This is the complete list of members for TASImage, including all inherited members.
AbstractMethod(const char *method) const | TObject | |
AddToTObjectTable(TObject *) | TObject | privatestatic |
AlphaBlend(UInt_t bot, UInt_t top) | TASImage | static |
Append(const TImage *im, const char *option="+", const char *color="#00000000") override | TASImage | virtual |
AppendPad(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
BeginPaint(Bool_t fast=kTRUE) override | TASImage | virtual |
Bevel(Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0, const char *hi="#ffdddddd", const char *lo="#ff555555", UShort_t thick=1, Bool_t pressed=kFALSE) override | TASImage | virtual |
Blur(Double_t hr=3, Double_t vr=3) override | TASImage | virtual |
Browse(TBrowser *) override | TASImage | virtual |
CheckedHash() | TObject | inline |
Class() | TASImage | static |
Class_Name() | TASImage | static |
Class_Version() | TASImage | inlinestatic |
ClassName() const | TObject | virtual |
Clear(Option_t *option="") override | TNamed | virtual |
Clone(const char *newname) const override | TASImage | virtual |
Compare(const TObject *obj) const override | TNamed | virtual |
TNamed::Copy(TObject &named) const override | TNamed | virtual |
TAttImage::Copy(TAttImage &attline) const | TAttImage | |
CopyArea(TImage *dst, Int_t xsrc, Int_t ysrc, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, Int_t xdst=0, Int_t ydst=0, Int_t gfunc=3, EColorChan chan=kAllChan) override | TASImage | virtual |
Create() | TImage | static |
CreateThumbnail() | TASImage | private |
Crop(Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
CropPolygon(UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt) override | TASImage | virtual |
CropSpans(UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *widths) override | TASImage | virtual |
DeclFileName() | TASImage | inlinestatic |
Delete(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
DestroyImage() | TASImage | private |
DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) override | TASImage | virtual |
DoError(int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const | TObject | protectedvirtual |
Draw(Option_t *option="") override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawBox(Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1, Int_t mode=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawCellArray(Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, Int_t nx, Int_t ny, UInt_t *ic) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawCircle(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t r, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawClass() const | TObject | virtual |
DrawClone(Option_t *option="") const | TObject | virtual |
DrawCubeBezier(Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2, Int_t x3, Int_t y3, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawDashHLine(UInt_t y, UInt_t x1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick) | TASImage | private |
DrawDashLine(UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawDashVLine(UInt_t x, UInt_t y1, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick) | TASImage | private |
DrawDashZLine(UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col) | TASImage | private |
DrawDashZTLine(UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t nDash, const char *pDash, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick) | TASImage | private |
DrawEllips(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t rx, Int_t ry, Int_t angle, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawEllips2(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t rx, Int_t ry, Int_t angle, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawFillArea(UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, const char *col="#000000", const char *stipple=nullptr, UInt_t w=16, UInt_t h=16) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawFillArea(UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, TImage *tile) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawGlyph(void *bitmap, UInt_t color, Int_t x, Int_t y) | TASImage | private |
DrawHLine(UInt_t y, UInt_t x1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick) | TASImage | private |
DrawLine(UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawLineInternal(UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick) | TASImage | private |
