[ROOT] how to use TROOT::ProcessLine()

From: tcli (tcli@ic.sunysb.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 13 2003 - 22:01:49 MEST

Dear root users,
      I want to use TROOT::ProcessLine() to execute multiple scripts
with some conditions from a single top script. The user guide v3.05
simply mentions the name of this method and says it can be used for this
purpose. It also mentions an example from
$ROOTSYS/tutorials/cernstaff.C. I went through the cernstaff.C file, but
it only demonstrates how to create and fill a tree, set branches,etc,
including nothing on how to use TROOT::ProcessLine().
      I seached in "root.cern.ch", finding only this:

"ProcessLine(const char* line, Int_t* error = 0)"


"void ProcessLine(const char *line, Int_t *error)

 Process interpreter command via TApplication::ProcessLine().
 On Win32 the line will be processed a-synchronously by sending
 it to the CINT interpreter thread. For explicit synchrounous processing
 use ProcessLineSync(). On non-Win32 platforms there is not difference
 between ProcessLine() and ProcessLineSync().
 The possible error codes are defined by TInterpreter::EErrorCode.  In
 particular, error will equal to TInterpreter::kProcessing until the
 CINT interpreted thread has finished executing the line."

     The second long explantion includes no examples on how to use

      Then I tried to do the following on the root prompt:
root[] .L myfile.C
root[] gROOT.ProcessLine("myfile.C")

but root says "..Symbol myfile is not defined in current scope ...". So
I have no idea on how to use it. Can anyone kindly help me?

The version of ROOT I am using is 3.05/04.

Thanks in advance!


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