58 void printName(std::ostream& os)
const override ;
59 void printTitle(std::ostream& os)
const override ;
70 double average(
double lo,
double hi)
const ;
84 double Z,
double& lo,
const ;
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
static void indent(ostringstream &buf, int indent_level)
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void value
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x2
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x1
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char y2
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char y1
Abstract interface for evaluating a real-valued function of one real variable and performing numerica...
Abstract base class for objects that represent a real value that may appear on the left hand side of ...
Abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements functionality common to al...
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
One-dimensional graphical representation of a real-valued function.
void printTitle(std::ostream &os) const override
Print the title of this curve.
void initialize()
Perform initialization that is common to all curves.
double getFitRangeBinW() const override
Get the bin width associated with this plotable object.
static constexpr double relativeXEpsilon()
The distance between two points x1 and x2 relative to the full plot range below which two points are ...
void addRange(const RooAbsFunc &func, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double minDy, double minDx, int numee, bool doEEVal, double eeVal, double epsilon)
Fill the range (x1,x2) with points calculated using func(&x).
void printName(std::ostream &os) const override
Print name of object.
void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t contents, bool verbose=false, TString indent="") const override
Print the details of this curve.
double interpolate(double x, double tolerance=1e-10) const
Return linearly interpolated value of curve at xvalue.
static std::list< double > * plotSamplingHintForBinBoundaries(std::span< const double > boundaries, double xlo, double xhi)
Returns sampling hints for a histogram with given boundaries.
void printClassName(std::ostream &os) const override
Print the class name of this curve.
void Print(Option_t *options=nullptr) const override
This method must be overridden when a class wants to print itself.
Default constructor.
bool _showProgress
! Show progress indication when adding points
RooCurve * makeErrorBand(const std::vector< RooCurve * > &variations, double Z=1) const
Construct filled RooCurve represented error band that captures alpha% of the variations of the curves...
double chiSquare(const RooHist &hist, int nFitParam) const
Calculate the chi^2/NDOF of this curve with respect to the histogram 'hist' accounting nFitParam floa...
void calcBandInterval(const std::vector< RooCurve * > &variations, Int_t i, double Z, double &lo, double &hi, bool approxGauss) const
double getFitRangeNEvt() const override
Return the number of events associated with the plotable object, it is always 1 for curves.
void shiftCurveToZero()
Find lowest point in curve and move all points in curve so that lowest point will go exactly through ...
void addPoint(double x, double y)
Add a point with the specified coordinates. Update our y-axis limits.
bool isIdentical(const RooCurve &other, double tol=1e-6, bool verbose=true) const
Return true if curve is identical to other curve allowing for given absolute tolerance on each point ...
Int_t findPoint(double value, double tolerance=1e-10) const
Find the nearest point to xvalue.
double average(double lo, double hi) const
Return average curve value in [xFirst,xLast] by integrating curve between points and dividing by xLas...
Graphical representation of binned data based on the TGraphAsymmErrors class.
Class RooPotable is a base class for objects that can be inserted into RooPlots and take advantage of...
virtual StyleOption defaultPrintStyle(Option_t *opt) const
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t *opt) const
Default choice of contents to be printed (name and value)
static std::ostream & defaultPrintStream(std::ostream *os=nullptr)
Return a reference to the current default stream to use in Print().
virtual void printStream(std::ostream &os, Int_t contents, StyleOption style, TString indent="") const
Print description of object on ostream, printing contents set by contents integer,...
Variable that can be changed from the outside.
A TGraph is an object made of two arrays X and Y with npoints each.