DrawPolyLine(UInt_t nn, TPoint *xy, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1, TImage::ECoordMode mode=kCoordModeOrigin) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawRectangle(UInt_t x, UInt_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawSegments(UInt_t nseg, Segment_t *seg, const char *col="#000000", UInt_t thick=1) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawStraightEllips(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t rx, Int_t ry, const char *col="#000000", Int_t thick=1) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawText(Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, const char *text="", Int_t size=12, const char *color=nullptr, const char *font="fixed", EText3DType type=TImage::kPlain, const char *fore_file=nullptr, Float_t angle=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawText(TText *text, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
DrawTextTTF(Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *text, Int_t size, UInt_t color, const char *font_name, Float_t angle) | TASImage | private |
DrawVLine(UInt_t x, UInt_t y1, UInt_t y2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick) | TASImage | private |
DrawWideLine(UInt_t x1, UInt_t y1, UInt_t x2, UInt_t y2, UInt_t col, UInt_t thick) | TASImage | private |
Dump() const | TObject | virtual |
ECharType enum name | TImage | |
EColorChan enum name | TImage | |
ECoordMode enum name | TImage | |
EDeprecatedStatusBits enum name | TObject | |
EditorClosed() | TAttImage | inlinevirtual |
EImageFileTypes enum name | TImage | |
EImageQuality enum name | TAttImage | |
EndPaint() override | TASImage | virtual |
Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
EStatusBits enum name | TObject | |
EText3DType enum name | TImage | |
ETileType enum name | TImage | |
Execute(const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=nullptr) | TObject | virtual |
Execute(TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=nullptr) | TObject | virtual |
ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) override | TASImage | virtual |
Fatal(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
fBits | TObject | private |
fConstRatio | TAttImage | protected |
fEditable | TASImage | protected |
fgDtorOnly | TObject | privatestatic |
fgInit | TASImage | protectedstatic |
fgObjectStat | TObject | privatestatic |
fgPlugList | TASImage | protectedstatic |
fGrayImage | TASImage | protected |
fgVisual | TASImage | protectedstatic |
FillBuffer(char *&buffer) | TNamed | virtual |
FillPolygon(UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, const char *col="#000000", const char *stipple=nullptr, UInt_t w=16, UInt_t h=16) override | TASImage | virtual |
FillPolygon(UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, TImage *tile) override | TASImage | virtual |
FillRectangle(const char *col=nullptr, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
FillRectangleInternal(UInt_t col, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height) | TASImage | private |
FillSpans(UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *widths, const char *col="#000000", const char *stipple=nullptr, UInt_t w=16, UInt_t h=16) override | TASImage | virtual |
FillSpans(UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *widths, TImage *tile) override | TASImage | virtual |
fImage | TASImage | protected |
fImageCompression | TAttImage | protected |
fImageQuality | TAttImage | protected |
FindObject(const char *name) const | TObject | virtual |
FindObject(const TObject *obj) const | TObject | virtual |
fIsGray | TASImage | protected |
Flip(Int_t flip=180) override | TASImage | virtual |
FloodFill(Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *col, const char *min_col, const char *max_col=nullptr) override | TASImage | virtual |
fMaxValue | TASImage | protected |
fMinValue | TASImage | protected |
fName | TNamed | protected |
fPaintMode | TASImage | protected |
fPalette | TAttImage | protected |
fPaletteEditor | TAttImage | protected |
fPaletteEnabled | TAttImage | protected |
FromGLBuffer(UChar_t *buf, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) override | TASImage | virtual |
FromPad(TVirtualPad *pad, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
FromWindow(Drawable_t wid, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
fScaledImage | TASImage | protected |
fTitle | TNamed | protected |
fUniqueID | TObject | private |
fZoomHeight | TASImage | protected |
fZoomOffX | TASImage | protected |
fZoomOffY | TASImage | protected |
fZoomUpdate | TASImage | protected |
fZoomWidth | TASImage | protected |
GetArgbArray() override | TASImage | virtual |
GetArray(UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0, TImagePalette *pal=gWebImagePalette) override | TASImage | virtual |
GetConstRatio() const | TAttImage | inline |
