, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5, 5, 2, 2));
fYearEntry = new TGNumberEntry(controls, today.GetYear(), 5, -1,
controls->AddFrame(fYearEntry, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5, 5, 2, 2));
fMonthBox->Resize(100, fYearEntry->GetHeight());
TGLabel *fontLabel = new TGLabel(controls, "Font Size:");
30, 2, 2, 2));
Int_t fontsize = atoi(fHtmlText->fMonthTable.fCellFontSize.Data());
fFontEntry = new TGNumberEntry(controls, fontsize, 2, -1,
controls->AddFrame(fFontEntry, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5, 5, 2, 2));
TGLabel *tableLabel = new TGLabel(controls, "Table:");
controls->AddFrame(tableLabel, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft|kLHintsCenterY,
5, 2, 2, 2));
Pixel_t color;
gClient->GetColorByName(fHtmlText->fMonthTable.fBgColor.Data(), color);
fTableColor = new TGColorSelect(controls, color);
controls->AddFrame(fTableColor, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft|kLHintsCenterY,
5, 2, 2, 2));
TGLabel *cellLabel = new TGLabel(controls, "Cell:");
5, 2, 2, 2));
gClient->GetColorByName(fHtmlText->fMonthTable.fCellBgcolor.Data(), color);
fCellColor = new TGColorSelect(controls, color);
controls->AddFrame(fCellColor, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft|kLHintsCenterY,
5, 2, 2, 2));
// connect signals
fMonthBox->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "CalendarWindow", this,
fYearEntry->GetNumberEntry()->Connect("TextChanged(char*)", "CalendarWindow",
this, "UpdateHTML()");
fFontEntry->GetNumberEntry()->Connect("TextChanged(char*)", "CalendarWindow",
this, "UpdateHTML()");
fTableColor->Connect("ColorSelected(Pixel_t)", "CalendarWindow", this,
fCellColor->Connect("ColorSelected(Pixel_t)", "CalendarWindow", this,
// terminate ROOT session when window is closed
fMain->Connect("CloseWindow()", "TApplication", gApplication, "Terminate()");
fMain->Resize(600, 333);
// set minimum size of main window
fMain->SetWMSizeHints(controls->GetDefaultWidth(), fMain->GetDefaultHeight(),
1000, 1000, 0 ,0);
TString title = "Calendar for ";
title += fHtmlText->fTitle;
void CalendarWindow::UpdateHTML()
// Update HTML table on user's input.
Int_t month = fMonthBox->GetSelected();
Int_t year = atoi(fYearEntry->GetNumberEntry()->GetText());
fHtmlText->fMonthTable.fCellFontSize = fFontEntry->GetNumberEntry()->GetText();
Pixel_t pixel = 0;
TColor *color = 0;
// table background
pixel = fTableColor->GetColor();
color = gROOT->GetColor(TColor::GetColor(pixel));
if (color) {
fHtmlText->fMonthTable.fBgColor = color->AsHexString();
// cell background
pixel = fCellColor->GetColor();
color = gROOT->GetColor(TColor::GetColor(pixel));
if (color) {
fHtmlText->fMonthTable.fCellBgcolor = color->AsHexString();
// update HTML context
fHtmlText->SetDate(year, month);
// parse new HTML context of HTML calendar table
// update window title
TString title = "Calendar for ";
title += fHtmlText->fTitle;
void calendar()
// Main program.
new CalendarWindow();
Valeriy Onuchin 24/08/2007

Definition in file calendar.C.