GetDrawOption() const | TObject | virtual |
GetDtorOnly() | TObject | static |
GetFileType(const char *ext) | TASImage | protected |
GetFillAreaSpans(UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *nspans, TPoint **firstPoint, UInt_t **firstWidth) | TASImage | private |
GetHeight() const override | TASImage | virtual |
GetIconName() const override | TASImage | inlinevirtual |
GetImage() const | TASImage | inline |
GetImageBuffer(char **buffer, int *size, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kPng) override | TASImage | virtual |
GetImageCompression() const | TAttImage | inline |
GetImageFileTypeFromFilename(const char *opt) | TImage | static |
GetImageQuality() const | TAttImage | inline |
GetMask() override | TASImage | virtual |
GetName() const override | TNamed | inlinevirtual |
GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const override | TASImage | virtual |
GetObjectStat() | TObject | static |
GetOption() const | TObject | inlinevirtual |
GetPalette() const | TAttImage | inlinevirtual |
GetPixels(Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
GetPixmap() override | TASImage | virtual |
GetPolygonSpans(UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, UInt_t *nspans, TPoint **firstPoint, UInt_t **firstWidth) | TASImage | private |
GetRgbaArray() override | TASImage | virtual |
GetScaledHeight() const | TASImage | |
GetScaledImage() const override | TASImage | inlinevirtual |
GetScaledWidth() const | TASImage | |
GetScanline(UInt_t y) override | TASImage | virtual |
GetTitle() const override | TASImage | virtual |
GetUniqueID() const | TObject | virtual |
GetVecArray() override | TASImage | virtual |
GetVisual() | TASImage | static |
GetWidth() const override | TASImage | virtual |
GetZoomPosition(UInt_t &x, UInt_t &y, UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h) const | TASImage | |
Gradient(UInt_t angle=0, const char *colors="#FFFFFF #000000", const char *offsets=nullptr, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
Gray(Bool_t on=kTRUE) override | TASImage | virtual |
HandleTimer(TTimer *timer) | TObject | virtual |
Hash() const override | TNamed | inlinevirtual |
HasInconsistentHash() const | TObject | inline |
HSV(UInt_t hue=0, UInt_t radius=360, Int_t H=0, Int_t S=0, Int_t V=0, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t width=0, UInt_t height=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
Idx(Int_t idx) | TASImage | inlineprivate |
Image2Drawable(ASImage *im, Drawable_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t xsrc=0, Int_t ysrc=0, UInt_t wsrc=0, UInt_t hsrc=0, Option_t *opt="") | TASImage | static |
Info(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
InheritsFrom(const char *classname) const | TObject | virtual |
InheritsFrom(const TClass *cl) const | TObject | virtual |
InitVisual() | TASImage | protectedstatic |
Inspect() const | TObject | virtual |
InvertBit(UInt_t f) | TObject | inline |
IsA() const override | TASImage | inlinevirtual |
IsDestructed() const | TObject | inline |
IsEditable() const override | TASImage | inlinevirtual |
IsEqual(const TObject *obj) const | TObject | virtual |
IsFolder() const | TObject | virtual |
IsGray() const override | TASImage | inlinevirtual |
IsOnHeap() const | TObject | inline |
IsPaletteEnabled() const | TAttImage | inline |
IsSortable() const override | TNamed | inlinevirtual |
IsValid() const override | TASImage | inlinevirtual |
IsZombie() const | TObject | inline |
k3DTypes enum value | TImage | |
kAllChan enum value | TImage | |
kAlphaChan enum value | TImage | |
kAnimGif enum value | TImage | |
kBitMask enum value | TObject | |
kBlueChan enum value | TImage | |
kBmp enum value | TImage | |
kCanDelete enum value | TObject | |
kCannotPick enum value | TObject | |
kChar enum value | TImage | |
kCoordModeOrigin enum value | TImage | |
kCoordModePrevious enum value | TImage | |
kCur enum value | TImage | |
kEmbossed enum value | TImage | |
kEmbossedThick enum value | TImage | |
kFits enum value | TImage | |
kGif enum value | TImage | |
kGreenChan enum value | TImage | |
kGZCompressedXpm enum value | TImage | |
kHasUUID enum value | TObject | |
kIco enum value | TImage | |
kImgBest enum value | TAttImage | |
kImgDefault enum value | TAttImage | |
kImgFast enum value | TAttImage | |
kImgGood enum value | TAttImage | |
kImgPoor enum value | TAttImage | |
kInconsistent enum value | TObject | |
kInvalidObject enum value | TObject | |
kIsOnHeap enum value | TObject | |
kIsReferenced enum value | TObject | |
kJpeg enum value | TImage | |
kMustCleanup enum value | TObject | |
kNoContextMenu enum value | TObject | |
kNotDeleted enum value | TObject | |
kNoZoom enum value | TASImage | private |
kObjInCanvas enum value | TObject | |
kOnlyPrepStep enum value | TObject | protected |
kOutlineAbove enum value | TImage | |
kOutlineBelow enum value | TImage | |
kOutlineFull enum value | TImage | |
kOverwrite enum value | TObject | |
kPlain enum value | TImage | |
kPng enum value | TImage | |
kPnm enum value | TImage | |
kPpm enum value | TImage | |
kReadWritePNG enum value | TASImage | private |
kReadWriteVector enum value | TASImage | private |
kRedChan enum value | TImage | |
kShadeAbove enum value | TImage | |
kShadeBelow enum value | TImage | |
kSingleKey enum value | TObject | |
kStretch enum value | TImage | |
kStretchX enum value | TImage | |
kStretchY enum value | TImage | |
kSunken enum value | TImage | |
kSunkenThick enum value | TImage | |
kTga enum value | TImage | |
kTiff enum value | TImage | |
kTile enum value | TImage | |
kUnicode enum value | TImage | |
kUnknown enum value | TImage | |
kUTF8 enum value | TImage | |
kWriteDelete enum value | TObject | |
kXbm enum value | TImage | |
kXcf enum value | TImage | |
kXml enum value | TImage | |
kXpm enum value | TImage | |
kZCompressedXpm enum value | TImage | |
kZombie enum value | TObject | |
kZoom enum value | TASImage | private |
kZoomOps enum value | TASImage | private |
ls(Option_t *option="") const override | TImage | virtual |
MakeZombie() | TObject | inlineprotected |
MapFileTypes(EImageFileTypes &type, UInt_t &astype, Bool_t toas=kTRUE) | TASImage | protected |
MapQuality(EImageQuality &quality, UInt_t &asquality, Bool_t toas=kTRUE) | TASImage | protected |
MayNotUse(const char *method) const | TObject | |
Merge(const TImage *im, const char *op="alphablend", Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
Mirror(Bool_t vert=kTRUE) override | TASImage | virtual |
Notify() | TObject | virtual |
Obsolete(const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const | TObject | |
Open(const char *file, EImageFileTypes type=kUnknown) | TImage | static |
Open(char **data) | TImage | static |
Open(const char *name, const Double_t *imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette *palette) | TImage | static |
Open(const char *name, const TArrayD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=nullptr) | TImage | static |
Open(const char *name, const TVectorD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=nullptr) | TImage | static |
operator delete(void *ptr) | TObject | |
operator delete(void *ptr, void *vp) | TObject | |
operator delete[](void *ptr) | TObject | |
operator delete[](void *ptr, void *vp) | TObject | |
operator new(size_t sz) | TObject | inline |
operator new(size_t sz, void *vp) | TObject | inline |
operator new[](size_t sz) | TObject | inline |
operator new[](size_t sz, void *vp) | TObject | inline |
operator+=(const TImage &i) | TImage | inline |
operator/=(const TImage &i) | TImage | inline |
operator=(const TASImage &img) | TASImage | |
TImage::operator=(const TImage &img) | TImage | inline |
TNamed::operator=(const TNamed &rhs) | TNamed | |
TObject::operator=(const TObject &rhs) | TObject | inline |
Pad(const char *color="#00FFFFFF", UInt_t left=0, UInt_t right=0, UInt_t top=0, UInt_t bottom=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
Paint(Option_t *option="") override | TASImage | virtual |
PaintImage(Drawable_t wid, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t xsrc=0, Int_t ysrc=0, UInt_t wsrc=0, UInt_t hsrc=0, Option_t *opt="") override | TASImage | virtual |
PolyPoint(UInt_t npt, TPoint *ppt, const char *col="#000000", TImage::ECoordMode mode=kCoordModeOrigin) override | TASImage | virtual |
Pop() | TObject | virtual |
Print(Option_t *option="") const override | TNamed | virtual |
PutPixel(Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *col="#000000") override | TASImage | virtual |
Read(const char *name) | TObject | virtual |
ReadImage(const char *file, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kUnknown) override | TASImage | virtual |
RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj) | TObject | virtual |
ResetAttImage(Option_t *option="") | TAttImage | virtual |
ResetBit(UInt_t f) | TObject | inline |
SaveAs(const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const | TObject | virtual |
SaveImageAttributes(std::ostream &out, const char *name, EImageQuality qualdef=kImgDefault, UInt_t comprdef=0, Bool_t constRatiodef=kTRUE) | TAttImage | virtual |
SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="") override | TASImage | virtual |
SavePrimitiveConstructor(std::ostream &out, TClass *cl, const char *variable_name, const char *constructor_agrs="", Bool_t empty_line=kTRUE) | TObject | protectedstatic |
SavePrimitiveNameTitle(std::ostream &out, const char *variable_name) | TNamed | protected |
Scale(UInt_t width, UInt_t height) override | TASImage | virtual |
SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set) | TObject | |
SetBit(UInt_t f) | TObject | inline |
SetConstRatio(Bool_t constRatio=kTRUE) | TAttImage | virtual |
SetDefaults() | TASImage | private |
SetDrawOption(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
SetDtorOnly(void *obj) | TObject | static |
SetEditable(Bool_t on=kTRUE) override | TASImage | inlinevirtual |
SetImage(const Double_t *imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette *palette=nullptr) override | TASImage | virtual |
SetImage(const TArrayD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=nullptr) override | TASImage | virtual |
SetImage(const TVectorD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=nullptr) override | TASImage | virtual |
SetImage(Pixmap_t pxm, Pixmap_t mask=0) override | TASImage | virtual |
SetImage(ASImage *image) | TASImage | inline |
SetImageBuffer(char **buffer, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kPng) override | TASImage | virtual |
SetImageCompression(UInt_t lcompression) | TAttImage | inlinevirtual |
SetImageQuality(EImageQuality lquality) | TAttImage | inlinevirtual |
SetJpegDpi(const char *name, UInt_t dpi=72) | TASImage | |
SetName(const char *name) | TNamed | virtual |
SetNameTitle(const char *name, const char *title) | TNamed | virtual |
SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat) | TObject | static |
SetPalette(const TImagePalette *palette) override | TASImage | virtual |
SetPaletteEnabled(Bool_t on=kTRUE) override | TASImage | virtual |
SetTitle(const char *title="") override | TASImage | virtual |
SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid) | TObject | virtual |
Sizeof() const | TNamed | virtual |
Slice(UInt_t xStart, UInt_t xEnd, UInt_t yStart, UInt_t yEnd, UInt_t toWidth, UInt_t toHeight) override | TASImage | virtual |
StartPaletteEditor() override | TASImage | virtual |
Streamer(TBuffer &) override | TASImage | virtual |
StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer &ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b) | TASImage | inline |
SysError(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
TASImage() | TASImage | |
TASImage(UInt_t w, UInt_t h) | TASImage | |
TASImage(const char *file, EImageFileTypes type=kUnknown) | TASImage | |
TASImage(const char *name, const Double_t *imageData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, TImagePalette *palette=nullptr) | TASImage | |
TASImage(const char *name, const TArrayD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=nullptr) | TASImage | |
TASImage(const char *name, const TVectorD &imageData, UInt_t width, TImagePalette *palette=nullptr) | TASImage | |
TASImage(const TASImage &img) | TASImage | |
TAttImage() | TAttImage | |
TAttImage(EImageQuality lquality, UInt_t lcompression, Bool_t constRatio) | TAttImage | |
TestBit(UInt_t f) const | TObject | inline |
TestBits(UInt_t f) const | TObject | inline |
Tile(UInt_t width, UInt_t height) override | TASImage | virtual |
TImage(const char *file) | TImage | inlineprotected |
TImage() | TImage | inlineprotected |
TImage(const TImage &img) | TImage | inline |
TImage(UInt_t, UInt_t) | TImage | inline |
TNamed() | TNamed | inline |
TNamed(const char *name, const char *title) | TNamed | inline |
TNamed(const TString &name, const TString &title) | TNamed | inline |
TNamed(const TNamed &named) | TNamed | |
TObject() | TObject | inline |
TObject(const TObject &object) | TObject | inline |
TypeFromMagicNumber(const char *file) | TASImage | private |
UnZoom() override | TASImage | virtual |
UseCurrentStyle() | TObject | virtual |
Vectorize(UInt_t max_colors=256, UInt_t dither=4, Int_t opaque_threshold=1) override | TASImage | virtual |
Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
Write(const char *name=nullptr, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) | TObject | virtual |
Write(const char *name=nullptr, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const | TObject | virtual |
WriteImage(const char *file, EImageFileTypes type=TImage::kUnknown) override | TASImage | virtual |
Zoom(UInt_t offX, UInt_t offY, UInt_t width, UInt_t height) override | TASImage | virtual |
~TASImage() override | TASImage | |
~TAttImage() | TAttImage | virtual |
~TImage() override | TImage | inline |
~TNamed() | TNamed | virtual |
~TObject() | TObject | virtual |